Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Sep 14, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Amazon AWS
Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
PaaS Clouds (2nd)
Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Hybrid Cloud Computing Platforms (7th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) category, the mindshare of Amazon AWS is 16.0%, down from 27.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Linode is 11.8%, down from 18.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Unique Categories:
PaaS Clouds

Featured Reviews

Oct 24, 2022
Great EC2, simple storage, and good security
We have found the Elastic Cloud Compute service (EC2) as well as the simple storage solution (S3) to be the most valuable aspects of the solution. We deploy our core application and our integration platform on AWS EC2 instances. These applications contain multiple containerized Python Django applications, which need to scale up and down dynamically. They also need to be secure to prevent unwanted bad actors from using our AWS compute instances for malicious activity. Finally, we find the S3 buckets to be quite valuable. S3 allows us to securely store large customer files without fear of them being compromised, changed, lost, or corrupted.
Mar 16, 2021
Helpful support, simple to manage, good visibility of usage statistics
Linode offers a relatively small but well-focused set of cloud services, which is important to us because while they only offer the basics, they do it very clearly and very easily. They have simple pricing, good support, and good guides to help you. Most small companies like ours don't use most of the features that other cloud computing providers offer, so having a simpler set of features makes it easier for us to handle. Linode offers worldwide coverage via multiple data centers, although it is not very important for our use case because we work mostly in Latin America. There is not much coverage here, so we use the USA data centers. We don't have any customers in other parts of the world, such as in Africa, Asia, or Europe, so coverage elsewhere is not really important. Having a reliable partner like Linode has helped us to rapidly grow our infrastructure, and they were able to focus when we have had any kind of problem. This product has absolutely helped us to accelerate innovation, for example, when we had to migrate the architecture of our SaaS solution. It was really easy to deploy new hosts and make the necessary changes to our infrastructure so that they could communicate between themselves and the outside. Whenever we had a problem, we were able to contact Linode and they helped us. For example, there were some technical specifications that we were missing. We also used the guides that they provided to secure the servers and to communicate with them. I believe it was done quite quickly, in fact, because of the help that they provide.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"You can build and release applications quickly with AWS instead of waiting for months to get the necessary hardware. That's the real benefit. The time-to-market for developing applications is much shorter."
"This solution offers a very detailed dashboard that has some metrics, such as performance and budget."
"Macie is great. It is a service that makes recommendations on a data layer for cybersecurity. It is a great service."
"The most useful feature of Amazon AWS is it can be accessed from anywhere."
"The documentation is very good."
"The technical support is good."
"It improves the speed for us to access vendors."
"AWS is stable."
"The most valuable feature is the static IP address, which has been very helpful for being able to log into the same address over the course of more than a decade."
"It has helped to minimize the risk and scale services at large in virtually no time."
"The ability to fire up a virtual machine, use it, and then kill it, is quite a valuable feature for me."
"The virtual machine configuration tool is very helpful for setting up a new server or for modifying an existing server."
"We can scale up and down as we require."
"The simplicity by which you can handle your inventory is one of the things I like the most."
"Service availability is the most valuable feature. It gives every user 100 percent uptime."
"It is also important that Linode offers worldwide coverage via multiple data centers. The ability to deploy on multiple servers, worldwide, allows us to have distributed services and failover and redundancy."


"The price could be better."
"It should be more secure and have more integrations."
"There are numerous use cases, and the setup varies from complicated to very simple in some cases."
"Amazon AWS could be improved by lowering the general storage price."
"The technical support package for free trial users should be built on and improved."
"The dashboard can be improved a little bit to provide more information."
"In some areas, more transparency on what is persistent towards novice users."
"It has the technical support features, but they need to be improved. It has lots of users, but they need to be managed accordingly."
"The network between different servers isn't very good. I have to install additional solutions to link the servers with each other."
"The suitability of this solution depends on the features that you need. If you're an Uber-sized company then you're probably not going to want to start using Linode. If you are a large-sized organization then you're going to want to start using one of the bigger providers that gives you the scalability and the feature set that you are probably going to be needing in the future."
"The product must improve its security."
"It would be helpful if they provided the additional Linux distributions that I prefer using. But there is still a workaround. I can do it without direct support. It's a bit more complicated, but it can still be done."
"Its cost can be improved."
"Before they changed the dashboard, I found some of the more granular options easier to find."
"I've had some difficulties with some of their IP addresses being banned by certain mail servers."
"It would be helpful if they offered a service where they handle the Linux security."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"As a startup business, it's very well priced, but if a number of transactions go up, clients have voiced that they are in a situation and feel a type of pressure and desire to move out of AWS."
"A few of our customers pay for it yearly and monthly. Sometimes, when it's related to the data, the pricing seems to be high. It could be cheaper on a transactional basis."
"The pricing is reasonable. It's not expensive, nor will it be cheap, but the free credits initially given provide leverage for new companies to start their businesses."
"There are many variables involved in pricing service in AWS and overall the pricing is a bit on the higher side."
"We pay a monthly licensing fee. It's below $100 a month."
"This is not an expensive product but it would be an improvement if the price were cheaper."
"The pricing of Amazon is higher than that of SalesForce."
"The price can be better."
"One key difference is that pricing is very hard to come by and to understand with all the bigger companies. Their pricing models are so weird and it's hard to figure out exactly how much I am going to pay for this kind of service. Everything is piecemeal. With Linode, it's simple and straightforward. You know exactly what you will have to pay at the end of the day."
"There are costs in addition to the standard licensing fees to include things like extra public IPs and backup services."
"When we started with the service, the cost was approximately €5 per month."
"The pricing model is simple."
"At this point, I'm paying more like $35 per month for a slightly bigger machine, and the backup, and the object service."
"Compared to other providers, I find Linode's pricing a bit higher. Storage could be more affordable."
"The pricing model is very simple. If you have very small applications, you can use the plan which costs $5 per month. That gives you 50 GB of memory and almost 1 GB of RAM. If you need more than you have to select the next plan which is $10 per month, which has about 70 GB of data and 2 GB of RAM."
"There might be something a little bit cheaper but I find it very fair and competitive, and nothing to complain about."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user8586 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 14, 2013
Amazon vs Rackspace vs Microsoft vs Google: Cloud Hosting Services Comparison
Amazon Web Services, Rackspace OpenStack, Microsoft Windows Azure and Google are the major cloud hosting and storage service providers. Athough Amazon is top of them and is oldest in cloud market, Rackspace, Microsoft and Google are giving tough competition to each other and to Amazon also for…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Comms Service Provider

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does OpenShift compare with Amazon AWS?
Open Shift makes managing infrastructure easy because of self-healing and automatic scaling. There is also a wonderful dashboard mechanism to alert us in case the application is over-committing or ...
How is SAP Cloud Platform different than Amazon AWS?
How is SAP Cloud Platform different than Amazon AWS? Amazon AWS offers options both in terms of upgrading and expanding capabilities as well as acquiring greater storage space. These upgrades can ...
Looking to compare Google Firebase, Amazon AWS, and Microsoft Azure
We like Google Firebase hosting and authentication and also the excellent cloud functionality. Our team found the flexibility of handling and dealing with the database through EDL to be very useful...
What do you like most about Linode?
When I started using Linode, I found its functionality easy to navigate, user-friendly and responsive to my needs. It provides clear reminders about services I'm not using, like DNS zones, which I ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Linode?
Compared to other providers, I find Linode's pricing a bit higher. Storage could be more affordable.
What needs improvement with Linode?
I'm not sure what could be improved at Linode since they're likely already making enhancements, especially with the Akamai acquisition and, I don't have any specific suggestions as I haven't encoun...



Also Known As

Amazon Web Services, AWS
No data available



Sample Customers

Pinterest, General Electric, Pfizer, Netflix, and Nasdaq.
Best Buy, Panasonic, Giphy, Marco Polo, World Health Organization, Font Squirrel
Find out what your peers are saying about Amazon AWS vs. Linode and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.