
Does anyone have a Cloud Evaluation Criteria Rating Matrix they used in making a solution selection?

Ariel Lindenfeld - PeerSpot reviewer
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2 Answers

Real User
Mar 26, 2014
Search for a product comparison in PaaS Clouds
it_user72594 - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 26, 2014
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Red Hat and others in PaaS Clouds. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
PaaS Clouds
Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is a kind of cloud computing service in which, rather than having to build and maintain their own infrastructure, a client is able to develop, run, and manage applications on a platform that is provided by a third-party provider. The provider hosts both software and hardware, freeing the client from having to install and handle them in-house.
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PaaS Clouds experts

Prateek Agarwal - PeerSpot reviewer
AANKITGUPTAA - PeerSpot reviewer
Joshua Kurian - PeerSpot reviewer
VishalSingh - PeerSpot reviewer
Bharath Kumar Gajula - PeerSpot reviewer
Hamid M. Hamid - PeerSpot reviewer
AhmedHaridy - PeerSpot reviewer
Yantao Zhao - PeerSpot reviewer