Microsoft Azure DevOps vs Spinnaker comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Azure DevOps
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites (2nd), Enterprise Agile Planning Tools (1st)
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Release Automation category, the mindshare of Microsoft Azure DevOps is 37.7%, down from 38.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Spinnaker is 0.4%, down from 0.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Release Automation
Unique Categories:
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Enterprise Agile Planning Tools
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Akshat Prakash - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 10, 2024
Allows us to deploy code to production without releasing certain features immediately and agile project management capabilities offer resource-leveling
My company has experienced benefits from using it or from recent updates in Azure Pipelines. For instance, we can manage different code versions from the same repository across different environments. We also use feature flags; the code is deployed, but the feature can be made visible to the end user at a later time. Additionally, as part of the deployment, we integrate automated and regression testing, which stops the deployment if testing fails, thus preventing regression bugs. This saves time and increases productivity by reducing the need for manual testing. Lastly, it integrates with the project management aspects, allowing us to link code deployments with project milestones. Azure DevOps supported our shift towards DevOps culture or practices. We shifted to the cloud environment and started migrating from our data centers about eight or nine years back. It has been a long journey. However, we have used Azure DevOps for almost five to six years in every project. We also use automation testing in Azure, so we have an integrated test suite that allows us to perform functional and regression testing effectively via the Azure DevOps system.
Shubham Chakraworty - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 28, 2023
An open-source solution that can be used to deploy docker containers or docker images to Google Kubernetes Engine
We use Spinnaker to deploy docker containers or docker images to GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) The solution's deployment is pretty easy. If you want to go back to the previous version, the rollback is pretty much easy. Spinnaker makes the developer's life easy with respect to the solution's…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Azure is an advantage when working with other Microsoft solutions."
"The automated bill feature is most valuable. As with most software developers, I can build code on my machine, but if one of my coworkers can't build the same code on theirs, there are always issues in trying to track it down. The automated bill process makes it a lot easier to track down where the issues are and find out what bugs aren't being included for whatever reason."
"The simplicity is very good and the customer experience is also great."
"The CI/CD pipeline setup is more user-friendly. You can manage various stages, and there are over 400+ plugins available for each stage."
"Typically the sprints themselves and managing the tasks have essentially eliminated our need for reporting."
"Great project management feature and Git-based repository."
"I like the tracking and that we can monitor our velocity."
"The most valuable feature is the complete integration between test cases, pipelines, and issue management."
"Spinnaker is used for automating a variety of deployment tasks, infrastructure, provisioning tasks, and all kinds of things."
"The most valuable feature of Spinnaker is the rollback."
"There is a good community around the product that makes troubleshooting possible."


"One potential enhancement in Azure DevOps could be integrating more customizable reporting features, particularly for Power BI integration."
"Some of the queries, the way they're built, need to be looked at. We need better query tools."
"The solution could work to improve their reporting."
"There could more integration with other platforms."
"We are facing a lot of issues in the development of containerized solutions. We are facing a lot of challenges in this area. They could make the process simpler."
"Templates could be improved."
"We would like some bidirectional synchronization. It's the requirement if you want to analyze it to software requirements, et cetera. That's something that most of the tools aren't that good at."
"Right now, they tend to have a limit of 1,000 tasks per sprint, and some of their web-based boards, such as the Kanban boards, no longer display tasks. Once you hit over a certain number of task limits, you need to increase those limits."
"Every time it goes to run a pipeline, it just generates a lot of data, and its database is not exactly tuned out of the box, meaning it is not tuned for high scalability."
"Log-wise, we need to understand why something has failed so that we can understand and try to fix it the moment the issue is reported. The solution could use more robust monitoring."
"Spinnaker's configuration setup is too complicated and should be made easy."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution costs $5 or $10 per user, per month."
"As a Microsoft Partner, you get a discount on the pricing. Licensing costs are around $80 a month for DevOps, but for Azure, it is about $200 a month."
"There is a license for this solution."
"We do not pay licenses for this solution."
"The price of the solution is expensive."
"As the cost structure is per user, I would recommend paying the cost structure based on the amount of data you use rather than the number of users."
"The main agile features are very expensive."
"The price is cheaper than Jira and some of the other competing tools."
"Spinnaker is an open-source product. The tool is completely free for users."
"Spinnaker is a free-to-use, open-source solution."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

Which is better - Jira or Microsoft Azure DevOps?
Jira is a great centralized tool for just about everything, from local team management to keeping track of products and work logs. It is easy to implement and navigate, and it is stable and scalabl...
Which is better - TFS or Azure DevOps?
TFS and Azure DevOps are different in many ways. TFS was designed for admins, and only offers incremental improvements. In addition, TFS seems complicated to use and I don’t think it has a very fri...
What do you like most about Microsoft Azure DevOps?
Valuable features for project management and tracking in Azure DevOps include a portal displaying test results, check-in/check-out activity, and developer/tester productivity.
What do you like most about Spinnaker?
The most valuable feature of Spinnaker is the rollback.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Spinnaker?
Spinnaker is a free-to-use, open-source solution. We just need to pay for the servers where it is deployed.
What needs improvement with Spinnaker?
Spinnaker's configuration setup is too complicated and should be made easy. While configuring Spinnaker, we need to get a CLI tool called Halyard.

Also Known As

Azure DevOps, VSTS, Visual Studio Team Services, MS Azure DevOps
No data available

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Sample Customers

Alaska Airlines, Iberia Airlines, Columbia, Skype
Information Not Available
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Azure DevOps vs. Spinnaker and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.