Deploy vs Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking Deploy
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Red Hat Ansible Automation ...
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (1st), Network Automation (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Release Automation category, the mindshare of Deploy is 0.1%, down from 0.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is 4.2%, down from 5.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Release Automation
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Configuration Management
Network Automation

Featured Reviews

it_user158721 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 19, 2014
Besides for the flash GUI which is a pain, it includes all of the features we were looking for.
We used an in-house developed scripting solution for the main parts of our deployments and complemented that with error-prone manual steps accompanied by huge hard to maintain deployment manuals. We wanted to implement a Continuous Delivery methodology combined with a DevOps culture and therefor needed to speed up deployments as well as delivering better quality products to our customers. We switched because our scripting solution would not be able to deliver on those key features. Plus, we also are in the process of switching from IBM Websphere application servers on Windows to a new target platform (JBoss EAP on Linux (RHEL)). So in the long run the scripting solution which was targeted on IBM Websphere needed a lot of work, if at all it would survive.
May 7, 2024
Saves thousands of hours and helps to resolve security issues within minutes
We save thousands of hours a year doing security updates and configuration updates. We save our administrator's time by pushing updates. It is a one-click solution, and all they have to do now is pull down whatever they need for their configs. It saves about 4,000 man hours a year. If you imagine Tier 1, 2, and 3 administrators, I am sitting more at the Tier 3 level. We are able to push out more complicated configurations. We can do just an SSH push to thousands of devices. It saves the time of our administrators from having to go into the console of every device. They do not have to SSH into every device and manually type in those configs. We can resolve security issues within a matter of minutes rather than days. You have the initial big push to get Ansible set up and running in the environment, but once it is there, any tweaks or changes involve just edits to the code base, and you are good to go. It is not at all intensive. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform has not reduced the training required to learn how to automate things. We are starting from scratch, so there is always going to be a learning curve associated with it. The more you peel that onion, the more involved it gets, and the more you have to learn about it. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps connect teams, such as developers, operations, or security so that they can automate together. It is hard to get anything done if all of those players are not talking. Knowledge bases are not siloed anymore. Previously, we did not have a cross-talk or sharing of information. Now that we have the platform, we have to share knowledge back and forth where we are pushing an update and they are telling us what is broken. There is constant feedback. There is a good feedback loop. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform has helped to reduce the time we spend on low-value or repetitive tasks. It is hard to quantify the time savings because of the mass scale at which we use it, but it would be within thousands of man hours a year. My guess is that Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform has saved us costs, but I am not in a position to see those numbers.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution creates a manifest file that caps the bridge between the developer and the system admin."
"The solution's most valuable aspect is that it is vendor-agnostic and it has a file called Manifest, which makes it possible for developers, ops people, and system admins to cooperate."
"This product is an innovative market leader in the field of application deployment."
"Ansible is agentless. So, we don't need to set up any agent into the computer we are interacting with. The only prerequisite is that the host with which we are going to interact must have the Python interpreter installed on it. We can connect to a host and do our configuration by using Ansible."
"It was easy to read and learn. It is a YAML-based syntax, which makes it easily understand and pick up."
"I like being able to control multiple systems and push out updates quickly with just a couple of clicks of a button and commands. I like the automation because it is a time saver."
"This solution allows us to stitch a lot of different parts of the workflow together."
"It has improved our organization through provisioning and security hardening. When we do get a new VM, we have been able to bring on a provisioned machine in less than a day. This morning alone, I provisioned two machines within an hour. I am talking about hardening, installing antivirus software on it, and creating user accounts because the Playbooks were predesigned. From the time we got the servers to the actual hand-off, it takes less than an hour. We are talking about having the servers actually authenticate Red Hat Satellites and run the yum updates. All of that can be done within an hour."
"It is quick to production. It has an API in the back which allows for integrations."
"Automation tracking is the most valuable feature."
"The development tools are decent and being able to consistently manage those servers is really the key, which is why we went with Ansible in the first place."


"The tool needs to improve on cloud-native GitOps."
"The solution currently has a bug that causes performance issues. They need to resolve this in a future release."
"While it is a flexible product and provides a means of integrating with virtually anything, the company should make a better effort to keep up with new platform integrations."
"There are some options not available in the community edition of the solution."
"Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is not the best at server provisioning. Terraform is better."
"What I'm trying to figure out, personally, is, when doing mass updates, how I can parallelize that a little bit better. It seems right now - and maybe, it's a shortcoming on my end - that I run through one set of servers, and then another set of servers, ad then another set of servers, but it seems like I could throw a lot of these checks out. Different types of servers, like web servers and DB servers, if I could parallelize that a little bit to make everything run a little bit more efficiently, that would help."
"It is a little slow on the network side because every time you call a module, it's initiating an SSH or an API call to a network device, and it just slows things down."
"Networking needs to be improved."
"Performance has been an issue on larger environments, but it has gotten a lot better over the past two years."
"There should be consistency. I know that it is always changing, but when we are trying to get some users to do something in basic Ansible that they are not really interested in doing but their job requires them to do it, they start finding inconsistencies."
"One problem that I'm facing right now is the mismatch between the new version of Python and Ansible. Sometimes it's Python 2, and sometimes it's Python 3. When things get a bit dicey, I wish that Ansible would solve this issue by itself. I don't want to have to specify if it is Python 3 or version 2."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Pricing costs are based on annual subscriptions."
"The product’s pricing is acceptable. We get volume discounts."
"Ansible Tower is pretty expensive."
"It is a little pricey but it is affordable. It is not that bad."
"Everything is generally fair. No one ever likes to pay a lot of money, but we are getting the value. We also get support with it. It has been fair and worthwhile."
"We went with product because we have a subscription for Red Hat."
"I am using the community edition of the solution which is free."
"It’s an open-source tool."
"Like many Red Hat products, they have a no-cost version of the web application (AWX, formerly Ansible Tower), but you are on your own to install and it is a little more complicated than just installing Ansible."
"The cost is determined by the number of endpoints."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Deploy?
The solution creates a manifest file that caps the bridge between the developer and the system admin.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Deploy?
The product’s pricing is acceptable. We get volume discounts.
What needs improvement with Deploy?
The tool needs to improve on cloud-native GitOps.
What is the difference between Red Hat Satellite and Ansible?
Red Hat Satellite has proven to be a worthwhile investment for me. Both its patch management and license management have been outstanding. If you have a large environment, patching systems is much ...
How does Ansible compare to Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (SCCM)?
Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager takes knowledge and research to properly configure. The length of time that the set up will take depends on the kind of technical architecture that your org...
What do you like most about Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform?
The most valuable features of the solution are automation and patching.

Also Known As

Deployit, XLDeploy, XebiaLabs XL Deploy



Sample Customers

American Express, Xerox, Fandango, Rabobank, Cable & Wireless, Air France, 3M, GE, Liberty Mutual, EA
HootSuite Media, Inc., Cloud Physics, Narrative, BinckBank
Find out what your peers are saying about Deploy vs. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.