Azure Firewall vs KerioControl comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Fortinet FortiGate
Ranking in Firewalls
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN) Solutions (2nd), WAN Edge (1st)
Azure Firewall
Ranking in Firewalls
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Microsoft Security Suite (14th)
Ranking in Firewalls
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS) (16th), Unified Threat Management (UTM) (11th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Firewalls category, the mindshare of Fortinet FortiGate is 22.6%, up from 18.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Azure Firewall is 2.2%, down from 3.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of KerioControl is 2.5%, up from 0.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN) Solutions
WAN Edge
Microsoft Security Suite
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS)
Unified Threat Management (UTM)

Featured Reviews

Nov 30, 2023
Helps reduce our cybersecurity risks, enhances security, and performs well
FortiGate helped us meet our ISO requirements. In the time we have been using FortiGate, we have not had any security breaches. FortiGate has reduced the risk of cyberattacks that can disrupt our production. Since implementing FortiGate we have not dealt with any such attacks. I'm unsure whether centralized FortiGate management enhances efficiency, but our experience with it has been exceptional. We haven't encountered any issues, and the operational aspects have been seamless. Additionally, there was no downtime, which is crucial for our operations. Our Fortinet security fabric has enhanced security across our industrial control system. By safeguarding our production environment and ensuring the security of VPN access granted to individuals, we have achieved comprehensive data protection. We have not experienced any incidents that would have occurred if our firewall was inadequate. FortiGate does a lot of research, and the product is regularly updated, especially in the ransomware area. I know of a couple of other companies around us that had some ransomware incidents, but we never have. From that perspective, FortiGate has helped mature our approach to cybersecurity a lot.
Oct 14, 2020
Good technical support but lacks machine learning and has a lot of limitations
Features Azure Web App Firewall Fortiweb WAF F5-ASM Remarks OWASP Top 10 Attack Yes Yes Yes Azure WAF supports only SQL and XSS protection AI-based Machine Learning Threat Detection No Yes NO Deep Integration into the Fortinet Security Fabric and Third-Party Scanners No Yes Yes Solving the Challenge of False Threat Detections No Yes No FortiWeb’s AI-based machine learning addresses false positive and negative threat detections without the need to tediously manage whitelists and fine-tune threat detection policies. Advanced Graphical Analysis and Reporting No Yes Yes Layer 7 server load balancing Yes Yes Yes URL Rewriting Yes Yes Yes URL rewrite feature is in preview and is available only for Standard_v2 and WAF_v2 SKU of Application Gateway. It is not recommended for use in production environment. Content Routing Yes Yes Yes HTTPS/SSL Offloading Yes Yes Yes HTTP Compression Yes Yes Yes Caching Yes Yes Yes Auto Scaling Yes Yes Yes File upload scanning with AV and sandbox No Yes Yes Built in Vulnerblity Scanner No Yes No CAPTCHA and Real Browser Enforcement (RBE) No Yes Yes HTTP RFC compliance Yes Yes Yes Zero-day Attack Protection No Yes Yes Security policy creation based on Server Technology No Yes Yes Virtual Patching No Yes Yes Geo IP analytic Yes Yes Yes HTTP Denial of Service Yes yes Yes Bot Protection Yes Yes Yes Positive Security Model No Yes Yes Bot Deception No Yes Yes API Gateway No Yes Yes Mobile API Protection No Yes Yes JSON XML Protection No Yes Yes Header Security No Yes Yes Man-in-the-Middle No Yes Yes No TLS 1.3 Support No Yes Yes Azure WAF is not validated and tested by third party analyst like NSS Labs and Gartner. FortiWeb is tested and validated by Gartner and NSS Labs.
Timur Assembayev - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 2, 2022
Easy to configure, user-friendly, and useful online information
There were some issues with our main firewall and it went down. In a short time, I deployed KerioControl and save our business The most valuable features of KerioControl are ease of configuration, user-friendliness, and comfortable to use. It is an all-in-one solution, it comes with many…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The CLI and GUI do a good job of putting a lot at your fingertips."
"Offers good security and filtering."
"The CLI is robust and powerful, enabling rapid, consistent changes via SSH."
"Fortinet FortiGate's ease of management is the most valuable feature."
"The solution provides good threat intelligence feeds."
"The most valuable feature is the ease of use."
"User-friendly and affordable security solution that's recommended for SMB customers. This solution has good technical support."
"You can create multiple Virtual Domains (VDOMs), which are treated as separate firewall instances."
"The solution has many useful features. For example, the solution allows users to create virtual IP addresses."
"The most valuable feature is the integration into the overall cloud platform."
"Performance and stability are the key features of this product."
"In terms of the reporting, it's beautiful. It integrates with Azure monitoring and with Azure policies. That piece is a big help. You can set governing policies and you can use the application firewall, as well as the Azure Firewall, to enforce those policies."
"Network filtering is valuable. The scalability capability from the cloud-native service helps us a lot because it simplifies our day-to-day maintenance activity."
"The solution should be capable of self-scaling, which is one of the features we like about it."
"We use the solution for application and server deployment."
"Microsoft's technical support is very good. They're quite knowledgable and responsive."
"The most valuable features of KerioControl are ease of configuration, user-friendliness, and comfortable to use. It is an all-in-one solution, it comes with many features, such as a firewall, antivirus software, and network protection."
"The most valuable feature is the reliability of VPN capabilities. The VPN has been very reliable and secure. The security has been very good and the VPN connections are reliable in that they stay up. We don't have a lot of problems with downtime and that type of thing."
"I want to have access to my computer from the outside and Kerio Control plays a role because it has a VPN... It is more reliable because it's a smaller group of computers to target for hackers and the like. The VPN works very well. I use it to work remotely very easily and exchange information, both to and from the location where it's deployed, and there have been no problems there."
"The reporting needs to be improved. It is hard to get a domain."
"The product is easy to use."
"When one of the employees of my customers is using the VPN Client, I have created for them that they will always get a message. When the VPN Client connects to Kerio Control from the outside, they will get an email so they know when they are connected and when they are disconnected what is happening to their network."
"Kerio has improved my organization's security."
"The statistic feature enables us to better use bandwidth management. We monitored the use by mobile, type of application, department, and by users. The bandwidth was solid. Our internet speed is optimized for our research."


"Some of the web policy reports could be improved."
"The firmware needs improvement because there are bugs when a new release comes through. Sometimes, the configuration changes, and it's a bit harder to see where the fail is. The first time that you have the firmware, it tends to have some issues, and it's better to wait a bit to update the equipment."
"The pricing could be a bit better, especially when you consider how they have the most basic offering priced."
"The feature which gives us a lot of pain is ASIC architecture."
"It can be a little bit more user-friendly in terms of policy definition and implementation. It seems a little bit complicated, and it could be simplified."
"The price of FortiGate should be reduced because there are some other leading products that are cheaper."
"The search tool needs improvement. It's very difficult to search for policies right now."
"The support team for Fortinet FortiGate needs to be more customer friendly."
"The threat intelligence part could be better. I don't see why our customers have to get an additional solution with Azure Firewall. It would be great if they made it on par with Palo Alto."
"It needs a lot of improvement, especially on intruder detection. They are working hard on that."
"An Azure firewall is not a real firewall."
"There should be better monitoring and logging. Currently, it is put in Sentinel. It should be more seamless and from the interface."
"Azure has new versions including a premium firewall. But I would like to see them not put the premium features on Azure Firewall Premium alone because it is quite expensive."
"You have to have a defined IP range within your network to associate it with your network. The problem is you have to plan ahead of time if you expect to use the firewall in the future so that you don't have to reconfigure your subnets or that specific IP range. Other than that, I don't any issues. I use it for basic configuration for a single application, so I really don't try to leverage it for multiple applications where I might find some complexity or challenges."
"The tool needs to improve the onboarding and transition process for on-prem users."
"The solution doesn't offer the same capabilities of Fortinet. It should offer intrusion prevention and advance filtering. These are two very useful features offered on Fortinet that Azure lacks."
"If I would suggest anything, it would be to expand on its multifactor authentication to be a little bit more user-friendly. They should do multifactor authentications for the client itself perhaps, rather than served on a webpage, in a page hijack, that might be more user-friendly, but I don't have a lot of complaints about it. It's doing its job. You have to have a certain amount of skills to configure these things anyway, the ones that we use on-site doing point-to-point, and we've been tricked up a few times with their interfaces."
"The VPN features are the ones that we really like, but we are using a VPN client to be able to use them. We would like to have an SSL implementation for this same feature so we don't need to install anything on the client side. That's a feature I really miss and that should really be embedded in the product. We really would love to use it via a web browser."
"The comprehensiveness of the security features could be improved upon. However, for the most part, it is pretty good. They could add more logs. I would like to see more detailed reporting, custom reporting from the logs, and more of a streamlined interface for certain aspects."
"The GUI should be changed because it remains the same consistency across versions. However, those who have been using KerioControl for a long time may be accustomed to the current interface. Installing a new version in the same location makes it easy to find, but overall, there are no notable changes between versions."
"When we did our last update, we had some trouble with the initial syncing process to get our messaging to go through. But we were also moving a store and a lot was changing during that process. I don't think it was on Kerio's end. It just coincided with the update. Once we got our third-party IT guy involved it was resolved very quickly."
"The solution should offer more dashboards."
"The denial of service could also be improved. There recently was a big issue with denial of service attacks and it was a bit laborious."
"Kerio Control could improve by having higher availability and adding a mobile VPN channel. These additions are needed. The VPN is working fine on the Kerio Control but there needs to be a VPN client on the mobile phones, both for iOS and Android. This would be very good for us."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing is flexible."
"The license for Fortinet FortiGate is affordable in my country."
"It scales well if you know what to buy from a physical box standpoint. They seem to offer something for every level."
"It's a very full-featured and it's priced well solution."
"We just pay a flat monthly fee to the vendor for the support."
"The beauty is the price performance ratio is great with FortiGate. It provides all the features we needed and the price is comparable with others' firewalls. The price is quite competitive with the firewalls with similar features."
"It was probably about $2,500 per firewall. It was all included. It included support, services, threat management software, and 24/7 FortiCare on it. Cisco products are more expensive."
"It has been two years. I don't remember the actual price, but it was affordable. We buy the boxes and then use the license for three years."
"Before choosing this solution, we evaluated others, and we found this to be the most cost-effective."
"It is expensive, especially with the premium functions. For one of the clients, it was very expensive. You have to use it more at an enterprise level, and there, it was not at an enterprise level. So, it was very costly, but security-wise, it was a very wise decision to use it that way."
"Azure Firewall comes with Azure native services. We did not buy any kind of license for it. Whether you have a free subscription or a pay-as-you-go model, you can deploy the Azure Firewall service... The amount that you use will determine how much you pay."
"Azure Firewall is more expensive. If Microsoft can make Azure Firewall cheaper, I can see that all clients will think of using it. One client used FortiGate because it is much cheaper. Some clients ask me for Cisco, but in the cloud estimate, I found its cost is the same as Azure Firewall."
"The pricing of Azure Firewall is pay-as-you-go. Fortinet also has a pay-as-you-go model, but Azure's pricing is higher and, with FortiGate, you also have the license."
"The pricing should be competitive. If you compare Azure's pricing to that of security solutions from AWS or GCP, theirs is much more competitive. Azure Firewall should also have similar competitive prices so that it is accessible to small- and medium-sized organizations."
"The licensing module is good."
"It is pay-as-you-go. So, you pay based on the usage. If I remember it well, there is a basic fee, and there is a traffic fee. It is not per month. It is per hour or something like that. It is not so expensive."
"GFI has made a stupid decision regarding small office licensing. For offices where there are only three to five employees and had five years towards a five user product, they now force these customers to a 10-year user license. I really don't understand it. It's a stupid decision for the small offices who want a good solution for security because they'll probably decide to go to another product. Why should they buy something that they don't use?"
"It's pretty expensive in licensing costs, especially if you use the product longer than one or two years. The licensing costs are still high, which I don't think is reasonable for a product like this."
"Its price is fair. There are no additional costs."
"KerioControl's pricing is reasonable. The license for KerioControl is annual. It's difficult to specify an exact cost since it varies depending on the number of users and additional software combined with it. For example, a basic box might cover 25 users, but licenses can be purchased starting from 10 users."
"I am living in Iran and we cannot buy the product from Kerio because of sanctions."
"KerioControl's pricing is good."
"It gives us a lot. It does prove to be a very robust product for the cost."
"The yearly maintenance fee is a bit high for the Kerio Control Boxes. The end of life for the devices is kind of short. It seems like they're making you upgrade within a short period of time. They should at least allow five years, but it seems like they are changing their end of life to be shorter to generate revenue."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Comms Service Provider
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Media Company
Financial Services Firm
Comms Service Provider

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which is the better NGFW: Fortinet Fortigate or Cisco Firepower?
When you compare these firewalls you can identify them with different features, advantages, practices and usage a...
What is the biggest difference between Sophos XG and FortiGate?
From my experience regarding both the Sophos and FortiGate firewalls, I personally would rather use FortiGate. I know...
What are the biggest technical differences between Sophos UTM and Fortinet FortiGate?
As a solution, Sophos UTM offers a lot of functionality, it scales well, and the stability and performance are quite ...
What is a better choice, Azure Firewall or Palo Alto Networks NG Firewalls?
Azure Firewall Vs. Palo Alto Network NG Firewalls Both solutions provide stellar stability and security. Azure Firew...
How does Azure Firewall compare with Palo Alto Networks VM Series?
Both products are very stable and easily scalable. The setup of Azure Firewall is easy and very user-friendly and the...
Which would you recommend - FortiGate VM or Azure Firewall?
Both of these solutions are excellent options that provide flexible scalability and solid security. Fortinet Fortigat...
What do you like most about KerioControl?
The solution provides feasibility regarding cyber privacy.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for KerioControl?
KerioControl's pricing is reasonable. The license for KerioControl is annual. It's difficult to specify an exact cost...
What needs improvement with KerioControl?
I would like to see geo-IP filtering added to the filtering rules. Incorporating these rules would be very beneficial...

Also Known As

FortiGate 60b, FortiGate 60c, FortiGate 80c, FortiGate 50b, FortiGate 200b, FortiGate 110c, FortiGate
No data available
No data available



Sample Customers

1. Amazon Web Services 2. Microsoft 3. IBM 4. Cisco 5. Dell 6. HP 7. Oracle 8. Verizon 9. AT&T 10. T-Mobile 11. Sprint 12. Vodafone 13. Orange 14. BT Group 15. Telstra 16. Deutsche Telekom 17. Comcast 18. Time Warner Cable 19. CenturyLink 20. NTT Communications 21. Tata Communications 22. SoftBank 23. China Mobile 24. Singtel 25. Telus 26. Rogers Communications 27. Bell Canada 28. Telkom Indonesia 29. Telkom South Africa 30. Telmex 31. Telia Company 32. Telkom Kenya
Information Not Available
Triton Technical, McDonald's
Find out what your peers are saying about Azure Firewall vs. KerioControl and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.