OPS/MVS Automation Intelligence vs SYSVIEW Performance Intelligence comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

OPS/MVS Automation Intellig...
Ranking in Mainframe Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Event Monitoring (14th)
SYSVIEW Performance Intelli...
Ranking in Mainframe Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Mainframe Management category, the mindshare of OPS/MVS Automation Intelligence is 3.1%, down from 8.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SYSVIEW Performance Intelligence is 19.8%, up from 9.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Mainframe Management
Unique Categories:
Event Monitoring
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

it_user351621 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 20, 2015
The ability to use command rules is great when our operators have repetitive tasks, but we'd like to automate off of different highlighted messages without actually knowing what the message is.
We used to us an IBM product, but OPS/MVS has a lot more flexibility in what we can do with it. We're able to do a lot more ad hoc-type things. We can set up for different events, or do out-paging for a mainframe interface, or issue MVS commands. It's flexible enough for us to use it when needed…
it_user507378 - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 6, 2016
Applications see what's wrong with a transaction and make corrections.
I think a lot of the stuff has to zero in and make it quicker. I think overall the SYSVIEW product right now has a lot of commands. There's a lot of panels. A lot of information. What we need to do is trim it down for the applications or the avid user. A lot of what they're doing right now, they're bringing in new hires out of college. We don't want to make it more difficult to use. We want to make it easier to use. I think SYSVIEW has to sit down and look at the tool. That's what we're trying to do with them now, make it a little bit easier to utilize versus trying to remember all these individual commands. It would take something simple; develop a couple more panels, fast path panels.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Because we can define complex commands, the training of new operators is quicker. We can also put checks in place, that will prevent user errors."
"​The follow-up surprised me. Making sure that I am happy with what I have gone to them on. They will call after I have made changes and verify that I am happy with the changes that I did have to make. If it did not fix the complete problem, they go back over it until I am satisfied.​"
"It's very flexible. You can customize what you need to, which is good. For example, you can do your own coding inside the tool, make your own scripting tooling."
"Once automatic IPL has been defined, anyone can perform an IPL with very little intervention. We know that all of the components will be started correctly."
"It's very secure, because it's a legacy application."
"​The service has been wonderful. I like the people that I have had to deal with. The process is very straightforward. I call or use the website."
"The performance of it is beyond exceptional. It is probably one of the best products that I have ever worked with. It is easy to use, comprehensive, and can perform almost any task you need it to."
"The documentation is simple, easy to follow, and use. A limited, first-time systems programmer can do it, in that it is out-of-the-box almost functional."
"The scalability is absolutely fine."
"I also really appreciated all the work that everybody did to get it functional for JES3, and they continue to do so, even though IBM said they are going to do away with JES3."
"Ability for system diagnostics"
"Thresholds with alerts are valuable, enabling us to fix a problem before it has an impact."
"We have not had any major issues in approximately 15 years."
"​The stability is very reliable. We have not had any issues."
"Between the tech support and the person I was working with, they have been extraordinary."
"I use most of the SMS space management extensively, but also the features that enable me to look at dumps and different dataset allocations to the system, and performance data from the queueing and delays."


"​It’s a complex product. The initial installation is easy, but implementing various functions is a constant process.​"
"The further expansion of the mainframe teamcenter interface. Also, the web services support is something that I am looking into."
"Some of the command sequences are too long."
"The interfaces to USS, CA UIM could be better. CA Common Services interfaces - namely Zdata Mover, Zmessage Service, Zdatacolletcor - are poorly documented."
"Performing a stop/restart of OPS/MVS could be a little smoother. Without special coding, some undesired tasks will be started and some necessary tasks will be stopped if we have to bounce OPS/MVS during the day."
"The GUI interface could be improved, but that is coming. They are working on that."
"Because of its age, it's a little bit difficult to modernize some of the integrations and some of the functions."
"It definitely needs more web-based interface, to be more mobile-open. More APIs, more open source to it."
"The documentation, like installation guides and stuff, put it all in one place.​"
"The things that I would think about would be in relation to JES3. However, I don't know if they'll be able to do much more with that because I don't know how much longer IBM is going to be supporting JES3. So I can understand not doing additional development. But if I were to suggest something it would be the JES3 initiators, the JES3 queues."
"They are already working on improvements. One of them is the operational intelligence, which is a lot of stuff I am trying to learn and work on right now, which SYSVIEW reports to that all the system things which are going on."
"The documentation format could be better. I noticed with the last release that all of the manuals were bundled into one. It used to have a separate installation guide, user guide, etc."
"​We are using Datacom as the database system, so maybe a little bit more integration with that.​"
"It confuses a lot of people because there are so many features, but when they see me bouncing around they say, "I didn't know it did that, I didn't know it did that." It takes a long time to find all the different features that are available."
"If a unit of work ID is associated with a CICS, a DB2, and a MQ transaction, and having that capability correlate to those different technologies via one business application transaction which would be beneficial."

Pricing and Cost Advice

Information not available
"Pricing is a little steep, but there are a lot of other functions that it brings together. It gives you one window to look through to get to a lot of different features. The more products you have from CA, the better pricing they have, the more you can get them doing more things for you."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Logistics Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Also Known As

CA OPS MVS Event Management and Automation, CA OPS/MVS Event Management and Automation, Unicenter CA-OPS/MVS Event Management and Automation
CA SYSVIEW Performance Management, CA SYSVIEW, Unicenter CA-SYSVIEW Realtime Performance Management

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Sample Customers

Tieto, Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU)
Find out what your peers are saying about OPS/MVS Automation Intelligence vs. SYSVIEW Performance Intelligence and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.