Cisco HyperFlex HX-Series [EOL] vs Dell PowerFlex comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

StarWind Virtual SAN
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Software Defined Storage (SDS) (1st), HCI (4th)
Cisco HyperFlex HX-Series [...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Dell PowerFlex
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
HCI (7th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the HCI category, the mindshare of StarWind Virtual SAN is 2.1%, up from 1.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Cisco HyperFlex HX-Series [EOL] is 1.9%, down from 6.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Dell PowerFlex is 14.1%, up from 7.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
Software Defined Storage (SDS)
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Mar 8, 2024
Good monitoring and configuring capabilities but disaster recovery documentation is sparse
My impression has been mostly positive. However, there have been some pitfalls. For example, it runs until it does not - and disaster recovery documentation is sparse and mostly unclear. This consequently follows a long learning curve and can take some time until this can be done efficiently. The feature log-structured file system has been removed. While I have not used it, I know some colleagues who have reported some performance benefits under certain circumstances. Additionally, vSAN does not offer extended SAN features like inline deduplication, compression, or S3-compatible access, which is part of most modern SAN feature sets, also in hyper-converged scenarios.
Md Shahnewaj Hossain - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 27, 2023
Offers very good data protection and provides effective system uptime availability
We are partners and integrators of HyperFlex and I am a company Deputy Operative Director of IT HyperFlex has benefited us because there are no additional storage requirements and it requires less effort from the server and services in general.  This solution offers very good data protection and…
May 20, 2024
The hyperconverge automation makes it easy to deploy the machines
Dell PowerFlex helped our organization in many ways. The hyperconverge automation makes it easy to deploy the machines. They are stable and offer high availability. If we have to perform maintenance on a single-blade server, we don't need to bring down the complete hyperconverge. We can move it live. We are primarily using it for VMware so the availability is important for us. A reset takes only five minutes, while planned downtime for regulatory approvals and adjustments would take three weeks. PowerFlex's ability to manage storage across multiple environments depends on our requirements. We can go with only compute nodes, or storage nodes, or we can go with both. There are no restrictions or limitations. It is based on the workload. We are thinking about moving our containerized solution, Openshift to be on PowerFlex. Openshift is more compute-related consumption for our banking services so storage nodes are not heavily required for this and we are targeting to purchase PowerFlex more for compute nodes. Most security solutions are monitoring logs and events which requires more storage. PowerFlex gives us the flexibility to use either or both. We are happy with the combination of reliability and scalability that PowerFlex offers us. The most important aspects of PowerFlex for us are stability, performance, and availability. PowerFlex is good in all these areas. For example, we had VxRail in our call center. Our call center is using Avaya's telephone solution to support customer calls and five years before we purchased VxRail we forced Avaya to convert all of their physical appliances to virtual appliances. So the complete Avaya solution has been working on VxRail for five years now and the call center has had hundreds of thousands of calls without a single interruption from the infrastructure. This is the beauty of the solution. We are now in the process of upgrading the Avaya solution which requires infrastructure upgrades. I purchased the latest version of PowerFlex and the implementation is in place now. In two weeks I will be moving the entire Avaya solution from the old VxRail solution to the new PowerFlex. The beauty of it is we will be able to make the switch without any interruption to the banking service because of the version. This makes life easy for us when we go for a complete software-defined solution. Dell PowerFlex helped streamline our organization. The local Dell team is close to us and understands our infrastructure. They are not just trying to sell the Dell products to us. There was one time we discussed with them about converting our complete infrastructure to the hyperconverge and they told us that though they are the leaders in hyperconverge, they don't recommend we move our complete workload onto the hyperconverge. It depends on the use case. Some of the banks need to be run on three-tier infrastructure and some services can run on the hyperconverge. So based on the requirement, they proposed the right solution for us.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Using our own choice of HW allowed us to price our service to answer our customers' needs."
"The ability to run a two-node cluster without a dedicated witness has made this an excellent product for small deployments, which is right on target for our needs in regional offices."
"One of the most valuable features is the way it sets up the virtual SAN, because we don't have to buy a separate appliance for storage. It uses the existing storage on the servers, which is definitely a cost savings for us."
"We are able to execute maintenance on one server while the other is still running."
"The failover protection and the ability to expand storage and nodes with no downtime are by far the best physical features we have benefited from."
"It has reduced our overall maintenance and overhead by having to only maintain physical boxes for one cluster instead of having to manage physical boxes for two clusters."
"The product's core feature of virtualizing our storage is by far the most valuable."
"The solution offers easy one-click PowerShell scripts that are ready to run."
"It is a stable and scalable solution."
"It saves space for data centers, which is good."
"It is a hyper-converged solution which integrates with the network instead of the product."
"The technical support has been helpful. We are always able to get through to the right person."
"There are some slight cost advantages when you need fewer resources to manage it."
"On the VDI side, because the storage is local to the HyperFlex, it was very easy and convenient. The performance is exceptional."
"The solution is stable."
"It consumes a smaller footprint when I compare it with other competitors."
"The support is highly responsive."
"Dell PowerFlex improves our latency which allowed us to reduce a lot of our Microsoft Enterprise SQL licenses."
"The solution is scalable."
"The program is stable."
"We've had no issues with scaling the solution."
"The support team responds quickly."
"It is easy to use for management and operations teams because the tools are in one place."
"The most valuable feature is the overall integration and just seeing the three different layers which make up the machine software. Altogether, it's something that I would say is much better than any other solution that I have experienced before."


"It would be great to have more automated tooling around managing the iSCSI connections in Windows"
"Initially, when we first started, the sync was horrible."
"One point for improvement is to increase the performance capabilities of the Windows-based executable as compared to its Linux Controller Virtual Machine (CVM) equivalent."
"Perhaps more reporting features on the utilization, usage, and performance of the configured high-availability images and underlying physical disks would be helpful."
"It would be great if the Linux version of the management console offered the same features as Windows."
"The interface of the management console of the StarWind Virtual SAN is complex, and it's difficult for the novice user to interact with the management having less knowledge or training in the product."
"For me, the product could be improved by it being made cheaper."
"StarWind really needs to market its product more."
"Deployment on-prem was quite difficult."
"We are operating two clusters for site resiliency. I would like to support running redundant/resilient vCenter server instances on each rather than a supported external server."
"The product does not have a cloud version...The product should be made more flexible in terms of integration capabilities."
"I haven't been too impressed with the Cisco HyperFlex HX, honestly. It's a hard concept."
"I would like a lighter product; something which can be carried by a mere human. The typical size still looks like a stack of data center-sized servers, which is typically fine, but not so good if you want to carry it around."
"I would like to see more analytics. It could use better infographs in the HyperFlex Connect on how traffic is running in the network. If you were reaching any capacity issues on the Fabric Interconnects, it should be able to cool all of the servers and Fabric Interconnects, then possibly integrate it with, e.g., Nexus Series switches. This should all be available in a single pane of glass."
"You have to get the same servers with the same storage; they need to be identical. However, in vSAN or in VMware we don't have to do that. We can just add storage and manage it in the same server."
"We would like to see better integration in the next release of this solution."
"We're also running Hyper-V virtual machines. But we recently discovered that migration of the Hyper-V virtual machines is a bit challenging. Maybe if Dell EMC can come out with a tool that will make it very easy for us to migrate the Microsoft Hyper-V machine, that may be an improvement."
"The storage capability must be improved."
"The tool needs to improve its storage. It should also make migration to the cloud easier."
"The solution needs to offer more documentation and educational materials."
"The installation is complex."
"Licensing restrictions can be frustrating."
"The biggest issue with the solution is that it doesn't support Hyper V. It's a big problem."
"I would like to see a more user-friendly interface."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I think that purchasing StarWind Virtual SAN Professional Edition would be optimal for most."
"It's priced fairly. It was definitely cheaper than the competition. The licensing terms are straightforward and reasonable."
"Once you buy the license, you are free to build your own hardware solution based on your needs."
"The license is reusable. We can always rebuild it and apply the license. Then, boom, we get new servers, apply the license, and we're back up and running."
"The cost, including OPEX, is lower compared to other solutions."
"I think the bang for the buck is much better with StarWind Virtual SAN."
"StarWind is best price/performance for SMB."
"The setup cost is very low. The pricing is great."
"Pricing is better if you buy more Cisco products."
"It is relatively expensive, but it can easily return value by freeing up other resources."
"Cisco HyperFlex HX-Series is a bit pricier compared to other brands in the market...There is a need to make additional payments towards the maintenance and support of the solution."
"Its price is high. Cisco needs to work on the pricing model for this product. Nutanix or VMware are cheaper products, and they provide almost the same functionality. Its price is a big road blocker when we are working with an end customer, and Nutanix and VMware are in competition. If they can reduce its price, it is actually a better choice for customers."
"We would not have invested if we didn't feel the return was there for our customers."
"If you don't look at the costs of the systems, the scalability is quite good."
"Cisco is quite expensive, but not in the initial first buy."
"We have a yearly license."
"We have a good contact in Dell and he prepared all the information and provided everything to us."
"The price could be improved."
"The price of the solution is fair, it is priced in the average range amongst competitors."
"The product is expensive."
"The solution's price is medium."
"The pricing for this solution is good."
"The cost of this solution is fair."
"The solution is expensive and I give the cost a two out of ten."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about StarWind Virtual SAN?
It is easy to use and can monitor system synchronization and check Storage status. StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) combin...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for StarWind Virtual SAN?
Make the most of your 30-day trial license, and if needed, you should contact the sales department of StarWind to ext...
What needs improvement with StarWind Virtual SAN?
The dashboard is functional, but it could benefit from a more modern and visually appealing design. A facelift would ...
How do I choose between Cisco Hyperflex HX Series and Nutanix Acropolis AOS?
Cisco HyperFlex HS series vs Nutanix Acropolis AOS Cisco HyperFlex gives extended hyper-convergence functions from ...
How does VxRail compare with Cisco HyperFlex HX Series?
VxRail provides stable solutions for technical problems while at the same time not being too expensive for a company ...
What are the major differences between VxRail and Dell EMC PowerFlex?
VxRail vs. Dell EMC PowerFlex VxRail provides stable solutions for technical problems while at the same time not bein...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Dell EMC PowerFlex?
I have good partners who prepared the price for us. I told them what we needed and everything worked out perfectly. W...

Also Known As

StarWind SAN & NAS
No data available
VxFlex, VxRack FLEX, PowerFlex



Sample Customers

Baker Tilly BVI, CMS Internet, Board Harpeth Hall School
BluePearl Veterinary Partners, Ready Pac Foods, Bryant University, Bellevue Group, KPIT Technologies, City Harvest
Canopy, 8x8Inc., Atos, Canadian Pacific, City of Denton, CenturyLink, BNP Paribas, Asyaport, EDF, CSC, Fox Sports, Insight, Hunter, KPIT, Paetec, Rosetta Stone, Sonda, Xerox
Find out what your peers are saying about Dell Technologies, VMware, Nutanix and others in HCI. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.