Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) vs Cisco Secure Endpoint comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Cisco ISE (Identity Service...
Ranking in Cisco Security Portfolio
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Access Control (NAC) (1st)
Cisco Secure Endpoint
Ranking in Cisco Security Portfolio
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (11th), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) (9th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cisco Security Portfolio category, the mindshare of Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) is 22.4%, up from 16.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Cisco Secure Endpoint is 7.1%, up from 5.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cisco Security Portfolio
Unique Categories:
Network Access Control (NAC)
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Featured Reviews

Rohit-Joshi - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 3, 2023
Enables us to ensure that any machine that comes into the network is patched and secure
Posturing is the most valuable feature. There are other tools available that can do some of their other features, like network authentication. The posturing was something because of the nature of the industry that we are in. There are people who go outside for work. Their machines are at times not in the network, and not patched properly. We don't know when they're going to come back, whether it is in a good state, whether it has antivirus, whether it's installed on those machines. Posturing is something that we have made our baseline policy that whenever a machine comes back to our network, it should have a certain level of the operating system and a level of security and antivirus installed. We couldn't have done this posturing without Cisco ISE. This is its greatest feature. It does help me to detect and remediate my network. It enables me to detect any external threat that comes to my network and remediate. If a machine comes into my network that does not qualify per my baseline policy, I have a policy that the machine gets redirected to where it can be patched and remediated. I can ensure that it is fully patched and secure. The entire idea of having ISE is to enhance cybersecurity resilience. The zero trust architecture was coined by the cybersecurity team itself. It was a task given to us in the infrastructure space to see how we can bring resilience into the cybersecurity network and ISE was the solution.
Apr 9, 2023
Provides behavioral analytics and works on all types of devices and endpoints
Most of the customers don't even know that they are more secure. It's like they expect to be secure, but the moment we have a big threat from the outside, they will see and they will know that we are far faster and better able to protect them and react to threats from the outside. Cisco Secure has saved us time, especially the SecureX platform has helped us to automate certain processes and do analytics. That prevents us from taking each individual part of the logging. They have the intelligence in there to do the first check for us, and that saves a lot of time. There is a reduction in operating expenditures but not only from the Secure perspective. Our full stack is based on Cisco, so we leverage the full integration part of that. We have our compute, we have our networking, and we have our security, and that makes it easier because you have less interfaces with different products. From a technical perspective, I would rate it quite high for securing our infrastructure from end to end. From a behavioral perspective, in terms of the end customers leveraging it, there's still a little bit of work to do because we need to help the end customers to be more aware of what they're doing. On the endpoint for a user, they don't exactly see what is happening. From a visual perspective, you also want to have a feeling that you're safe or you get some tips or tricks to be safer, but for the most important part, which is the technical part, I would rate it very high. We really trust Cisco.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The interface is pretty easy to use."
"For device administration, all devices have multifactor authentication in collaboration with IT, so it secures access to all of our devices. For guest and wireless access, it's a matter of a lowly manager who we give access to the portal and he can assign access to the guests, so it's a very simple process now. It keeps the IT focusing on their work, and gives the business people the right access."
"Being able to authenticate wired users through 802.1X is valuable as it enhances our security."
"The authorization and accounts inside of ISE are very useful for us."
"Profiling is one of the most valuable features. We have a lot of different devices between cameras, access points, and laptops that get plugged in."
"The RADIUS Server holds the most value."
"It's scalable."
"Cisco ISE integrates with everything else."
"The product's initial setup phase was very simple."
"The biggest lesson that I have learned from using this product is that there is a lot more malware slipping through my email filters than I expected."
"The visibility and insight this solution gives you into threats is pretty granular. It has constant monitoring. You can get onto the device trajectory to look at a threat, but you can also see what happened prior to the threat. You can see what happened after the threat. You can see what other applications were incorporated into the execution of the threat. For example, you have the event, but you see that the event was launched by Google Chrome, which was launched by something else. Then, after the event, something else was launched by whatever the threat was. Therefore, it gives you great detail, a timeline, and continuity of events leading up to whatever the incident is, and then, after. This helps you understand and nail down what the threat is and how to fix it."
"Its most valuable features are its scalability and advanced threat protection for customers."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is its technical support."
"The console feature gives a centralized management of what's going on, and if something happens, it gives you an alert. So, that's the most important feature for me."
"There are several valuable features including strong prevention and exceptional reporting capabilities."
"Device Trajectory is one of the most valuable features. We're able to dig in and really understand how things came to be and where to focus our efforts."


"The upgrades could be better. Every time we try to do an upgrade, we have problems. It's a pain."
"Cisco ISE is very complex and not very easy to deploy."
"An issue with the product is it tends to have a lot of bugs whenever they release a new release."
"There can be a little bit more integration between the controller management and ISE. There are two dashboards, you have the controller dashboards, and you have the ISE dashboard it would is a way to maybe integrate that into one. That would be great. It's not that bad. It would be easier if it could be combined into one dashboard."
"The pricing and licensing structure are not ideal for customers."
"I think some areas where ISE could be better are perhaps in the number of integrations that they offer from a virtual standpoint, as well as having a better and more comprehensive pathway for the customer to go from a physical environment to a virtual one."
"The user interface can be improved."
"The admin interface is really slow. It's horrible."
"The Linux agent is a simple offline classic agent, and it doesn't support Secure Boot, which is important to have on a Linux machine. The Linux agent has conflicts with other solutions, including the Exploit Prevention system found in Windows servers. We didn't find a fix during troubleshooting, and Cisco couldn't offer one either. Eventually, we had to shut down the Exploit Prevention system. We didn't like that as we always want a solution that can fit smoothly into the setup without causing problems, especially where security is concerned. The tool also caused CPU spikes on our production machine, and we were seriously considering moving to another product."
"Its price is okay for us, but it can always be better. There's always room for improvement when it comes to pricing."
"It's pretty good as it is, but its cost could be improved."
"Maybe there is room for improvement in some of the automated remediation. We have other tools in place that AMP feeds into that allow for that to happen, so I look at it as one seamless solution. But if you're buying AMP all by itself, I don't know if it can remove malicious software after the fact or if it requires the other tools that we use to do some of that."
"In the next version of this solution, I would like to see the addition of local authentication."
"It cannot currently block URLs over websites."
"One of the things that Cisco Secure Endpoint really needs is that it's not just Secure Endpoint, it's a point product, and I think we really need to move into solution-based selling, designing, and architecting. So that we're not worried about putting things on endpoints and selling 'x' amount of endpoints, but to provide a solution that covers all of the remote access and sell them as solutions that cover multiple things."
"It does not include encryption and decryption of local file shares."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Cybersecurity resilience has been very important to our organization and has been a big factor. We've had issues in the past, but one of the things I like about ISE is its logging features. Security wise or information wise, it really has been a powerful tool."
"Licensing has got much simpler since Cisco moved to the DNA model because we just have the three tiers, but it could always stand to be improved upon."
"It is fair."
"I would rate the pricing an eight out of ten, one being cheap and ten being expensive."
"ISE has always been expensive compared to other products in terms of what it does on a user level."
"The solution’s pricing is okay."
"The SMARTnet technical support is available at an additional cost."
"Hardware appliances are expensive...Now moving to DNA-styled licensing, we have subscription-based licensing for everything. I hope it will continue to be fair, but we will have to wait and see."
"The solution is highly affordable; I believe we pay $2 or $3 per endpoint. It's significantly cheaper than the competitors on the market."
"It can always be cheaper."
"Whenever you are doing the licensing process, I would highly advise to look at what other Cisco solutions you have in your organization, then evaluate if an Enterprise Agreement is the best way to go. In our case, it was the best way to go. Since we had so many other Cisco products, we were able to tie those in. We were actually able to get several Cisco security solutions for less than if we had bought three or four Cisco security solutions independently or ad hoc."
"The pricing and licensing are reasonable. The cost of AMP for Endpoints is inline with all the other software that has a monthly endpoint cost. It might be a little bit higher than other antivirus type products, but we're only talking about a dollar a month per user. I don't see that cost as being an issue if it's going to give us the confidence and security that we're looking for. We have had a lot of success and happiness with what we're using, so there's no point in changing."
"The price is very good."
"We had faced some license issues, but it has been improved. At the beginning of the implementation, we faced a lot of licensing issues, but now, we have EA licensing, which gives us an opportunity to grow."
"Cisco Secure Endpoint is not too expensive and it's not cheap. It's quite fair."
"The visibility that we have into the endpoint and the forensics that we're able to collect give us value for the price. This is not an overly expensive solution, considering all the things that are provided. You get great performance and value for the cost."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which is better - Aruba Clearpass or Cisco ISE?
Aruba ClearPass is a Network Access Control tool that gives secure network access to multiple device types. You can adapt the policies to VPN access, wired, or wireless access. You can securely ...
What are the main differences between Cisco ISE and Forescout Platform?
OK, so Cisco ISE uses 802.1X to secure switchports against unauthorized access. The drawback of this is that ISE cannot secure the port if a device does not support 802.1x. Cameras, badge readers, ...
How does Cisco ISE compare with Fortinet FortiNAC?
Cisco ISE uses AI endpoint analytics to identify new devices based on their behavior. It will also notify you if someone plugs in with a device that is not allowed and will block it. The user exper...

Also Known As

Cisco ISE
Cisco AMP for Endpoints

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Sample Customers

Aegean Motorway, BC Hydro, Beachbody, Bucks County Intermediate Unit , Cisco IT, Derby City Council, Global Banking Customer, Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha, Houston Methodist, Linz AG, London Hydro, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Molina Healthcare, MST Systems, New South Wales Rural Fire Service, Reykjavik University, Wildau University
Heritage Bank, Mobile County Schools, NHL University, Thunder Bay Regional, Yokogawa Electric, Sam Houston State University, First Financial Bank
Find out what your peers are saying about Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine) vs. Cisco Secure Endpoint and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.