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Morphisec vs Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM) comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Oct 9, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (43rd), Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) (24th), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) (32nd), Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) (18th), Threat Deception Platforms (10th)
Qualys CyberSecurity Asset ...
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Patch Management (10th), Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) (4th), Attack Surface Management (ASM) (5th), Software Supply Chain Security (7th)

Featured Reviews

Islam Shaikh - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 19, 2022
Lightweight, detects everything quickly, and takes corrective action
We sometimes have to depend on the support team to know what action we should take. If the solution for an alert can be built into the report that we are getting, it will save time, and the interaction with support would be less. At times, corrective action is required, but at times, we don't need to take any action. It would be good if we get to know in the report that a particular infection doesn't require any action. It will save us time and effort. Other than that, nothing else is required. They have taken care of everything. We are getting alerts, and we can have multiple admins. We get a good model with this view.
Brad Mathis - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 10, 2024
Improves visibility, reliability, and scalability
The external attack surface management identified unexpected assets, suggesting some exist outside our known inventory. While these may not be directly managed by us, the process has brought valuable awareness to the fact that our core servers are externally hosted, prompting a review of similar situations. An external attack surface management scan revealed several outsourced name services, along with one unexpected third-party-linked IP. It's unclear if this was due to past consulting work or a registration error, but since it wasn't relevant to our company, it was easily excluded from future scans. The benefits of Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management are immediate. We already had the cloud agents installed. They were already on all the servers and workstations. Once we upgraded from the VMDR included GAV (Global AssetView) to CSAM, it was no time before I could see the end-of-life, end-of-service software, and hardware. In addition to vulnerabilities, CSAM provides a better view of other risk factors, but VMDR is very powerful. VMDR was already seeing our limitations in hardening our vulnerabilities. CSAM enhanced our view by adding more visibility and insight into what we have. TruRisk scoring goes beyond traditional vulnerability scoring like CVSS to prioritize both vulnerabilities and assets based on real-world exploitability and industry targeting. This provides a clearer picture of our actual risk by considering factors like published exploits and what attackers are currently focusing on, allowing us to quickly identify critical issues and avoid wasting time on vulnerabilities with a high theoretical risk but low real-world threat. Qualys Cloud Agents can now be configured as passive sensors to discover all devices on our network in real-time, eliminating the requirement for separate virtual or physical passive sensor appliances. These cloud agent sensors monitor network broadcasts instead of egress traffic, and they can even designate a secondary sensor to take over if the primary becomes unavailable, ensuring continuous asset discovery and populating our CSAM platform with managed and unmanaged devices.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Morphisec provides full visibility into security events from Microsoft Defender and Morphisec in one dashboard. Defender and Morphisec are integrated. It's important because it lowers the total cost of maintenance on the engineer's time, more or less. So the administrative time is dramatically reduced in maintaining the product. This saves an engineer around four to five hours a week."
"Morphisec is a straightforward solution that is efficient and very stable."
"Morphisec also provides full visibility into security events for Microsoft Defender and Morphisec in one dashboard... in the single pane of glass provided by Morphisec, it's all right there at your fingertips: easy to access and easy to understand. And if you choose to go down further to know everything from the process to the hash behind it, you can."
"I really like the integration with Microsoft Defender. In addition to having third-party endpoint protection, we're also enabling Defender... I like the reporting that we get from Defender, when it comes in. I like that it's one console showing both Morphisec and Defender where it provides me with full visibility into security events from Defender and Morphisec."
"Morphisec's in-memory protection is probably the most valuable feature because it stops malicious activity from occurring. If something tries to install or act as a sleeper agent, Morphisec will detect and stop it."
"Since using Morphisec we have seen a downturn in attacks because Morphisec protects us versus Defenders and whatnot that are signature-based. I know we have not had any issues with ransomware or other zero-day attacks that we've seen with machines that, all of a sudden, have become before we instituted the product. Now the machine had to be re-imaged and there was a loss of data because something was on the machine. You couldn't really determine what was on the machine because nothing was picking it up. The products we were using weren't picking it up."
"All the alerts are on the dashboard, which is quite simple and useful for us. You can easily check all the alerts that are being blocked or allowed, or whatever the action is. You can easily see that and you can take the necessary actions. You can add a PowerShell extension or any activities for blocking at your network level or for endpoints."
"Morphisec makes it very easy for IT teams of any size to prevent breaches of critical systems because of the design of their tool. When we evaluated Morphisec, the CIO and I sat and listened. What attracted us to them is the fact that it stops activity at the point of detection. That saves a lot of time because now we are not investigating and trying to trace down what to turn off. We have already prevented it, which makes it very much safer and more secure."
"Tags are very useful for us since we can tag virus applications in infrastructure types such as databases, operating systems, or web platforms."
"When you implement a dynamic tag using a query, you do not need to manually tag all the servers. It categorizes all the servers that come under that query. The tagging part is automatically done within a few minutes. It reduces the effort."
"The end-of-life and end-of-service software and hardware are some of my favorite features."
"The most valuable aspect we receive from Qualys is the remediation."
"The best feature is asset discovery through their cloud agent or IP-based scanning."


"We have only had four attacks in the last year, "attacks" being some benign PDF from a vendor that, for some reason, were triggered. There were no actual attacks. They were just four false positives, or something lowly like adware. There have been false positives with both the on-premises solution and the cloud solution."
"Sometimes it generates false positive alerts. They need to continue working on that. They have provided solutions for it and have fixed issues with updated versions. The service is quite good but they need to work on it more so that there are no false positive alerts."
"We wanted to have multi-tenants in their cloud platform, so every entity can look into their own systems and not see other systems in other entities. I have a beta version on that now. I would like them to incorporate that in the cloud solution."
"We have discovered some bugs in the new releases that they've had to fix, so I would like to see more testing and QA on their side before they release."
"The weakest point of this product is how difficult it is to understand the reasons for an alert. This is a problem because it is hard to determine whether an attack is real or not."
"Some of the filters for the console need improvement. There are alerts that show up and just being able to acknowledge that we've seen those and not turn them off, but dismiss them, would be a huge benefit."
"The only area that really needs improvement is the reporting functionality. Gathering the detailed information that is in the system for an executive, or for me as a director, could be better. Some of the interface and reporting aspects are a little bit dated. They're working on it."
"It would be nice if they could integrate Morphisec with other traditional antivirus solutions beyond Microsoft Defender. That is probably my biggest gripe."
"Currently, whenever the agent is running, it consumes over ten percent of my CPU, indicating that CPU consumption is another area Qualys needs to address."
"One improvement that they can make in the EASM module is the scan frequency. After EASM is configured the first time, it allows you to do the complete configuration, but if you want to reconfigure it, it will not ask or provide any option for scan frequency. For that, you need to raise a case with Qualys and talk to the Qualys team."
"It is automatically exporting the vulnerabilities and the assets. However, it would be useful to have the ability to select or to filter which we would like to export."
"Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management could be more cost-effective by offering a lower price point or integrating with existing VMDR features."
"In our reporting, we faced a challenge syncing with cloud devices."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Compared to their competitors, the price of Morphisec is not that high. You can easily deploy it on a large-scale or small-scale network."
"It is a little bit more expensive than other security products that we use, but it does provide us good protection. So, it is a trade-off."
"Licenses are per endpoint, and that's true for the cloud version as well. The only difference is that there is a little extra charge for the cloud version."
"It does not have multi-tenants. If South Africa wants to show only the machines that they have, they need their own cloud incidence. It is not possible to have that in a single cloud incidence with multiple tenants in it, instead you need to have multiple cloud incidences. Then, if you have that, it will be more expensive. However, they are going to change that, which is good."
"It is an annual subscription basis per device. For the devices that we have in scope right now, it is about $25,000 a year."
"It is priced correctly for what it does. They end up doing a good deal of discounting, but I think it is priced appropriately."
"Our licensing is tied into our contract. Because we have a long-term contract, our pricing is a little bit lower. It is per year, so we don't get charged per endpoint, but we do have a cap. Our cap is 80 endpoints. If we were to go over 80, when we renewed our contract, which is not until three years are over. Then, they would reevaluate, and say, "Well, you have more than 80 devices active right now. This is going to be the price change." They know that we are installing and replacing computers, so the numbers will be all over the place depending on whether you archive or don't archive, which is the reason why we just have to keep up on that stuff."
"Price-wise, it's on the higher side. A traditional antivirus solution is cheaper, but in terms of security and manageability, its ROI is better than a traditional antivirus. I would recommend it to anybody evaluating or considering an antivirus solution. If your system gets compromised, the cost of ransom would be a lot more. This way, it saves a lot of cost."
"Qualys offers excellent value for money."
"Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management can be expensive, especially if we already have VMDR."
"It is cost-effective because, in a single tool, we are getting everything. All the solutions come in a single license or price."
"The cost for Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management is high."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Outsourcing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Morphisec Unified Threat Prevention Platform?
Morphisec's in-memory protection is probably the most valuable feature because it stops malicious activity from occurring. If something tries to install or act as a sleeper agent, Morphisec will de...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Morphisec Unified Threat Prevention Platform?
Morphisec is reasonably priced because our parent company's other subsidiaries use different products like CrowdStrike. CrowdStrike is four or five times more expensive than Morphisec. The competit...
What needs improvement with Morphisec Unified Threat Prevention Platform?
We have discovered some bugs in the new releases that they've had to fix, so I would like to see more testing and QA on their side before they release.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM)?
It is cost-effective because, in a single tool, we are getting everything. All the solutions come in a single license or price. In my opinion, Qualys is one of the best solutions available in the m...
What needs improvement with Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM)?
In Qualys CSAM, there is a module called EASM. One improvement that they can make in the EASM module is the scan frequency. After EASM is configured the first time, it allows you to do the complete...
What is your primary use case for Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM)?
I am working as a senior security analyst. I provide enterprise vulnerability management solutions. CyberSecurity Asset Management helps us categorize all the assets and products. We can see the cu...

Also Known As

Morphisec, Morphisec Moving Target Defense
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Sample Customers

Lenovo/Motorola, TruGreen, Covenant Health, Citizens Medical Center
Information Not Available
Find out what your peers are saying about Morphisec vs. Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM) and other solutions. Updated: October 2024.
813,418 professionals have used our research since 2012.