Carbonite Server vs Zerto comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Carbonite Server
Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Migration (3rd), Disaster Recovery (DR) Software (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Backup and Recovery category, the mindshare of Carbonite Server is 0.6%, up from 0.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Zerto is 2.6%, down from 8.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Backup and Recovery
Unique Categories:
Cloud Backup
Cloud Migration

Featured Reviews

Jul 21, 2023
A reliable backup product which needs little management
For most technical users the setup and initial deployment are fairly straightforward and once deployed it 99% of the time looks after itself. Installation of the agents is similar to most other products in that it has an install wizard to guide you, the accompanying documentation is also very useful to assist wherever you are in the agent install and policy setup process. Normally our customers' IT team does the deployment of agents, however, this isn't a daunting task unless you are dealing with multiple servers to protect the product. On a server-by-server basis, the deployment doesn't take long. From the MSP side of things, the infrastructure sitting behind the scenes doesn't take too much to install, configure and maintain.
Jun 20, 2024
Ensures that we have the most up-to-date information in the case a disaster occurs
The most valuable feature of the solution is the constant synchronization, ensuring that we have the most up-to-date information should a disaster occur and we need to handle failovers. Zerto's near-synchronous replication is why we first acquired the product. Zerto's overall effect on our RPOs is such that it improves them significantly, and it is the reason why we purchased the product. Rather than having to recover from backup, which is time-consuming, it is available instantly. If I compare the speed of recovery with Zerto versus the speed of recovery with other disaster recovery solutions, Zerto is at least five times faster than other products.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It seems reliable and easy to use."
"Easy verification of things is the most valuable feature."
"It does not slow down your computer or use a lot of resources as it works."
"The solution is a free engine to help work with the container."
"I find the BMR/image and the recovery pieces are valuable."
"Technical support handled all our issues quickly and effectively."
"The efficiency and convenience are excellent."
"The Granular Restore of SQL feature has been a lifesaver more times than I can count. One of the main reasons for looking at Carbonite was their support for platforms like AIX and AS/400 Series."
"The ease of use is one of the most valuable features when it comes to making changes and configuring. It's very easy to set up and configure. It's a great product."
"The replication works really well. We perform multiple tests a month and annual tests for our tier-one and many of our tier-two apps... Migrating systems as a failover rollback or a system move are two of the functions that I like the most."
"It is very user-friendly. There is no wondering about what a feature does. It is easy to use."
"It helps us keep our required retention period for specific documents and allows us to recover older documents if we have to compare and recreate those."
"We can spin up our environment in DR without affecting production, which is probably the biggest feature for us. We have the ability to do passive testing. We can even test scenarios, such as installing software or changing software. We can make modifications without affecting our production environment. So, the test functionality of being able to test the failover solution and being able to bring up our virtual machines in a test mode is the biggest benefit."
"Zerto is so easy to use that when I showed it to my manager, he said jokingly, 'Huh. I could use it myself, I don't need you.' Zerto is most elegant."
"The communication between the VM and the secondary data center is the most valuable feature."
"In our DR testing, Zerto allows us to go work on other things while it takes care of everything. That's valuable because we know that we can still hit all of our SLAs in a real disaster."


"The support for object storage isn't quite there yet. Its public cloud support can be improved. I would love to see the public cloud support for object storage, and it would be great, but what I always hear from the folks at Carbonite is that in a lot of cases, it directly competes with their cloud offering. So, I don't know when or where that will go or if that will go anywhere, but we are hopeful to see something. The dashboard is a little outdated. If they gave it a facelift and put some better design around their dashboard, that would be tremendous. I generally care less about the visual aesthetics of an application as long as it does what it needed to do, which is true in the case of this solution. We also have the Microsoft 365 platform. Because they're two separate platforms, I have to log in to my Microsoft platform to manage it, and I have to log into my Carbonite server backup platform to manage it. Having these two coexist together in one management console is really what we're looking for, but we went for it knowing this. We also knew that there would be some integration coming down the road. So, we're again hoping to see some of that coming in 2021."
"It could be a little bit easier or faster to be able to access data files without having to download anything."
"The only thing that I would like to see improved is related to marketing. Currently, it is very difficult to find the right paper and stuff for me. Their marketing department should provide better information because currently, it is very difficult to find information on the internet. It was bought over by OpenText, and you won't be able to find a lot of information about this solution on their site. They should also provide training facilities for commercial purposes. Some of my colleagues recently went for pilot training, and they were technical. If I want to get trained, the training has to be more commercial. Currently, there is no such training for users like me."
"In the next release I would like to see an improvement in the auto failover option."
"They do not yet have USB recovery but they are adding it in coming releases."
"The Hyper-V backup has room for improvement."
"The stability has room for improvement."
"The problem with the backup product is that it's not very mature and you really need a specific use case to be able to use it effectively. It's hard to explain to our customers, especially our large customers, that the use case is so limited."
"The technical support is hit or miss."
"This solution could be improved by including some sort of compression or de-duplication for the same type of files."
"The knowledge base could be improved. Sometimes, it's finicky, especially when moving storage around. We've had to redo entire processes, which was time-consuming and resulted in data loss. This has happened multiple times, and despite following support steps and contacting support, we often had to resolve issues on our own."
"The long-term recovery is a little bit weak in its granularity."
"There is a need to allow the source vCenter Inventory to be imported with a single click."
"There are a lot of features that it has that we don't use since we are on prem."
"I wouldn't mind seeing Zerto sold at a cheaper price point, although the cost is comparable to VMware SRM."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is open source."
"Its price is reasonable."
"The pricing is between $120 and $150 per year."
"We pay 9,000 dollars per year for our license."
"Zerto's price is reasonable enough."
"Price-wise, Zerto is fairly reasonable and I can't complain about it when we compare it against Oracle and SAP licensing."
"I do not like the current pricing model because the product has been divided into different components and they are charging for them individually."
"The pricing doesn't seem too bad for what it does."
"The cost per VM is a bit high."
"Zerto’s licensing model has changed a bit over the last year and they are in alignment with others. It is pretty simple and more economical."
"It was a little higher. We were in a corporate agreement, and we had a software package that included RP for VM. It is easy to compare pricing when you are already in a corporate agreement. Zerto lost on the pricing scorecard."
"At the time I had purchased the product, the pricing was fair and reasonable. Over the years, costs have certainly gone up, which makes it hard for healthcare companies to use the solution."
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Comparison Review

it_user159711 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 9, 2014
VMware SRM vs. Veeam vs. Zerto
Disaster recovery planning is something that seems challenging for all businesses. Virtualization in addition to its operational flexibility, and cost reduction benefits, has helped companies improve their DR posture. Virtualization has made it easier to move machines from production to…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Real Estate/Law Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Carbonite Server?
I find the BMR/image and the recovery pieces are valuable.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Carbonite Server?
The pricing is quite reasonable. I'd rate the affordability nine out of ten.
What needs improvement with Carbonite Server?
The ability to perform instant recovery would be a game changer. For a large user base, the creation of user accounts at this time is a little cumbersome, there isn't any Single-Sign-On (SSO) integ...
What advice do you have for others considering Oracle Data Guard?
Ik fluister:VM Host Oracle en DataGuard hebben we per toeval vervangen door Zerto :-) tijdens de Zerto implementatie en VPG werden de Host Data in write-ack Block-Level gerepliceerd. Qua licentie 1...
What do you like most about Zerto?
The most valuable feature of Zerto for us is its DR capability.

Also Known As

Carbonite Recover Backup
Zerto Virtual Replication

Learn More




Sample Customers

INLINE Commercial Construction, Hamilton County
United Airlines, HCA, XPO Logistics, TaxSlayer, McKesson, Insight Global, American Airlines, Tencate, Aaron’s, Grey’s County, Kingston Technologies
Find out what your peers are saying about Carbonite Server vs. Zerto and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.