Centreon vs Fortinet FortiSIEM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (16th), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (15th), Cloud Monitoring Software (14th)
Fortinet FortiSIEM
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) (10th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the IT Infrastructure Monitoring category, the mindshare of Centreon is 4.4%, up from 3.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Fortinet FortiSIEM is 0.2%, down from 0.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Unique Categories:
Network Monitoring Software
Cloud Monitoring Software
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Featured Reviews

Leandro Pereira Rodrigues - PeerSpot reviewer
May 8, 2023
The dashboards help to improve our visibility and ability to proactively ensure the right data is available at the right time
Centreon's dashboard is good. Centreon's dashboard provides a single view of all our customers. When there is a problem, Centreon notifies us and works with us to resolve it quickly. Centreo's dashboards help to improve our visibility and ability to proactively ensure the right data is available at the right time which is important. We use Centreon's plugin packs to communicate with our telecom locations in Brazil when the host does not have Centreon integrated. Centreon's ready-to-use connectors and integrations are essential because they provide a comprehensive overview of our organization, which allows us to quickly resolve client issues. Centreon helps me organize our hosts by stage and monitor our clients. Centreon is the best for helping monitor our IT infrastructure from cloud to edge and providing holistic visibility. Centreon helps us align our IT operations with business objectives by identifying problems and resolving them quickly and permanently. Centreon helps us measure service performance by modeling IT service maps for business-critical IT workflows and metrics. This allows us to see the hierarchy and discover problems. Centreon is a valuable and important tool for addressing these issues. Centreon helps to consolidate all alerts, KPIs, and business maps as well as manage metrics across domains. We can seamlessly integrate with the client's network.
Jun 16, 2022
Integrates logs from different sources so that there is a common place to see and create dashboards
I work in our presales department. We have three of our clients using Fortinet FortiSIEM. The solution is useful to integrate logs from different sources so that there is a common place to see and create dashboards and the AI associated with event checking. We have a common service desk for our…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Another feature we use is Business Activity, which provides us with an end-user perspective when a service is down or isn't working correctly. This is helpful when monitoring the KPIs. When we see a device or server that isn't working, we find the root cause."
"The downtimes feature is helpful. If the ISP is doing some maintenance on its network, we have the option to put downtime on the devices or the services, so we won't get any false alarms."
"I can't point to one valuable feature. All of Centreon is good."
"Valuable features include the ability to schedule downtime, intensity or depth of monitoring which it does, different plugin packs, Centreon MAP, Centreon BI."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to build an abstraction of service visualization. You can add services to an entity called Business Activities and you can see the state of these activities."
"It supports active monitoring so we don't have to use traps. From time to time traps are not very useful because we never know if they are actually working or not. The reporting part is also valuable as are the event logs. Using them we can check right away if something has had a hiccup."
"E-mail alert notifications are valuable."
"We use the remote server functionality on some customer sites, because you can see an independent view and are not dependent on a single connection. If you have branch offices or bigger office outside your headquarters, you can use remote servers because if the connection is broken or disrupted, then remote server will obtain a view of your environment and server availability. This is a good point against using other solutions. Because with other solutions, you don't have this feature. Then, you will be blind if you have this type of a situation."
"The product is quite well-organized. The GUI makes it easy to navigate."
"The primary valuable feature is that it has replaced a whole lot of other products with one platform."
"The solution is easy to use and user-friendly."
"I like FortiSIEM because it integrates natively with our other Fortinet solutions and the Fortinet Fabric, but it also integrates with Cisco, Palo Alto and other security fabrics."
"It is used as an alerting platform."
"We have found the most important features in Fortinet FortiSIEM to be the correlation, file utility check, latest file, and hash changes. These features are important for us."
"Fortinet FortiSIEM provides good detection against advanced threats."
"We have many application systems, and I can set up Fortinet FortiSIEM for users to monitor their systems."


"The problem with the reporting is you have to configure the report, and after that, you will have the same report every month, every week, every day. You have to sync it in order to have a great report."
"There are improvements that they need to make to their API. When we're using different systems and we want to disable monitoring for a specific server, we still can't do that through the API. That's something that's lacking."
"Improvements are needed in the area of cloud monitoring, as that's a newer feature."
"It is necessary to improve service monitoring of database services in the free version."
"During the initial setup we faced some issues. Part of it was because we had to become more knowledgeable in the solution. There are some gray areas and if you don't know the product well you may have issues. Another part of it was some bugs that we came across, although that's part of every software solution in IT nowadays. But the initial setup could be easier."
"There is room for improvement in the area of artificial intelligence. The product gives us a lot of information, but it's only information. We want the product to do more auto-remediation."
"Release management and quality of testing need improvement, because with each major upgrade we have many issues coming in. Then, it takes several minor upgrades to get rid of them."
"Centreon is very bad with auto-scanning. It's very monolithic software. It doesn't have microservices and it only has basic clustering. You cannot, for example, have six or seven nodes for Centreon's cloud processes."
"The nodes on our network did not comply with the SIEM solution. They use a different format parking log."
"Their product support, in general, is not that great. The product support is in the same ecosystem. Their support is improving but it's not that great.vvv"
"I would like to see easier implementation in the future."
"FortiSIEM needs to expand its integration with third-party vendors. I don't know if Forcepoint has been added, but there were limited resources for integrating Forcepoint solutions when we implemented FortiSIEM. It integrates well with other Fortinet products and solutions from established cybersecurity companies like Palo Alto but doesn't integrate with some of the newer vendors."
"The performance can be improved. Sometimes it takes a long time to fetch data."
"An improvement would be if FortiSIEM's licensing was based on the number of nodes rather than the EPS."
"It's difficult to integrate unsupported devices with FortiSIEM compared to QRadar. It's easier to integrate and develop processes in QRadar. It's harder to develop a custom process in FortiSIEM."
"The dashboard needs to improve."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I would like to see improvement in the licensing model. You can purchase X number of licenses, up to 1,000 devices or 1,000 instances. Your next batch is 2,000. But what if you only need, say, 1,200? The model could be changed a little bit."
"In terms of licensing, you have to think through if the components that need licensing are really needed. For example, the Map module: If you don't need a map to be shown, I don't see a point in paying for those licenses, if you just use it a couple of times a month or a couple of times a week... You can use the Centreon free version and get the main features. The licensing part is, I would say, only for bigger customers who have the option to pay more and who really need those kinds of modules, fancy reports, etc."
"I think Centreon's pricing is fair, especially given the criticality of our system. They were cheaper than the other solutions. The licensing terms were pretty straightforward. I believe it was based on the number of hosts."
"For more complex tasks, we use prepaid support days and ask Centreon to come onsite."
"Open-source solutions like this can be very cost effective for an organization looking for a product that they can quickly implement, as there is no initial cost and there are no license renewal fees. However, it is important to take into consideration some of the related costs that may come along as needed, such as training, support, and product enhancements."
"Centreon is an open source product. Thus, there is no need for licensing."
"The pricing starts at around 5000 euro. However, this depends on: Your environment, the size of your host, how many hosts you have, how many remote pollers you have, and if you want to use the Monitoring Business Intelligence or Centreon MAP functionalities."
"The pricing works out well for us, given our environment and where we are."
"The price of Fortinet FortiSIEM is a lot less when compared to other solutions."
"There are additional features that cost more than the standard licensing fees."
"This is probably more on the lower cost end of the spectrum compared to competing products. Fortinet's license model is based on events per second, which makes sense, but that's not typical. It makes it very hard to calculate what your costs are going to be as you scale the platform because some log sources, such as firewall logs, are very noisy, and there are lots and lots of events per second, but some of them are not. So, it becomes a bit of a science experiment trying to guess what your costs are going to be as you scale the solution. This is where other competing products perhaps have a more straightforward license model."
"Please be cheaper and more simplified."
"The solution is available for both, perpetual and subscription licenses."
"Fortinet FortiSIEM is not an expensive solution."
"The price of Fortinet FortiSIEM was reasonable compared to other solutions."
"There is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing charges attached to the product. The free version license of the product is available for two months."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Centreon?
Centreon's most valuable features are preventative maintenance and cost-efficiency. Everything is monitored, and we get a log before the system fails. We have an opportunity to fix the issue and av...
What needs improvement with Centreon?
Prometheus provides the ability to automate the backup of my infrastructure. This automatic backup capability allows me to integrate it into GitLab for versioning, among other functionalities. Thus...
What do you like most about Fortinet FortiSIEM?
Fortinet FortiSIEM needs to provide better API integrations to users.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Fortinet FortiSIEM?
I don't have the price list of any of the competitors of Fortinet FortiSIEM. I work with the technical part of the tool. There is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing charges attach...
What needs improvement with Fortinet FortiSIEM?
Fortinet FortiSIEM is a better solution than other products. As a SIEM solution, it can meet all the requirements of customers. The product already offers good integration capabilities with multipl...



Also Known As

No data available
FortiSIEM, AccelOps

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Sample Customers

Airbus, Bollore, BT, Canal Plus, Kuehne Nagel, Limagrain, LVMH, Oberthur Technologies, Orange, Darty, Addax Petroleum, Plastic Omnium, Auchan, Valeo, Saint Gobin, Clarins, Hugo Boss, JC Decaux, French Government (Defense, Justice, Environment, Agriculture), OptiComm, Thales, Zeiss.
FortiSIEM has hundreds of customers worldwide in markets including managed services, technology, financial services, healthcare, and government. Customers include Aruba Networks, Compushare, Port of San Diego, Cleveland Indians, Infoblox, Healthways, and Referentia.
Find out what your peers are saying about Centreon vs. Fortinet FortiSIEM and other solutions. Updated: May 2020.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.