BiZZdesign HoriZZon vs Visual Paradigm comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

IBM Blueworks Live
Ranking in Business Process Design
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
BiZZdesign HoriZZon
Ranking in Business Process Design
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Enterprise Architecture Management (7th)
Visual Paradigm
Ranking in Business Process Design
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Business Process Design category, the mindshare of IBM Blueworks Live is 3.1%, down from 3.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of BiZZdesign HoriZZon is 1.3%, down from 2.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Visual Paradigm is 7.0%, up from 5.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Business Process Design
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Enterprise Architecture Management
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Jun 2, 2023
A stable solution with an easy setup phase
There are challenges in ensuring that when a detailed process flow is designed using the IBM Blueworks Live software, the steps are easy to follow. At times the system places boxes and lines in a manner that is very complicated and convoluted as the lines begin to crisscross. Sometimes you can't follow the steps in the map and it is difficult to structure them in a way that is not cluttered. In the Visio software, you can move boxes and lines to any area within the chart easily. In the Blueworks Live software boxes and lines are automatically placed by the programme and can't be easily manipulated.
Jan 10, 2023
Used for architecture and capability-based modelling, but the interfaces with ServiceNow could be improved
We are working with BiZZdesign to improve the interfaces with ServiceNow. There are also other tools where we bring the data application components, and data objects into BiZZdesign HoriZZon, and not all the offices are mastered. The initial design assumed that all of the content would be mastered there. So that's one area of improvement that BiZZdesign HoriZZon is working on. There could be simpler modelling so that instead of users drawing the diagrams in the tool, they can create a table of contents that can automatically be used to create diagrams. In addition, it will make it simpler for non-architects to create representative models.
Vipin_Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 17, 2023
Offers lot of training videos, intuitive and user-friendly
There is room for improvement in the licensing model. I would suggest implementing country-specific pricing, as many other products in India do. This would make Visual Paradigm more affordable and accessible. So, it's a small point for improvement: the pricing model should be more flexible. Every company, especially American companies, should have country-specific pricing for India. It's a huge market with a lot of potential, and having competitive pricing would encourage more people to use the product. Most other product managers, such as Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP, have country-specific pricing for India, and it's a strategy that Visual Paradigm should consider adopting as well.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Business users understand it really well, which means we can then help them automate their business processes."
"The stability is pretty good. It is highly available, which is key. You don't lose your work and can autosave."
"Collaboration is most valuable. You can collaborate online with many people. People can comment, and you can comment back. It is just like a social network, and that, for me, is very good."
"In terms of the collaboration features, from the point of discovery, it was useful to go to load up the policies and the rule sets that the client had. And in terms of exploring options and being able to model a variety of different processes, that was incredibly useful as well."
"The solution is stable. All the refreshes run very well."
"Valuable features include real-time modeling and design work, the ability to perform workshops with clients in real-time with the tool, and getting instant output."
"It has a built-in capability to capture process owners and managers against processes along with other process governance roles."
"I like the two-tiered approach, that is, discover and then drill down to the main steps. You can right click and attach risk, policies, and much more. It is a user-friendly solution."
"The initial setup of this solution was very straightforward."
"I like the flexibility of the modeling part for standards like ArchiMate and, at the same time, BPMN. It allows us to connect elements from different areas and to have a single repository and a single source of truth. It gives us one place to do analysis throughout the organization."
"The powerful editing function in teamwork project-based, common or shared modeling, based on a powerful repository and knowledge sharing in a portal are the most valuable features. These are the most important features for me. I can add the integration of individual modeling notations like Archimate plus BPMN and DMN, and so on. We travel from one location to another and the tool allows us to keep track."
"One of the main advantages of this solution is that they have representation in the Open Group Forum, which means that any changes in ArchiMate are immediately implemented in BiZZdesign."
"The most valuable features of BiZZdesign HoriZZon, from my experience, include its out-of-the-box connectors, such as integration with ServiceNow, Excel, and SQL databases, making data repository management more efficient."
"BiZZdesign HoriZZon is scalable, and I'd give it an eight out of ten for scalability. Our customers are enterprise level companies, but the solution is suitable for small and mid-sized companies as well."
"The most valuable features are the application, portfolio, data, architectures, and modeling things."
"The enterprise studio where the modelling happens is valuable."
"I love Visual Paradigm because it has many different types of diagrams. For any field of engineering, we can find a diagram."
"It is easy-to-use and it helps understand its data modeling structure through the intuitive user interface."
"The initial setup is straightforward."
"The application is easy to use and provides informative diagrams."
"The most valuable feature of Visual Paradigm is the ability to design form flows, add libraries, create organizational charts, and connect them all together."
"The solution is the best application for data modeling. It helps to architect business processes. Its best features are pricing and functionality."
"It is easy and intuitive to use, not excessively rigid, and quite flexible."
"It is a scalable solution...The initial setup was straightforward."


"It is BPMN-compliant but the tool needs to be more involved to get into a completely 2.0 oriented tool. It has a few things but it's not the complete BPMN model."
"I wish Blueworks Live had simulations built in, but it doesn't. It also lacks a feature of reporting; ad hoc, drag and drop reporting. A lot of senior people are always asking for reports, and there's no reporting feature within IBM Blueworks."
"The font size is really, really small and it's really not useful to print out process models because you cannot read what's written in different boxes. This makes it necessary for people to have access to the tool. We view licenses to see how the printing or output is. It's not very good."
"I would like to see integration with ERP systems. This would help us to simulate the process and see where the problems are. Though IBM Blueworks Live is a good tool for documenting, it is not good for simulating."
"Some of the import functionality was a bit restrictive, in terms of loading data in from other data sources. Something as simple as Excel, loading data tables from Excel, wasn't great. And vice-versa. Some of the export and import functionality with something like Visio - which, I know it's a slightly different tool - but being able to work seamlessly with those other tool sets would've been quite useful. I know it was something that was in the pipeline to be looked at. So that would be useful."
"The ability to create a very structured rule. With the capability that we have right now, Blueworks Live is more process focused. We should be able to enhance it to include a lot more of decisions as well."
"The objects that the solution creates are not unique."
"The user interface is quite easy at first but process analysts soon run into roadblocks of limited functionality, which is disappointing."
"This tool is something of a beast - it takes a long time to learn, and it isn't possible for casual users and most architects. Unless a person spends 500 or 1,000 hours on the tool or does very concentrated sessions using all its functionalities, it's very difficult to master."
"There could be simpler modelling."
"There is room for improvement in making it more seamless between the modeling and the analysis pieces. Sometimes you have to do some work in the backend to ensure that the HoriZZon portal really gets all of the information the way you want it. They are working on the seamlessness between what they call Enterprise Studio and HoriZZon."
"We tested it, and we had support from BiZZdesign, including patches, but it just didn't do what we wanted."
"It should be more open to integrating with other existing tools. Although there has been progress in the past."
"It lacks capabilities with regard to infrastructure modeling."
"One area where BiZZdesign HoriZZon could use some improvement is in its REST APIs."
"In HoriZZon, there are different matrices. In some of the cases, there is an option to aggregate them, but in other cases, we have not done this, e.g., to see the proper costs. For example, if I have 10 different matrices, then I need to create an aggregate view out of those 10 matrices somewhere. That is where we have been struggling a bit. We have a counterpart from the HoriZZon product team with whom we have bi-weekly discussions. We have suggested to him that this can be improved."
"I would like to see the ability to easily export to groupware, such as Atlassian Confluence."
"The solution could be more compatible with other products in the future."
"There are some connectivity issues that crop up rarely when used with SQL Server."
"There is room for improvement in the licensing model. I would suggest implementing country-specific pricing, as many other products in India do. This would make Visual Paradigm more affordable and accessible."
"I was looking to generate code from the diagrams, but it was not totally clear how to do it."
"Visual Paradigm is much better now. But each project has its own challenges, which is why I'm exploring different tools for my new projects. For instance, designing reports can be tough, especially with the costly intervention of professional services from vendors."
"The solution's technical support can be improved and accessible for our company location since Visual Paradigm follows a remote support model with some challenges."
"More flexibility when choosing the type of diagram would be nice."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There are editor licenses that are around 50 euros per month, and contributor licenses that are around 30 euros per month."
"The solution is not very expensive."
"Based on the licenses purchased, from a footprint perspective, you can have as many people as you want. You have multiple different categories of licenses to keep the cost low."
"They have a free subscription model that gives a lot of power to the users."
"Price wise, IBM Blueworks Live is in the middle range, and I would give it a five out of ten."
"Making it less expensive would be good."
"The solution is very, very cost-effective."
"We are seeing ROI from this solution. The solution has saved us time."
"The price is reasonable."
"First and foremost within the scope of improvement for the solution would be the cost. It's very costly..."
"[The] Orbus... pricing model was based on every single functionality having a price. The pricing was comparable but if we wanted to scale, it would have ended up being a lot more expensive. BiZZdesign gave us one price with all of the functionality, and we could scale as much as we needed."
"In terms of this particular product usage, my clients currently only use per-user licenses."
"I haven't found any issues with the scalability and licensing parts that are access-related."
"The pricing model is slightly on the high side and could be more competitive for long-term partnerships."
"Visual Paradigm has two models available. One of them is the educational edition, and another is the business edition. For my personal usage, I use the educational version mostly. In a project, my customers have to purchase a license."
"Compared to other solutions such as IBM Rational which is expensive, This solution is priced low."
"Visual Paradigm costs $99 per license. I chose the cheapest option from the pricing list."
"This is an open-sourced solution, it is free to use."
"In terms of pricing, I find Visual Paradigm's subscription services reasonable, especially for the modern and standard editions. However, the premium products can be a bit pricey, especially considering our location in the Middle East. Currently, paying around a hundred dollars per user translates to almost six hundred Egyptian pounds, which can add up. For enterprise licensing, I think the perpetual license option could be more affordable. If it were cheaper, say around five hundred dollars, I would have invested in multiple perpetual licenses long ago. Sometimes, to manage costs, we share accounts among team members or switch access on and off for certain members who aren't actively working on projects. As for additional costs, there are charges for cloud services, which I'm considering because I've already exceeded the free capacity."
"Pricing for Visual Paradigm is a four out of five for me. I'm happy with its pricing."
"The pricing of Visual Paradigm is very appropriate and affordable. There are no hidden costs involved."
"Visual Paradigm's pricing is not expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM Blueworks Live?
The solution is easy to operate. Also, there is an automatic mode to make the business flow. You don't have to put an...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM Blueworks Live?
The solution costs around 600-700 dollars/year, which is quite affordable.
What needs improvement with IBM Blueworks Live?
Sometimes, the tool is automatic, which can complicate it, but once you're accustomed to manipulating it, you can use...
What do you like most about BiZZdesign HoriZZon?
This is one of the best tools, especially because of its collaborative nature. Anyone using it can access previous pr...
What needs improvement with BiZZdesign HoriZZon?
Integration definitely needs improvement. There are some restrictions. We've seen that it doesn't integrate with ever...
What is your primary use case for BiZZdesign HoriZZon?
Our clients deal directly with BiZZdesign. They use it, but what we do is we have some experts who have hands-on expe...
What do you like most about Visual Paradigm?
The solution is the best application for data modeling. It helps to architect business processes. Its best features a...
What needs improvement with Visual Paradigm?
Visual Paradigm's initial deployment was difficult since we did it for the first time. It is challenging to learn to ...

Also Known As

IBM Lombardi Blueprint
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Sample Customers

Cloudsoft Corp. Ltd., Bayer, S¾SS, Essex County Council
T-Mobile, Shell, HSBC, Erasmus University, VIVAT Insurance
Adobe, Apple, at&t, Caterpillar, Intel, NASA, Nokia, Toyota
Find out what your peers are saying about BiZZdesign HoriZZon vs. Visual Paradigm and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.