Dell PowerScale (Isilon) vs HPE StoreEasy comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Dell PowerScale (Isilon)
Ranking in NAS
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
File and Object Storage (3rd)
HPE StoreEasy
Ranking in NAS
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the NAS category, the mindshare of Dell PowerScale (Isilon) is 26.5%, up from 22.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of HPE StoreEasy is 8.1%, up from 6.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
File and Object Storage
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

May 20, 2024
Offers reliability along with an easy deployment phase
The tool's support team and the way the cases are handled by the product's technical support team are both areas of concern where improvements are required. When replacing hardware parts of the tool, there are about 15 steps to follow before our company gets the parts sent over to us by Dell, making it an area that we feel consists of a lot of unnecessary work for our employees. Dell should streamline the aforementioned process and make it just one or two steps instead of making users go through 15 steps. The support offered after installing the tool to deal with the problems associated with the tool could be a little bit better. After the installation phase, the tool's support services have certain shortcomings because our company is not allowed to use or send the automated error reports back to Dell. The aforementioned process needs to be manually handled by Dell and us, which is why it takes so long, even though we are eligible to get help from a dedicated support engineer. Processing logs and other stuff takes time.
May 20, 2020
Easy to use, good reliability, and it includes a Windows license that makes it easier for Active Directory integration
We had some trouble with equipment in our NAS solution and we are evaluating HPE StoreEasy as a replacement. We have a capacity problem for our file servers because our user data is growing so much. Our goal is to keep the user data separate from the server data This solution allows me to better…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It assists with eliminating storage silos because it provides SMB and NFS protocols. PowerScale has also helped free up our employee's time to focus on other business priorities."
"Since it can scale so easily, as long as I have money to buy more nodes, I can grow it as big as I need to. That is important in our business. As sequencing technologies continue to evolve, and as those technologies evolve, the amount of data generation never gets smaller. It just always seems to get bigger. This is one of the absolute key aspects: We can grow on demand without having to forklift stuff."
"The single pane of glass for both IT and for the end-user is a valuable feature. On the IT side, I can actually control where things are stored, whether something is stored on solid-state drives or spinning drives... The single pane of glass makes it very easy to use and very easy to understand. We started at 100 terabytes and we moved to 250 and it still feels like the exact same system and we're able to move data as needed."
"Dell has the AI to protect the EMA."
"Isilon is flexible in supporting various data workloads while keeping them protected. Dell continues to release updates and patches which enhance the use of this solution. This includes offering ransomware protection."
"It has allowed us to have more consistent quality controls. It has also allowed us to expand the number of servers in clients processing and accessing data, allowing us to get a lot bigger projects out the door."
"The flexibility and the user-friendly interface are the most valuable features."
"PowerScale has made it extremely easy to scale file data across our organization. We have two implementations of Isilon. One is a replica of the other. When scaling, we add nodes to each location and expand the cluster. The process is straightforward."
"This solution allows me to better and more easily manage user data without impacting my primary storage."
"I like the tool's provisioning feature and OneView."
"The most valuable feature of HPE StoreEasy is the storing of virtual machines."
"It is easy to manage. There is a management console that comes with StoreEasy. It simplifies managing storage permission. There is snapshot scheduling as well. The updates and everything else is good."
"I like the user quotas, integrations, and separations for storage."
"The solution's most valuable feature is the duplication."
"I can use both the on-premises and cloud storage options. I need to have an APR extension from StoreEasy, and it's that simple."
"The tool's data protection capabilities are robust."


"The pricing could be reduced."
"The solution isn't suitable for small environments or small customers."
"The solution can be integrated with an automation system. Dell uses another framework developed in-house. They can integrate it with machines."
"I'd like to see more Iceland products in the cloud so that we can port our data into different environments if needed. I would also like to see a virtual appliance or software-defined Iceland product."
"Some improvements to the NFS support would be of interest to us."
"The only thing that I think PowerScale could do better is improving the HTTP data access protocol. At the present, you cannot protect access to data via HTTP or HTTPS the same way that you can secure data access through other protocols like NFS or SMB[...]the Unified Permission Model that would allow a user to authenticate before being able to access a private file, does not apply."
"Its configuration needs to be more straightforward."
"Dell PowerScale (Isilon) is a bit expensive compared to other products."
"The cluster service is not available in the latest version of HPE StoreEasy."
"The support of HPE StoreEasy can improve its responsiveness. Dell support is better."
"When I configure the StoreEasy in a complex environment I have problems finding compatibility with all the software."
"We need some monitoring tools and it would be helpful if they were included."
"It would be better if it were more scalable. In the next release, I would like to access some Microsoft Windows storage server features. I guess the newest version of Windows Server has some restrictions."
"There is a default Windows installation. Sometimes, when it crashes, the HPE support team asks the customer to reinstall it. That is the only issue customers are facing."
"I would like to improve the tool's technical support. I would also like to see the product's hybrid cloud version."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"This solution is priced slightly higher than others on the market but does offer good quality. With this solution's data reduction and compression, we were able to purchase less. Costs have dropped because of the data rate of compression and deduplication."
"Pricing for this solution is reasonable."
"Dealing with the product costs and licensing areas is getting easier since Dell is simplifying the licensing process and licensing packages offered to users."
"The only drawback for us is that it's a large upfront investment. This was a huge decision for a startup company to make. It took a bit for us to get over the line on it, but we have not regretted it."
"The price of the solution can fluctuate. The price can be competitive or other times not. The price of the solution could be better."
"The pricing is expensive, but I think it's a fair value because it does manage itself. It definitely is much simpler than any of the other scale-out storage platforms that we've looked at in the past."
"The price of the solution is high."
"The general cost for a system like this is expensive. The total cost depends on your use case. You need to pay for every additional feature that you use."
"The price of HPE StoreEasy is approximately $15,000 to $20,000 and it is a one-time purchase. The price is similar to competitors, such as Dell."
"Based on what I hear from our customers, it is not very expensive. From the cost perspective, I see nobody complaining about its cost."
"This is an economical solution for the company and I am satisfied with the pricing."
"I would rate the tool's pricing an eight out of ten. You need to pay additional costs for the solution."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Dell EMC PowerScale (Isilon)?
The solution provides massive performance, scalability, efficiency, and ease of management.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Dell EMC PowerScale (Isilon)?
Dell PowerScale is expensive on the start-up side but we can recoup those costs quickly by not having to reapply the savings to other equipment.
What do you like most about HPE StoreEasy?
I like the tool's provisioning feature and OneView.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for HPE StoreEasy?
I would rate the tool's pricing an eight out of ten. You need to pay additional costs for the solution.
What needs improvement with HPE StoreEasy?
I would like to improve the tool's technical support. I would also like to see the product's hybrid cloud version.

Also Known As

PowerScale, Dell EMC Isilon
HP StoreEasy



Sample Customers

OMRF, University of Utah, Translational Genetics Research Institute, Arcis, Geofizyka Torumn, Cyprus E&P Corporation, Colburn School, Columbia Sportswear, Harvard Medical School, University of Michigan, National Library of France,
John Lewis, HPE IT, Comline AG, AmeriPride Services
Find out what your peers are saying about Dell PowerScale (Isilon) vs. HPE StoreEasy and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.