
Which e-commerce platform do you recommend for a B2B company?

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2 Answers

AltanAtabarut - PeerSpot reviewer
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Nov 2, 2023
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Anne Cubarrubia - PeerSpot reviewer
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Aug 20, 2023
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eCommerce Platforms
What is an eCommerce platform? ECommerce platform software enables a business to sell products and/or services online. Through an eCommerce platform, a consumer should be able to discover products, shop around using a cart, and then check out. The three main types of eCommerce platforms are SaaS (software-as-a-service) platforms, PaaS (platform-as-a-service) platforms, and on-premises platforms. How does an eCommerce platform work? ECommerce platforms work through a series of...
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eCommerce Platforms experts

Cameo Mbowane - PeerSpot reviewer
Sagar Gaikwad - PeerSpot reviewer
Vinayak Bandewar - PeerSpot reviewer
Saleem Shar - PeerSpot reviewer
Amira Elamir - PeerSpot reviewer
Sumit Dashora - PeerSpot reviewer
Naved Hussain - PeerSpot reviewer