Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence vs Microsoft Purview Data Governance comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Defender Threat I...
Ranking in Microsoft Security Suite
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) (14th), Threat Intelligence Platforms (2nd)
Microsoft Purview Data Gove...
Ranking in Microsoft Security Suite
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Governance (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Microsoft Security Suite category, the mindshare of Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence is 0.3%, down from 0.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Purview Data Governance is 3.7%, down from 3.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Microsoft Security Suite
Unique Categories:
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
Threat Intelligence Platforms
Data Governance

Featured Reviews

Jun 5, 2024
Provides an ease of deployment and efficient security features
The product helps us monitor business devices for authentication and response on all endpoints, servers, passwords, and plans The primary value is enhanced security and efficient incident response. The integration with Microsoft infrastructure provides a seamless experience. The product's ease…
Jan 8, 2024
Has a seamless integration within the Microsoft ecosystem, but its limitations include some features being in a preliminary state or missing
The user interface is highly intuitive and user-friendly. I appreciate it because it provides a unified solution. Everything can be managed in one place, from scanning sources to making assets available. The access includes comprehensive metadata information, presented in a non-technical manner for easy comprehension of the asset's nature. The visualization it offers is quite clear. Additionally, it creates a lineage based on data processing, allowing for workflow authorization and control over metadata modifications or other activities. It caters to the entire micro-ecosystem, providing connectivity and seamless data flow. It allows for scanning, asset discovery, and data coverage. While there are some existing limitations, it's important to note that the tool is continuously evolving. I believe it holds great potential and will become an excellent resource for development in the future. Purview's data connector platform is designed to facilitate ingestion from non-Microsoft data sources. I've personally applied this feature to one of our sources, an Oracle database. Specifically, we utilized ADA for data permissions and seamlessly integrated it with the Azure Data Factory pipeline. This automated the connection to Oracle, enabling the setup of data extraction and loading processes. Overall, it proved to be a valuable and effective feature.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Microsoft's integration into the security stack works quite well."
"The global review and remediation of malicious code is probably the most valuable feature."
"The tool is managed from the cloud, because of which the maintenance is very low."
"The technical support services are excellent."
"It just runs in the background. I don't have to worry about, making sure it's Intelligence. So, you know, this kind of makes it very easy, have to worry about installing. It is easy to use."
"They have a very transparent roadmap for the product."
"The user interface is pretty user-friendly."
"The product's anti-spam and malware-scanning features are useful. We scan email attachments, documents, and malicious codes."
"The custom classifications are one of the most valuable features."
"MIP also provides strong information rights management settings, such as the ability to specify who has access to content and at what time."
"From my experience and customer feedback, one of the most valuable features of Microsoft Purview is ease of use, especially for content hosted within Microsoft 365 and Azure. I also like that the pricing model for the solution is reasonable."
"We can prevent, block, or audit however we like."
"My favorite Purview feature is auto-scanning. Once we set up Purview, we can automatically scan multiple data sources when new data comes into specific databases, like SQL and Oracle. We don't need to rediscover the new data or do anything manually because it automatically happens."
"Microsoft Purview's primary benefit lies in safeguarding sensitive and confidential data, thereby mitigating the risk of internal data exfiltration."
"The most valuable aspect of Purview is its PowerShell connectivity, enabling automation."
"Instead of having to manually write down which tables and columns exist and then describe them, you can do that process in one go, by simply connecting to a source. That's a huge time-saver and a great benefit of Purview."


"The product's dashboard and incident reports functionality needs enhancement."
"The software is expensive."
"Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence is evolving and needs to fix and enhance numerous issues like stability and licensing. The continuous rebranding and licensing changes are confusing."
"I would like to see more integration with other solutions. For example, integration well with Microsoft but not with other solutions."
"The stability of the product is an area of concern where improvements are required."
"The tool's onboarding of users that use on-premise or hybrid environments needs to be improved."
"Microsoft itself is a major target for attacks and threats due to its size and popularity. That could be considered Microsoft's Achilles heel."
"Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence should integrate with different platforms."
"Overcoming certain control issues would significantly enhance our overall satisfaction."
"he one thing it doesn't do is data quality."
"Blueprints and landing zones like we have in Azure would be great to see in Purview. The solution could offer a baseline or blueprint of recommended settings for compliance regulations such as GDPR and ISO, which could be applied with a simple switch in the options."
"Privacy features should be integrated into the core product rather than offered as optional add-ons, as privacy is not a luxury but a fundamental requirement."
"While Purview's data connector platform can ingest information from non-Microsoft data sources, it is slow to do so and the information may become outdated."
"Running eDiscovery once a day takes quite a long time because it has to fetch your data. I also want the eDiscovery results to be improved. At the same time, I would like to get a centralized page where I could see records management applied to my Office 365 tenant visualized instead of waiting for a custom script to run through the complete tenant."
"The API needs some improvement when connecting to non-Microsoft API sources. This is a limiting factor."
"There are some limitations with regard to the lineage of data from different parts of the system."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"They offer two license plans: Microsoft Defender for endpoints and Microsoft Defender for businesses."
"It is an expensive product."
"The tool is expensive as a stand-alone solution. However, it is not cheap when you purchase it as a bundle."
"The pricing of the solution is good."
"I rate the product's price a six or seven on a scale of one to ten, where one is expensive, and ten is cheap."
"The product has multiple subscription models."
"There is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing charges attached to the product."
"I use the product's default version, which is a free one and not the licensed version."
"To get the full features of Purview, we currently need E5 enterprise licenses, which are expensive."
"The interesting part is how they are bundling the version into the E5 stack. If it was not for that inclusion, this would have been a difficult conversation for us, so kudos to Microsoft on that. Separating it out may become a problem for customer retention. It is definitely a good move on Microsoft's part to include it as part of any existing or any system upgrades for customers that were on E3."
"While Purview's standard pricing might not be accessible to most small businesses, we were fortunate to benefit from the educational pricing which made it a financially viable option for our needs."
"Currently, the licensing differs for the governance side compared to the risk and compliance side."
"The pricing depends on the client's requirements and the number of applications."
"People often and unjustly say that Microsoft product pricing is not in the scope of reality, that it's just too expensive at times. I do not feel that is the case at all... If I'm able to let go of 30 to 70 percent of my IT administration staff, that makes up for a lot of money."
"Microsoft Purview is the best option I have encountered when it comes to price. Maybe some of my information is outdated, but Microsoft offered it so that you could use it almost without paying."
"Microsoft Purview is expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence?
It just runs in the background. I don't have to worry about, making sure it's Intelligence. So, you know, this kind of makes it very easy, have to worry about installing. It is easy to use.
What needs improvement with Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence?
I would like to see more frequent updates, which is always better for security because of daily threats.
What is your primary use case for Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence?
The product helps us monitor business devices for authentication and response on all endpoints, servers, passwords, and plans.
What do you like most about Microsoft Azure Purview?
It is designed to seamlessly connect to various data sources, which is particularly beneficial for our customers who primarily use Microsoft technologies.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Azure Purview?
Microsoft Purview is a subscription-based service, so we need either an E3 or E5 license to use it. The specific features we have access to within Purview depend on which of these licenses we have.
What needs improvement with Microsoft Azure Purview?
While Microsoft Purview addresses global regulations, it lacks out-of-the-box functionality. Extensive development is needed to define sensitive information types and train rectifiers for each cust...

Also Known As

No data available
Microsoft Purview, MS Azure Purview

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Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence vs. Microsoft Purview Data Governance and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.