Azure Firewall vs Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Azure Firewall
Ranking in Microsoft Security Suite
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Firewalls (21st)
Microsoft Defender Threat I...
Ranking in Microsoft Security Suite
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) (14th), Threat Intelligence Platforms (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Microsoft Security Suite category, the mindshare of Azure Firewall is 5.3%, down from 6.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence is 0.3%, down from 0.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Microsoft Security Suite
Unique Categories:
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
Threat Intelligence Platforms

Featured Reviews

Prateek Agarwal - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 9, 2022
Is stable and easy to implement, and can be scaled according to application requirements
We have multiple applications that are deployed on Microsoft Azure. Azure Firewall helps us to prevent any vulnerabilities or security issues and block attacks It has given us peace of mind because our applications run smoothly without any data problems. I like that this solution is secure and…
Feb 6, 2024
Highly effective safeguarding against cyber threats with robust security features, timely threat intelligence and efficient performance
The protection provided by Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence is robust and effective It efficiently helped us in threat hunting. The malware virus posed significant security challenges, but Microsoft played a pivotal role in addressing and resolving the incident. The timeliness and accuracy…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's helped us improve our security posture."
"The solution has many useful features. For example, the solution allows users to create virtual IP addresses."
"Azure Firewall is a cloud-native solution that removes the pain of load balancers."
"It is easy for me to protect certain ports or even the IP addresses, as well as do whitelisting, blacklisting, and the FQDN when we want virtual machines connected and to protect certain websites."
"In terms of the reporting, it's beautiful. It integrates with Azure monitoring and with Azure policies. That piece is a big help. You can set governing policies and you can use the application firewall, as well as the Azure Firewall, to enforce those policies."
"The firewall policy control, URL content control, and antivirus are all the most valuable aspects. Threat prevention is as well quite good."
"Among the most valuable features are the DDoS protection that protects your virtual machines, the threat intelligence, and traffic filtering."
"Azure Firewall's feature that I have found most valuable is its scalability."
"The global review and remediation of malicious code is probably the most valuable feature."
"The product provides efficient email security for sending links and file attachments."
"The product is stable."
"The product is useful when the end user downloads malware files."
"The technical support services are excellent."
"The solution is well integrated with other Microsoft security products."
"It is very scalable. There are approximately 2,000 endpoints and up to 200 servers in our company."
"The tool can proactively detect potential incidents."


"The product could be made more customizable."
"There should be better monitoring and logging. Currently, it is put in Sentinel. It should be more seamless and from the interface."
"They can improve the pricing of Azure Firewall."
"Azure Firewall has limited visibility for IDPS, no TLS inspection, no app ID, no user ID, no content ID, no device ID. There is no antivirus or anti-spyware. Azure Firewall doesn't scan traffic for malware unless it triggers an IDPS signature. There is no sandbox or machine learning functionality, meaning we are not protected from Zero-day threats. There is no DNS security and limited web categories."
"It's a little heavy compared to a FortiGate or other firewalls."
"Azure should be able to work better as a balancer also, instead of just being a firewall. It should have a wider mandate."
"It is a cloud service, but the lending speed for each region is not always the same. For example, in China, the speed is slow. They need to think about how to make sure that the service pace or speed is always the same in all regions. It would be a great improvement if they can provide the same pace worldwide."
"The reporting, logging, and monitoring features, as well as the flexibility of the policies, need to be improved."
"The solution could be more stable and precise because, at times, the threats detected are not legitimate."
"I would like to see more integration with other solutions. For example, integration well with Microsoft but not with other solutions."
"I would like to see more AI features and capabilities."
"We encounter problems connecting the product deployed on the user endpoints with the servers."
"Microsoft itself is a major target for attacks and threats due to its size and popularity. That could be considered Microsoft's Achilles heel."
"One area where Microsoft Defender could be improved is in its support for non-Microsoft products, particularly for systems running Linux or other open-source platforms across ecosystems."
"Technical support could be a bit better."
"The stability of the product is an area of concern where improvements are required."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is pay-as-you-go. So, you pay based on the usage. If I remember it well, there is a basic fee, and there is a traffic fee. It is not per month. It is per hour or something like that. It is not so expensive."
"The solution is cheaper than other brands. My company has an enterprise contract and we finally got a good price with Azure."
"Before choosing this solution, we evaluated others, and we found this to be the most cost-effective."
"The pricing of Azure Firewall is pay-as-you-go. Fortinet also has a pay-as-you-go model, but Azure's pricing is higher and, with FortiGate, you also have the license."
"It is expensive, especially with the premium functions. For one of the clients, it was very expensive. You have to use it more at an enterprise level, and there, it was not at an enterprise level. So, it was very costly, but security-wise, it was a very wise decision to use it that way."
"The total cost of ownership is much less than Palo Alto, Cisco, or any other brand."
"Azure Firewalls operate on a pay-as-you-go model, similar to cloud services."
"Azure Firewall is more expensive. If Microsoft can make Azure Firewall cheaper, I can see that all clients will think of using it. One client used FortiGate because it is much cheaper. Some clients ask me for Cisco, but in the cloud estimate, I found its cost is the same as Azure Firewall."
"The solution's pricing is reasonable and not very expensive."
"The product has multiple subscription models."
"The solution can be licensed, but most users would already have it in their Office 365 license."
"There is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing charges attached to the product."
"The tool is expensive as a stand-alone solution. However, it is not cheap when you purchase it as a bundle."
"The solution is relatively expensive; however, our status as a gold partner provides us with several complimentary licenses, which offsets the cost."
"Microsoft's pricing structure involves annual fees."
"It's reasonably priced, though there's room for further improvement."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is a better choice, Azure Firewall or Palo Alto Networks NG Firewalls?
Azure Firewall Vs. Palo Alto Network NG Firewalls Both solutions provide stellar stability and security. Azure Firewall is easy to use and provides excellent support. Valuable features include int...
How does Azure Firewall compare with Palo Alto Networks VM Series?
Both products are very stable and easily scalable. The setup of Azure Firewall is easy and very user-friendly and the overall cost is reasonable. Azure Firewall offers a solid threat awareness, can...
Which would you recommend - FortiGate VM or Azure Firewall?
Both of these solutions are excellent options that provide flexible scalability and solid security. Fortinet Fortigate VM integrates well and has excellent centralized reporting. It is very easy to...
What do you like most about Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence?
It just runs in the background. I don't have to worry about, making sure it's Intelligence. So, you know, this kind of makes it very easy, have to worry about installing. It is easy to use.
What needs improvement with Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence?
I would like to see more frequent updates, which is always better for security because of daily threats.
What is your primary use case for Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence?
The product helps us monitor business devices for authentication and response on all endpoints, servers, passwords, and plans.

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Find out what your peers are saying about Azure Firewall vs. Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.