Splunk APM vs Sumo Logic Observability comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 24, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Splunk APM
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Sumo Logic Observability
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Monitoring Software (25th), AIOps (11th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of Splunk APM is 0.7%, up from 0.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Sumo Logic Observability is 0.1%, down from 0.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Cloud Monitoring Software

Featured Reviews

Marcelo-Carvalho - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 16, 2024
Enables me to supervise the flow and simulate the conditions of the repository across several dashboards
We use Splunk to monitor some devices in the company. We have several cloud groups for monitoring the energy companies in the state. The stack has several devices to monitor if you have a problem. There is a mixture of solutions The solution monitors the system in real-time. We can find the…
Ben Abrams - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 11, 2024
A cloud solution for observation and SIEM capabilities with easy setup
We accumulate more systems, and they become more ephemeral. Consequently, this leads to an exponential increase in observability data. Therefore, it's crucial to continuously explore, employ, and refine techniques for efficiency in storage, querying, etc. These optimizations directly impact costs for both the vendor and the customer, particularly considering the exponential scale. Thus, cost management becomes paramount, with price per unit as a main factor. It's essential to strive for the lowest possible price per unit while maintaining the capabilities for innovative functionalities. One suggested improvement for Sumo Logic is implementing a more streamlined enrichment process, conceptualizing the observability data collection as an ETL pipeline. This would involve enhancing processing rules and FDR for a smoother experience, particularly when integrating with the SIEM product and performing further enrichments. Such enhancements would benefit security personnel and various other users, making enrichment a primary feature accessible to all.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I like the fact that Splunk APM makes it easy to connect to the application database and run queries against the data."
"The features are pretty much ready out of the box."
"The most beneficial aspect of Slunk APM is the ATM, which is the map displaying the inbound and outbound relationships of the microservices, as well as the traffic between these dependencies. This feature provides us with valuable insights and helps us understand the interactions between different microservices."
"It is a good tool. It allows you to set alerts for application and infrastructure monitoring, and it allows you to create dashboards."
"The most valuable feature is dashboard creation."
"The solution's service map feature allows us to have a holistic overview and to see quickly where the issues are."
"This solution is very quick to deploy as it is a SaaS solution and integrates with tools like ServiceNow."
"The most valuable features are troubleshooting and optimizing application performance."
"I have not seen any stability issues in the product."
"The product is easy to learn."
"Sumo Logic Observability presents a range of valuable features, including well-crafted dashboards and a diverse selection of helpful apps. However, personally, I don't hold a favorable opinion of the solution. While I don't struggle with writing queries, my main difficulty lies in recruiting competent individuals and ensuring their proficiency in utilizing the solution. This often leads to additional challenges and complexities. From my perspective, when compared to Microsoft Sentinel or even Splunk, Sumo Logic Observability has a steeper learning curve. One contributing factor to this disparity is the solution's long existence in the market compared to Synlogic. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that there are capable and knowledgeable professionals employed at Sumo Logic Observability. The effectiveness of the solution largely depends on how it is integrated into your internal operations and environment. Its utility and benefits can vary significantly. It is worth noting that organizations like the NSA and, I believe, the CIA used it in the past, primarily for rapidly searching and analyzing large volumes of data. To leverage its capabilities effectively, you must determine how to tailor it to your specific needs."
"The solution allows multiple groups to converge on a unified platform, allowing for different utilization by various teams."
"We use queries in Sumo Logic to trigger alerts based on logging. That allows us to proactively identify issues as they're happening."
"Alerting and consistency are key. We have different tiers with log collectors, and continuous querying provides near-real-time updates. It's almost like instantly when something happens, like pending transactions or error fees. This helps reduce incident resolution time compared to waiting for thresholds on other platforms. We can continue logging in with them seamlessly and quickly get into action."


"Once you see the issues related to the scalability part, you need to understand that it is a warning triangle. After seeing the warning triangle, you need to realize that you cannot trust any of the numbers you see in the chart because it is not a complete, full data set."
"They can improve the flow system and the keyword language. It has predefined keywords, but they can be improved."
"The monitoring of workloads when using SignalFx could be improved."
"Splunk APM should include a better correlation between resources and infrastructure monitoring."
"The UI enhancements could be a way to improve the solution in the future."
"The cardinality is pretty low."
"The dashboards are used mainly to visualize information about the infrastructure, but it isn't easy to construct or use the dashboards. While we tried to resolve the issue by calling support, it would be easier if they had an AI co-pilot to identify the problem and help you solve it."
"I've been using the Splunk query language, and it can be a bit time-consuming to set up the queries I need."
"Documentation could be better. While it's generally good, sometimes finding what you need requires extensive searching. It's not always clear where to look for specific things."
"Implementing a more streamlined enrichment process, and conceptualizing the observability data collection as an ETL pipeline would be helpful."
"The speed of queries could be improved. When using more advanced functions, especially with large datasets like the 90-day log retention we had, queries could be slow, sometimes taking up to five minutes."
"Fine-grained data can be quite frustrating to work with and should be made easier."
"SearchUI.exe is a bit clunky in the product, making it an area where the product needs improvements."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing is reasonable."
"Splunk APM is a very cost-efficient solution."
"The price of Slunk APM is less than some of its competitors."
"Splunk offers a 14-day free trial and after that, we have to pay but the cost is reasonable."
"Now, they’re not charging by ingests anymore. You should expect the price to be a bit of an unknown and to basically increase as the business increases."
"I started on the free tier to try it out, but because of our usage, we're now paying for it."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Media Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about SignalFx?
The most valuable feature is dashboard creation.
What needs improvement with SignalFx?
In our company's case, we have some very high throughput services, so they might be getting 10,000 requests per second. Currently, Splunk APM and Splunk Observability want to do things in a way tha...
What is your primary use case for SignalFx?
I use the solution in my company primarily for distributed tracing and metrics troubleshooting. I use the tool to troubleshoot incidents and find the root cause of errors when something goes wrong....
What needs improvement with Sumo Logic Observability?
The speed of queries could be improved. When using more advanced functions, especially with large datasets like the 90-day log retention we had, queries could be slow, sometimes taking up to five m...
What is your primary use case for Sumo Logic Observability?
We used it for log observability – log aggregation specifically.

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Sample Customers

Sunrun, Yelp, Onshape, Tapjoy, Symphony Commerce, Chairish, Clever, Grovo, Bazaar Voice, Zenefits, Avalara
Information Not Available
Find out what your peers are saying about Splunk APM vs. Sumo Logic Observability and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.