Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Google Cloud
Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
PaaS Clouds (5th)
Ranking in Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Hybrid Cloud Computing Platforms (7th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) category, the mindshare of Google Cloud is 10.3%, up from 5.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Linode is 11.8%, down from 18.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)
Unique Categories:
PaaS Clouds

Featured Reviews

Feb 2, 2024
A scalable and secure solution that enables users to increase storage based on their needs
People who want to use the tool must analyze their specific case before they commit to a cloud platform. In some cases, one of them might be better than the other. It is not generic. It depends on the use case. Our goal is to help our customers use the service. So, the scalability doesn't help us directly. It helps our customers grow. There are different use cases. The value for us is that we can offer cloud-agnostic services. Regardless of the customer preference, we can help them configure their cloud systems. Overall, I rate the solution an eight or nine out of ten.
Mar 31, 2021
Linode Kubernetes Engine gives me better visibility than with Azure, and UI is more user-friendly
I like it because it gives me scalability but, that's true of Kubernetes in general. But I do really like that it is consistent with all the stuff that I regularly do in my day job with Azure, using Kubernetes. It's nice that I can easily transfer that over to Linode using their Kubernetes. Linode Kubernetes Engine is pretty great when it comes to the amount of Terraforming and manual integrations. Kubernetes does a great job of staying running and looking after itself. I find with VPSs that, every once in a while, something will go down and I will have to restart it manually. With Kubernetes, that tends to happen a lot less. I also find maintenance to be a lot easier. When it comes to the Linode Kubernetes Engine and the amount of automation it provides, it's awesome, it's a game-changer. If a process randomly dies, it could take me a while to notice that it has died, if I haven't set up monitoring. With Kubernetes, it will just restart itself using Heartbeats. In addition, the visibility that the Linode Kubernetes Engine provides is awesome. It's better than some of the other cloud providers', such as Azure which is one I work with specifically. I find the Linode version to be a lot more user-friendly. It feels like the Linode interface is designed by someone who actually uses the product, whereas with Azure, it doesn't necessarily feel like that. It feels like some things are user-hostile. Another feature that is quite helpful for setting up servers is the StackScripts. I've used it to set up game servers, previously. They have a library of instantiation scripts that will set up an environment for you on a VPS, from scratch, with one click. There's a pretty large library too, so that's quite handy. And the fact that Linode offers a relatively small, but well-focused set of cloud computing services is the reason to go with Linode. What they do, they do well, and they're slowly adding stuff. They were a little bit late to the game on Kubernetes, but their Kubernetes is incredibly solid, in my experience so far. It feels very stable and well thought out. It's also important that Linode offers worldwide coverage via multiple data centers. I'm based around Toronto and they have a data center right in Toronto. It works very well for me. With other solutions, I often have to pick data centers in Chicago or the like.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The automatic sync between my mobile device data and photos to the cloud is the most valuable feature."
"The most valuable feature of Google Cloud is its flexibility."
"The infrastructure is easy to manage."
"It's robust, and it has a wide reach in terms of office applications including storage."
"What I like most about Google Cloud is its stability. I also like that its GUI works fine for my company."
"Cloud Run is pretty helpful."
"The solution scales well."
"The solution is user-friendly and easy to spin."
"The fact that you can do any Linux distribution is great. You can try out any Linux distribution, even some of the more obscure ones, and they are always keeping them up-to-date. As soon as a new distribution comes out, it is on the platform pretty much the same day, which I find really helpful."
"The most valuable aspects of Linode are the virtual server and the clean server. I install what I need on it."
"When it comes to the Linode Kubernetes Engine and the amount of automation it provides, it's awesome, it's a game-changer. If a process randomly dies, it could take me a while to notice that it has died, if I haven't set up monitoring. With Kubernetes, it will just restart itself using Heartbeats."
"When I started using Linode, I found its functionality easy to navigate, user-friendly and responsive to my needs. It provides clear reminders about services I'm not using, like DNS zones, which I appreciate."
"Service availability is the most valuable feature. It gives every user 100 percent uptime."
"The most valuable feature is the domain settings page."
"Generally speaking, I have not found any faults using Linode. For what we wanted, they provided a complete solution."
"Linode has many other cloud servers across the globe."


"Training in new advancements, technologies, or AI would help us understand how to best use the solution."
"Its integration with one of the third-party platforms could be better."
"There are some areas where Google Cloud could be improved. Specifically, they are not well-aligned with right-to-left languages like Hebrew and Arabic. We encounter numerous issues when we use documents that mix right-to-left languages with left-to-right languages, such as Hebrew and English. This lack of alignment creates significant problems. Considering more than 400 million Arabic speakers, this is a central area where improvements would be beneficial."
"Google Cloud lacks some tools for database migration. I've only used MySQL and AWS in my career, so those are the only ones I can compare. AWS has a database migration tool that you can integrate with a cloud backup, so can take that backup and restore it in the AWS public cloud, but it's not the same with Google Cloud."
"I would like to see Google Cloud become more competitive when it comes to price."
"The product could be improved by expanding the initial storage space available."
"The analytics that they have are very focused. It serves Google and not really the client."
"The security features must be improved."
"They recently changed the web interface and although the older one did not look as good, the new one is less responsive."
"There is room for improvement regarding customer support."
"It would be helpful if they offered a service where they handle the Linux security."
"I would like Linode (without cluttering things) to provide some type of DevOps workflow where people are configuring their pipelines from running their tests and deploying to their test server. Once approved by clicking a button, it just gets deployed to production. I would like something like Azure DevOps, which we use for large applications, and would be something nice to have in Linode."
"The product must improve its security."
"I would like to see more seamless integration with backup, although it's pretty easy to do."
"When it comes to marketing and exposure, Linode needs improvement because I just randomly found them by looking for Linux solutions."
"Everything is up-to-date for a small business. But for big business, they need to improve certain things. For example, there should be better security."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"For the license, we didn't have to pay for any additional fees."
"I don't pay for the license. For me, it's completely free."
"It is not easy to calculate the price of the solution from the pricing table since they are not standard rates. However, I find the solution’s prices to be fair and reasonable."
"The price of the solution could be better."
"Google Cloud could be cheaper."
"I am not familiar with the pricing, but I would guess that it is probably cheaper than Microsoft Suite"
"The licensing cost is based on the capacity we use."
"Licensing fees are paid monthly."
"The biggest benefit of Linode is the pricing. It's the best deal in the business... Their pricing model is also very simple compared to Azure. I don't understand why Azure doesn't price things the way that Linode does."
"I pay just over £20 per month and have done so ever since I started eight years ago, which to me is good value."
"The value for the price is really good."
"At this point, I'm paying more like $35 per month for a slightly bigger machine, and the backup, and the object service."
"Overall, it is cost-effective. They offer flat, no lock-in pricing. We also get discounts. As compared to its competitors, it is costly, but at the same time, it has many features."
"The monthly cost depends on your requirements."
"Currently, we are at $40 a month but they have costly solutions as well."
"The pricing model is simple."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Comms Service Provider

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Google Cloud?
Google Cloud is perceived as a cost-effective and user-friendly option, especially compared to AWS. The current affordability and ease of use make it suitable for medium-sized companies. While the ...
What needs improvement with Google Cloud?
CloudArmor accuracy should be improved. Rules and signatures need to be more refined to detect and process attacks, accuracy of rate-limiting should be improved.
What is your primary use case for Google Cloud?
Unlike some tools we have on Microsoft, Google Drive allows me to share documents with people outside my organization easily. I can upload a document, create a link, and share it directly. With Mic...
What do you like most about Linode?
When I started using Linode, I found its functionality easy to navigate, user-friendly and responsive to my needs. It provides clear reminders about services I'm not using, like DNS zones, which I ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Linode?
Compared to other providers, I find Linode's pricing a bit higher. Storage could be more affordable.
What needs improvement with Linode?
I'm not sure what could be improved at Linode since they're likely already making enhancements, especially with the Akamai acquisition and, I don't have any specific suggestions as I haven't encoun...



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Find out what your peers are saying about Google Cloud vs. Linode and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.