Fortify on Demand vs GitLab comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Fortify on Demand
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Ranking in Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Ranking in Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Build Automation (1st), Release Automation (2nd), Rapid Application Development Software (10th), Software Composition Analysis (SCA) (6th), Enterprise Agile Planning Tools (2nd), Fuzz Testing Tools (2nd), DevSecOps (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Security Tools category, the mindshare of Fortify on Demand is 4.8%, up from 4.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of GitLab is 3.9%, up from 2.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Security Tools
Unique Categories:
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Build Automation
Release Automation

Featured Reviews

Jul 6, 2023
Seamless integration with various platforms and products, providing a centralized and comprehensive security analysis solutionand
Our CSD team used multiple tools for different scenarios. When dealing with sophisticated threats or vulnerabilities, manual analysis was necessary alongside Fortify's machine-based analysis. So, in handling complicated vulnerabilities, we couldn't rely on just one tool. Multiple tools were required. One such tool was OS Zap Proxy. We integrated Zap Proxy with Fortify, and this integration proved quite useful. Instead of relying solely on Fortify's dashboard, we integrated it with other tools, which made more sense. The security analysts, up to the level of the CSO, wouldn't rely only on a single dashboard. They used multiple tools to detect and work on vulnerabilities across various platforms and products. Fortify seamlessly integrates all these aspects.
Nakul Kundaliya - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 8, 2022
Scalable, automatic code merging, and free version available
We are using GitLab for code management. We put code onto their servers. This allows developers to have a centralized place for code collaboration GitLab has helped our company save time. In our current project, we have split the job into two parts, one team is working on one particular feature…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature is that it connects with your development platforms, such as Microsoft Information Server and Jira."
"The solution scans our code and provides us with a dashboard of all the vulnerabilities and the criticality of the vulnerabilities. It is very useful that they provide right then and there all the information about the vulnerability, including possible fixes, as well as some additional documentation and links to the authoritative sources of why this is an issue and what's the correct way to deal with it."
"We identified a lot of security vulnerability much earlier in the development and could fix this well before the product was rolled out to a huge number of clients."
"The most valuable features are the detailed reporting and the ability to set up deep scanning of the software, both of which are in the same place."
"Micro Focus WebInspect and Fortify code analysis tools are fully integrated with SSC portals and can instantly register to error tracking systems, like TFS and JIRA."
"We have the option to test applications with or without credentials."
"Once we have our project created with our application pipeline connected to the test scanning, it only takes two minutes. The report explaining what needs to be modified related to security and vulnerabilities in our code is very helpful. We are able to do static and dynamic code scanning."
"The static code analyzers are the most valuable features of this solution."
"We use the Git repository and tagging feature. We are a product-based company and use this solution to move to a forward or backward tag."
"Of all available products, it was the easiest to use and easy to install."
"GitLab integrates well with other platforms."
"The most valuable feature of GitLab is its security."
"The most valuable features of Gitlab are integration with CIE and the ability to rapidly deploy solutions, projects, and applications. It is very easy to use, and there are no complaints."
"The most valuable feature of GitLab is the ability to upload scripts and make changes when needed and then reupload them. Additionally, the solution is user-friendly."
"The solution's most valuable feature is that it is compatible with GitHub. The product's integration capabilities are sufficient for our small company of 35 people."
"The initial setup of GitLab is pretty simple, with no complications."


"It natively supports only a few languages. They can include support for more native languages. The response time from the support team can also be improved. They can maybe include video tutorials explaining the remediation process. The remediation process is sometimes not that clear. It would be helpful to have videos. Sometimes, the solution that the tool gives in the GUI is not straightforward to understand for the developer. At present, for any such issues, you have to create a ticket for the support team and request help from the support team."
"The biggest deficiency is the integration with bug tracker systems. It might be better if the configuration screen presented for accessing the bug tracking systems could provide some flexibility."
"If you have a continuous integration in place, for example, and you want it to run along with your build and you want it to be fast, you're not going to get it. It adds to your development time."
"The reporting capabilities need improvement, as there are some features that we would like to have but are not available at the moment."
"In terms of what could be improved, we need more strategic analysis reports, not just for one specific application, but for the whole enterprise. In the next release, we need more reports and more analytic views for all the applications. There is no enterprise view in Fortify. I would like enterprise views and reports."
"Micro Focus Fortify on Demand could improve the user interface by making it more user-friendly."
"The technical support is actually a problem that needs to be addressed. Since the acquisition and merger with Hewlett Packard, it has been really hard to know who the technical or salesperson to talk to."
"It could have a little bit more streamlined installation procedure. Based on the things that I've done, it could also be a bit more automated. It is kind of taking a bunch of different scanners, and SSC is just kind of managing the results. The scanning doesn't really seem to be fully integrated into the SSC platform. More automation and any kind of integration in the SSC platform would definitely be good. There could be a way to initiate scans from SSC and more functionality on the server-side to initiate desk scans if it is not already available."
"The solution should be more cloud-native and have more cloud-native capabilities and features."
"We'd like to see better integration with the Atlassian ecosystem."
"GitLab could consider introducing a code-scanning tool. Purchasing such tools from external markets can incur charges, which might not be favorable. Integrating these features into GitLab would streamline the pipeline and make it more convenient for users."
"The documentation is confusing."
"I used Spring Cloud config and to connect that to GitLab was so hard."
"It is a little complex to set up the pipelines within the solution."
"You need to have a good knowledge of the product in order to use it."
"GitLab could improve by having more plugins and better user-friendliness."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is quite expensive. Pricing and the licensing model could be improved."
"It is cost-effective."
"The pricing model it's based on how many applications you wish to scan."
"It's a yearly contract, but I don't remember the dollar amount."
"We used the one-time application, Security Scan Dynamic. I believe the original fee was $8,000."
"The licensing was good because the licenses have the heavy centralized server."
"Their subscriptions could use a little bit of a reworking, but I am very happy with what they're able to provide."
"I believe the rental license is not too expensive, but it provides a lot of information about the vulnerabilities."
"My company uses the free version of GitLab, which is GitLab Community Edition. There is a licensed version also available for GitLab."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is expensive, I rate the pricing a five out of ten."
"The solution is free."
"It seems reasonable. Our IT team manages the licenses."
"This is an open-source solution."
"Its price is fine. It is on the cheaper side and not expensive. You have to pay additionally for GitLab CI/CD minutes. Initially, we used the free version. When we ran out of GitLab minutes, we migrated to the paid version."
"There are different licensing options available, including a free limited-user license."
"The solution is based on a subscription model and is reasonably priced."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
It helps deploy and track changes easily as per time-to-time market upgrades.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
Fortify on Demand is more expensive than Burpsuite. I rate its pricing a nine out of ten.
What needs improvement with Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
The product has a lot of false positives. If the outputs can have fewer false positives, then that will be the greatest benefit the tool can offer.
What do you like most about GitLab?
I find the features and version control history to be most valuable for our development workflow. These aspects provide us with a clear view of changes and help us manage requests efficiently.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for GitLab?
For small-scale usage, GitLab offers a free tier. For enterprise pricing, GitLab is more expensive than GitHub, as it's not as widely adopted. GitLab is the preferred choice for many developers des...
What needs improvement with GitLab?
I believe there's room for improvement in the advanced features, particularly in enhancing the pipeline functionalities. Better integration and usability within the pipeline could make a significan...



Also Known As

Micro Focus Fortify on Demand

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Sample Customers

SAP, Aaron's, British Gas, FICO, Cox Automative, Callcredit Information Group, Vital and more.
1. NASA  2. IBM  3. Sony  4. Alibaba  5. CERN  6. Siemens  7. Volkswagen  8. ING  9. Ticketmaster  10. SpaceX  11. Adobe  12. Intuit  13. Autodesk  14. Rakuten  15. Unity Technologies  16. Pandora  17. Electronic Arts  18. Nordstrom  19. Verizon  20. Comcast  21. Philips  22. Deutsche Telekom  23. Orange  24. Fujitsu  25. Ericsson  26. Nokia  27. General Electric  28. Cisco  29. Accenture  30. Deloitte  31. PwC  32. KPMG
Find out what your peers are saying about Fortify on Demand vs. GitLab and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.