BMC Helix ITSM vs SolarWinds Web Help Desk comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Help Desk Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Service Management (ITSM) (3rd)
SolarWinds Web Help Desk
Ranking in Help Desk Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Help Desk Software category, the mindshare of BMC Helix ITSM is 13.8%, up from 9.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SolarWinds Web Help Desk is 1.4%, up from 1.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Help Desk Software
Unique Categories:
IT Service Management (ITSM)
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Jan 25, 2023
Stable and scalable with good capabilities for analytics
I use the solution as an end user to log calls and get updates from my resolver groups.  My company is in mining and has 4,000 employees, but not all employees use the solution.  The solution has not improved functions within our organization. We are not sure if it's the tool itself or the…
Shadi Shaar - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 3, 2024
Supports case and incident reporting with responsive support
SolarWinds Web Help Desk is a case management system. Each user logs their concerns or problems into the portal, which are then assigned to one of our support engineers responsible for managing the IT department. With this system, we can track issues, generate reports, collect feedback, and conduct…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Initial, out-the-box setup was easy with no problems."
"Currently, the Service Catalog has the most value to it. Mainly, because we are able to offer IT functionality to non-IT people."
"The mobile features are the best part of the new version. It is easy to be notified and update your work from a mobile, which is great."
"The solution can scale."
"Automatic orchestration is the most valuable. The feature for designating some cases or incidents to the right PM for resolution, first call resolution, and change management are also important. The self-service feature and knowledge base resolutions are helping the customers in resolving issues rather than opening tickets."
"It provides a good user experience."
"I like the single sign-on and that administrators can customize."
"This product has helped us to maintain our OLAs (Organisation level Agreements) and SLAs (Service Level Agreements) by tracking incidents, requests, problem records, and change requests, all in the form of tickets."
"SolarWinds supports case and incident reporting. This includes logging incidents and tracking them efficiently. Additionally, it is compatible and approved by the ITIL foundation and standards, meeting world-class standards."
"It is easy to use."
"SolarWinds is scalable as far as adding devices and servers."
"Once installed, it runs like a charm and doesn't ever crash."
"It has a pretty good search function. If you do the advanced search, you can basically search for anything in any field. If I do a search on the request field and just put in some terms I'm searching for, I can usually find the ticket that I'm looking for."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is the assets management module."


"Support could be better."
"Needs to make customizable/configurable article templates in the Knowledge Management."
"The product's customization capabilities, price, and technical support are areas of concern where improvements are needed."
"Maybe it could be more simplified and easier to change the reporting point of view, like from a different vendor to another."
"The interface is somewhat dated as compared to technologies in use today."
"It's expensive, particularly in the emerging market where you see a lot of customers that have a budget crunch over issues."
"In the next release, I would like to see AI used for classification or categorization."
"SmartIT could include PR. This would help us greatly in bridging the gap between Remedy's views and SmartIT."
"The interface feels clunky to me compared to some other systems that I've used. I used ManageEngine Service Desk prior to this at my previous job and that had stuff like categories that we use that I don't see in SolarWinds."
"We would like to see automation included in the next release. We would like to eliminate the L1, and L2 support, by at least 80%. To do this, we need automation with AI (Artificial Intelligence) in combination with ML (Machine Learning)."
"A little outdated compared to newer products that include protection and detection."
"It would be good if there were training and tutorial videos on the Web Help Desk."
"This solution needs to have mobile application support added."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is not very expensive and not very cheap. It is somewhere in-between. Some of the features are more expensive. There are also additional costs. If you want to use most of the features, you need to pay more."
"We did not compare the price of BMC Helix ITSM to other vendors. However, it has a mid-range price."
"It is costly, but it is well worth it."
"While purchasing, try to negotiate on per user licensing costs, associated maintenance, and purchase 20% more then what you think you should have. Bulk is always cheaper."
"I am not sure the exact price we pay for the solution but I know it is in the high seven-figure amount annually."
"The solution's pricing should come down."
"I rate the product price an eight on a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is expensive. The solution is expensive."
"If you are looking for some kind of professional services form the OEM then you would have to purchase that."
"They charge by the technician. It costs $117 per technician per year."
"When you compare with ManageEngine and ServiceNow, SolarWinds is reasonable."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about BMC Helix ITSM?
If we consider major players like Ford or BMW, their core focus is manufacturing products like cars. To ensure smooth operations, any arising issues, be it security concerns or issues within depart...
What needs improvement with BMC Helix ITSM?
The tool needs greater customization flexibility, particularly concerning notifications and the progressive view web page. This is significant because it encompasses various aspects like incident m...
What is your primary use case for BMC Helix ITSM?
We used to support VMware applications, focusing on distributed applications such as data from ETW, Snowflake, and SAP. Our role involved processing critical data systems through internal mechanics...
What do you like most about SolarWinds Web Help Desk?
Once installed, it runs like a charm and doesn't ever crash.
What needs improvement with SolarWinds Web Help Desk?
Some features in the product are supposed to run. However, if they don't, it may require some time to configure or fix them, such as asset management. We have been struggling with asset management ...
What is your primary use case for SolarWinds Web Help Desk?
SolarWinds Web Help Desk is a case management system. Each user logs their concerns or problems into the portal, which are then assigned to one of our support engineers responsible for managing the...

Also Known As

Remedy ITSM, Remedy, Helix Remedy
No data available

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Sample Customers

Brookfield, HealthSouth Corporation, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Mercator, SAP, Stanford University
Find out what your peers are saying about BMC Helix ITSM vs. SolarWinds Web Help Desk and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.