
Which E-Document and Records Management software do you recommend?

reviewer2054481 - PeerSpot reviewer
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1 Answer

Keith Gillard - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 19, 2022
Rafael De Andrés Ateca - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 27, 2022

As Keith says it depends on your business requirements. Other wise, if you need a solution, We work a lot with Alfresco ecosystem a very good EDRMS and Process Management. It is compatible with M365 and other solutions (SAP, Docusign...). The digital transformation strategy of many business areas is supported on this solution. If you need more details don't hesitate contacting me.

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Document Management Software
Document Management Software (DMS) runs a system that digitally manages, stores and tracks electronic documents and electronic images of scanned paper resources to archive an organization’s business history. This process is necessary for internal, governmental and compliance purposes. In a large organization, reduction of paper and storage are a great benefit along with tracking versions and modifications of documents by different users. Document Management Software needs to be able to keep...
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