Fortify on Demand vs SonarCloud comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Fortify on Demand
Ranking in Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (8th)
Ranking in Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Static Application Security Testing (SAST) category, the mindshare of Fortify on Demand is 5.0%, up from 4.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SonarCloud is 9.0%, up from 6.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Unique Categories:
Application Security Tools
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Oct 31, 2023
A highly trusted and comprehensive application security testing solution, known for its seamless integration, advanced technical capabilities, and reliability
We use it to scan the bank's applications systematically. This process aims to identify and address security vulnerabilities within the applications, ensuring the robustness of our security measures It stands out by generating fewer false positives which has a distinct advantage, as it translates…
Huzaifa Asif - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 12, 2023
A comprehensive code quality management offering all-in-one functionality, including static code analysis, security assessments, and code optimization, while providing valuable insights for developers
There's room for improvement in the configuration process, particularly during the initial setup phase. Setting up features like mono reports can be challenging, and the existing documentation could use improvement in providing clearer instructions. I found myself needing to engage with support multiple times to navigate through certain aspects. Additionally, it would be beneficial if it could streamline the integration process for new features. Enhancing documentation on how to integrate these features seamlessly would go a long way in improving user experience. The introduction of an auto-commit functionality would be a valuable addition. Some other tools offer this feature, allowing for the automatic creation of pull requests to address identified issues. This functionality significantly reduces the manual effort required.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of Micro Focus Fortify on Demand is the information it can provide. There is quite a lot of information. It can pinpoint right down to where the problem is, allowing you to know where to fix it. Overall the features are easy to use, you don't have to be a coder. You can be a manager, or in IT operations, et cetera, anyone can use it. It is quite a well-rounded functional solution."
"The solution is user-friendly. One feature I find very effective is the tool's automatic scanning capability. It scans replicas of the code developers write and automatically detects any vulnerabilities. The integration with CI/CD tools is also useful for plugins."
"While using Micro Focus Fortify on Demand we have been very happy with the results and findings."
"What stands out to me is the user-friendliness of each feature."
"Fortify helps us to stay updated with the newest languages and versions coming out."
"The most valuable feature is that it connects with your development platforms, such as Microsoft Information Server and Jira."
"The most valuable features of Micro Focus Fortify on Demand have been SAT analysis and application security."
"Micro Focus WebInspect and Fortify code analysis tools are fully integrated with SSC portals and can instantly register to error tracking systems, like TFS and JIRA."
"Recently, they introduced support for mono reports and microservices, which is a noteworthy development as it provides a more detailed view of each service."
"The most valuable features of SonarCloud are the ability to discover vulnerabilities, security weak points, security hotspots, and all the feedback that comes into the feature branch. You can deploy the code with the security, you can eliminate the problem at the developer level rather than identifying the problem in the productions."
"For what it is meant to do, it works pretty well."
"Its dashboard provides a unified view of various code quality metrics, including code duplication, unit test coverage, and security hotspots."
"I'm not implementing the solutions. However, I've talked to the people who deploy the tools, and they are happy with how easy setting up SonarCloud is."
"The reports from SonarCloud are very good."
"The solution can be installed locally."
"The solution provides continuous code analysis which has improved the quality of our code. It can raise alarms on vulnerabilities with immediate reports on the dashboard. Few things are false positives and we can customize the rules."


"We typically do our bulk uploads of our scans with some automation at the end of the development cycle but the scanning can take a lot of time. If you were doing all of it at regular intervals it would still consume a lot of time. This could procedure could improve."
"It does scanning for all virtual machines and other things, but it doesn't do the scanning for containers. It currently lacks the ability to do the scanning on containers. We're asking their product management team to expand this capability to containers."
"Reporting could be improved."
"This solution would be improved if the code-quality perspective were added to it, on top of the security aspect."
"Primarily for a complex, advanced website, they don't really understand some of the functionalities. So for instance, they could tell us that there is a vulnerability because somebody could possibly do something, but they don't really understand the code to realize that we actually negate that vulnerability through some other mechanism in the program. In addition, the technical support is just not there. We have open tickets. They don't respond. Even if they respond, we're not seeing eye to eye. As the company got sold and bought, the support got worse."
"During development, when our developer makes changes to their code, they typically use GitHub or GitLab to track those changes. However, proper integration between Fortify on Demand and GitHub and GitLab is not there yet. Improved integration would be very valuable to us."
"Temenos's (T-24) info basic is a separate programming interface, and such proprietary platforms and programming interfaces were not easily supported by the out-of-the-box versions of Fortify."
"We would like a reduction in the time frame of scans. It takes us three to five days to run a scan now. We would like that reduced to under three days."
"The solution needs to improve its customization and flexibility."
"It would be helpful if notifications could go out to an extra person."
"SonarCloud's UI needs enhancement."
"SonarCloud can improve the false positives. Sometimes the gates sometimes act a little weird. We then need to manually go and mark the false positive."
"I've been told by the developers that the solution is too limited. It's not testing enough within the containers."
"CI/CD pipeline is part of a whole chain of design, development, and production, and it's becoming increasingly crucial to optimize the various tools across different stages. However, it's still a silo approach because the full integration is missing. This isn't just an issue with SonarCloud. It's a general problem with tooling."
"The reports could improve by providing more information. We are not able to use the reports in our operation until they are improved. Additionally, if the vendor provided more customization capabilities it would be a benefit."
"We had some issues with the scanner."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There are different costs for Micro Focus Fortify on Demand depending on the assessments you want to use. There is only a standard license needed to use the solution."
"The solution is a little expensive."
"The pricing model it's based on how many applications you wish to scan."
"I believe the rental license is not too expensive, but it provides a lot of information about the vulnerabilities."
"We used the one-time application, Security Scan Dynamic. I believe the original fee was $8,000."
"The pricing can be improved because it is complex when compared to the competition."
"Fortify on Demand is more expensive than Burpsuite. I rate its pricing a nine out of ten."
"If I exceed one million lines of code, there might be an extra cost or a change in the pricing bracket."
"The price of SonarCloud could be less expensive. We are using the community version and the price should be more reasonable."
"The price of SonarCloud is not expensive, it goes by the lines of code. 1 million lines per code are approximately 4,000 USD per year. If you need 2 million lines of code you would double the annual cost."
"I am using the free version of the solution."
"The current pricing is quite cheap."
"While not extremely cheap, it aligns well with market standards and offers good value."
"I rate the pricing a five out of ten."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
It helps deploy and track changes easily as per time-to-time market upgrades.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
Fortify on Demand is more expensive than Burpsuite. I rate its pricing a nine out of ten.
What needs improvement with Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
The product has a lot of false positives. If the outputs can have fewer false positives, then that will be the greatest benefit the tool can offer.
What do you like most about SonarCloud?
Recently, they introduced support for mono reports and microservices, which is a noteworthy development as it provides a more detailed view of each service.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SonarCloud?
I would rate the price an eight out of ten because it's reasonable. While not extremely cheap, it aligns well with market standards and offers good value. It's an all-inclusive package where you pa...
What needs improvement with SonarCloud?
There's room for improvement in the configuration process, particularly during the initial setup phase. Setting up features like mono reports can be challenging, and the existing documentation coul...



Also Known As

Micro Focus Fortify on Demand
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Sample Customers

SAP, Aaron's, British Gas, FICO, Cox Automative, Callcredit Information Group, Vital and more.
Find out what your peers are saying about Fortify on Demand vs. SonarCloud and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.