AppDynamics vs Splunk APM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 24, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Mobile APM (3rd), Container Monitoring (3rd)
Splunk APM
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of AppDynamics is 5.7%, down from 6.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Splunk APM is 0.7%, up from 0.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
Mobile APM
Container Monitoring
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

May 2, 2023
Useful monitoring, scales well, and straightforward implementation
The process of implementing AppDynamics is straightforward, but it ultimately depends on your specific use case. You can easily implement an agent if you have a simple use case. There is an agent that needs to be copied into the project and actioned to start. Using it can be somewhat complex as it requires manual configuration, such as when creating a dashboard. If you have a more complex use case, the manual configuration can take a considerable amount of time. Additionally, there is a learning curve associated with this tool, and it takes time to gain expertise. It is not something that anyone can easily configure without investing the necessary time and effort. It takes three to four months to become an expert in the tool to be able to use it effectively.
Mar 11, 2024
The dashboards are great, and we get solid visibility across our environment
The biggest benefit of Splunk is that we can retain logs and correlate the data. Telemetry data has a huge impact because it's much easier to see everything. Splunk has significantly reduced our mean resolution time. The workflow at my company involves application microservices applications running on the cloud. These logs are highly volatile, so they're only retained for three to five minutes, and we had to reproduce an issue to trace why it failed. That meant we had to do everything again to capture the log at the moment. Now, we have the data to analyze one or two hours.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"From the performance management side, I like everything from business transaction work to tracking. On the database side, we can get a lot of insights from the database. On the server monitoring side, it helped us a lot to find out some of the issues on the VM side because VMs were creating a little trouble for us."
"Provides monitoring more around business processes versus just servers, applications, etc. E.g., with complex systems, where a business process passes across multiple applications, the business needs us to monitor the heath of the process, not just a segment of the application."
"AppDynamics provides us with detailed information about the performance of the underlying infrastructure, including servers, databases, and external services."
"The most valuable feature is the live reporting on the current health\performance of our application"
"This solution not only provides answers but also provides sensor data. This allows us to quickly resolve issues that developers may take a long time to solve."
"Being able to install it on-prem and monitor our on-prem infrastructure is important for us... Most of our infrastructure is on-prem. We have highly scalable systems and AppDynamics will help us monitor our load on-prem. Our systems range from simple to the most complex and it gives us the visibility across transactions, in one dashboard."
"We have been able to monitor our applications more accurately."
"The most valuable features of AppDynamics is the scalability and monitoring."
"Splunk's dashboards are great."
"The company has many systems that the customer is paying to access. Splunk APM issued via AppDynamics helps find problems in the feed. It reduces the risk of supervising all the devices. I can supervise the flow and simulate the conditions of the repository across several dashboards to show what's happening at the moment."
"The features are pretty much ready out of the box."
"I like the fact that Splunk APM makes it easy to connect to the application database and run queries against the data."
"The most valuable feature is dashboard creation."
"Splunk APM has helped us to standardize logging and monitoring procedures."
"The solution is stable and reliable."
"The features are pretty much ready out of the box."


"Sometimes, it is hard to navigate through and find if something is wrong or figure out where an error stemmed from."
"There could log management features included in the product."
"The solution's user interface should be improved."
"They are using Flash for their website, which is very slow. We had hoped the website would be much faster to use, and that is definitely what we want to see."
"The network diagnostics that they are adding will be really useful. They could add more detail into what is going on in the network."
"Needs more integration with applications suites, like Oracle Enterprise Server or BMC Remedy."
"It needs strengthening in the database tiers."
"AppDynamics scaled well up to around 3,000 agents. The performance deteriorated after that, while Dynatrace could support more than 10,000 agents. We were surprised that AppDynamics' scalability is not so good."
"They can improve the flow system and the keyword language. It has predefined keywords, but they can be improved."
"The cardinality is pretty low."
"Splunk APM should include a better correlation between resources and infrastructure monitoring."
"We currently lack log analysis capabilities in Splunk APM."
"The UI enhancements could be a way to improve the solution in the future."
"The licensing model is expensive. We need to monitor the amount of data ingested because the cost is based on the data collected."
"The dashboards are used mainly to visualize information about the infrastructure, but it isn't easy to construct or use the dashboards. While we tried to resolve the issue by calling support, it would be easier if they had an AI co-pilot to identify the problem and help you solve it."
"It is essential for the monitoring tool to deliver quick response times when generating analytical reports, instead of prolonged delays."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I would say the solution is affordable because it is widely used across financial service sectors."
"AppDynamics is what I would consider an enterprise-level solution. This means that it's a solution that is intended for use by larger organizations, while small or medium-sized businesses may find it difficult to afford. The number of agents required will also impact the pricing, and smaller companies may only be able to afford a limited number of agents. Essentially, the cost of the solution is not within the reach of every organization, and only some may be able to afford it."
"The way it is structured in terms of price could be better. You pay for individual modules and that adds on to the cost, which detracts you from implementing those modules and slows you down."
"It is expensive. However, our time to recover has been reduced, and this product has helped recuperate costs and provided us with ROI."
"For those who appreciate the value and had issues with the visibility of the performance of their applications, then the pricing is good. For somebody who does not need it, it can be pricey, but overall, it is worth the money which it costs."
"The cost is prohibitive."
"It is a more expensive APM among the competitors, which is fine because it also does a lot more on the auto-detection and the AI side... It is not a cheap product. None of them are. The price is fair, but I could use it on more projects if they had a lower price."
"Because it is priced per JVM, the price can increase pretty fast, into the millions. We have had challenges because we had to justify the price to our clients, as well, when we are putting in certain tools."
"The price of Slunk APM is less than some of its competitors."
"The pricing is reasonable."
"Splunk offers a 14-day free trial and after that, we have to pay but the cost is reasonable."
"Splunk APM is a very cost-efficient solution."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Any advice about APM solutions?
There are many factors and we know little about your requirements (size of org, technology stack, management systems, the scope of implementation). Our goal was to consolidate APM and infra monitor...
APM tools for a Managed Service Provider - Dynatrace vs. AppDynamics vs. Aternity vs. Ruxit
Hi Avi! It's great to see your thorough approach to selecting an APM package for your MSP company. Considering your focus on SMBs and enterprises in Israel, Dynatrace seems like a solid choice with...
What do you like most about SignalFx?
The most valuable feature is dashboard creation.
What needs improvement with SignalFx?
In our company's case, we have some very high throughput services, so they might be getting 10,000 requests per second. Currently, Splunk APM and Splunk Observability want to do things in a way tha...
What is your primary use case for SignalFx?
I use the solution in my company primarily for distributed tracing and metrics troubleshooting. I use the tool to troubleshoot incidents and find the root cause of errors when something goes wrong....



Also Known As

AppD, AppDynamics APM
No data available



Sample Customers

Cisco, Sony, Nasdaq, Reserve Bank of New Zealand,, Puma, Fox News, DirecTV, Pizza Hut, T-Systems, Cornell University, OpenTable, BITMARCK, Green Mountain Power,, Overstock, Paddy Power, eHarmony, Kraft, The Motley Fool, The Container Store, and more See more customers
Sunrun, Yelp, Onshape, Tapjoy, Symphony Commerce, Chairish, Clever, Grovo, Bazaar Voice, Zenefits, Avalara
Find out what your peers are saying about AppDynamics vs. Splunk APM and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.