Dell PowerEdge VRTX vs Dell VxBlock System comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Dell PowerEdge VRTX
Ranking in Converged Infrastructure
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Dell VxBlock System
Ranking in Converged Infrastructure
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Converged Infrastructure category, the mindshare of Dell PowerEdge VRTX is 21.2%, up from 18.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Dell VxBlock System is 13.5%, down from 22.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Converged Infrastructure
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Lakshmanan A - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 20, 2023
A very good online UI and fit for lower budgets but nodes don't sync with the server
Our company uses the solution for 15 mediums with virtual machines.  The online UI is very good in comparison to others.  The nodes should be synced with the server so that the solution can be used from the cloud when any or all nodes are down.  I have been using the solution for five years.…
SamuelOguta - PeerSpot reviewer
May 5, 2023
Can be deployed quickly, is easy to manage, and is stable and resilient
With respect to performance, support, and visibility for administration to know exactly what is happening, it's a fine solution. However, we are being forced to buy new equipment because Dell has said that they will not support the equipment we purchased only a year ago. Therefore, if you are considering Dell VxBlock System, you would need to make sure that you are clear on when the end of life will be for your equipment or when you may be forced to buy a new one because of the lack of support from Dell. The technology timeline is not very clear. In terms of the performance, resiliency, and the stability of the system alone, I would rate Dell VxBlock System at nine out of ten, but overall, I would rate it at eight out of ten because of the issues with disparate ownership of components and the unclear technology timelines.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It is pretty easy to install."
"Dell PowerEdge VRTX supports a lot of memory which has allowed us to keep our system size smaller."
"In my view, the only aspect that could be enhanced in the Dell PowerEdge VRTX solution is the pricing. Apart from that, the overall performance and features of the solution are flawless."
"The security is very good on the solution."
"We were satisfied after we upgraded to a professional next-day on-site support."
"We now find that the solution is quite stable."
"The online UA is very good in comparison to others."
"With Dell PowerEdge VRTX, there are fewer points, and it is easier to troubleshoot and find your way around it."
"Its performance is very good."
"The monitoring and management parts are the most valuable. Monitoring is specifically valuable because you have one console to monitor everything. This console is called Vision."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is the speed."
"It's at least 99 percent problem-free because it's factory-built. So from an informational point of view, everyone trusts that VxBlock has been tested well at the factory and has been configured to their requirements."
"It's a highly optimized piece of equipment that doesn't give us any problems."
"Good flexibility and speed."
"VxBlock has good performance, so that is an advantage."
"Integration with VMware and VMotion definitely brings a lot of value."


"I'd like to be able to increase capacity."
"The scalability is limited with one chassis and the amount of storage it will give you, but it is mainly used for small offices."
"The scalability could be better."
"Dell PowerEdge VRTX can improve by providing support for M2 drives."
"We've had general issues related to the solution being difficult."
"VRTX is a bit simplified to the extent that it is a mainstream type of solution for small businesses. If a company needs a more complex solution or something that is a time saver or has more power or scalability, it is probably not the best solution. However, when a company grows and its needs grow, this type of environment can be definitely migrated towards a lab environment or pre-prod testing, not necessarily production. It can still have a second life for the other types of use."
"Management of storage and networking is web-based, slow, and difficult."
"The problem is with our configuration. We know we can use PowerEdge for hyper-convergence if we have PowerEdge and configure vSAN. We will be able to achieve what VxRail is being able to provide, but we need to migrate it to a new infrastructure instead of changing our existing. It will be much more difficult for us."
"The hardware lifecycle is not documented very well. For example, now you can buy a piece of equipment, but you don't know if the hardware is going to be a team production next month or next year."
"The only thing that I can say is when you procure the VxBlock, obviously you have to complete detailed questionnaires about your architecture including the configuration, et cetera. If you make a mistake on the implementation, then you need to rebuild the entire VxBlock. That is just a point of consideration rather than a flaw. You need to be absolutely sure and validate the upfront configuration information that you provide because your VxBlock comes delivered and built, according to that exact information."
"Does not support different kinds of mixed applications."
"Scalability is an area that needs to be improved."
"There are components of VxBlock that are not managed or supported by Dell because some of the components are from Cisco. Thus, when there are problems with compute nodes, though Dell was managing the interaction, we had to rely on Cisco to solve the issue. When Cisco was not responding as quickly as Dell would for their components, it made it difficult for us because we needed to have the failed nodes back up and running. As such, the disparate ownership of components in the equipment is an issue."
"We are finding it a bit challenging in terms of the management of a specific VxBlock component. Currently, we have different units as a part of the block storage. We have one for Cisco equipment and one for Dell. When we have an issue in the infrastructure, Dell EMC VxBlock System should automatically detect it and send a notification to VC support, but, unfortunately, it is doing that only for one unit. It is not working for Cisco components. We have informed them about this area of improvement, and they are working on this. The way different parts are integrated should be improved. We should have one console to log in to see all the infrastructure in terms of each machine and hardware."
"It's a good product but the price could be lowered. It's expensive."
"This solution does not support Hyper-V, and we would like the new version to be supported and certified to work with Hyper-V."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is less expensive than competitors."
"Fully configured, it costs about $50,000 or $55,000. I did purchase a used one or refurbished one. I have been very happy with it so far. Even if it is an older unit, it doesn't look like its age, and I would say it has been a great choice so far for me. Obviously, I would have thought twice if I had to pay for a brand new one because it is still an older technology with the risk of being discontinued. I talked to Dell, and they're still selling it, but they're not promoting it. They're promoting another line of products right now for hyper-converged, which are much more expensive."
"On the scale of pricing, where one is cheap and ten is expensive, I would rate it as a three. I am familiar with the overall cost, which involves licenses from Dell and VMware, among others, making it a combination of various license types."
"We are renewing the support and we are purchasing the license for the software."
"This product is more reasonably-priced than similar solutions by HPE."
"We bought a license for seven years."
"The tool's pricing is fine."
"The solution price of Dell PowerEdge VRTX could be reduced. However, when comparing the price of Dell PowerEdge VRTX to other solutions, such as HP and Lenovo, it was the best price for what they offer."
"Its price is high. That's why people are now moving to hyper-converge."
"Compared to other solutions, Dell VxBlock System is more expensive."
"We purchased this solution with a ten-year manufacturer warranty, and we have a three-year warranty with our local partner."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Dell EMC VxBlock System?
With a converged infrastructure, it's easy to troubleshoot from network to server issues from a single point of reference.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Dell EMC VxBlock System?
Compared to other solutions, Dell VxBlock System is more expensive.
What needs improvement with Dell EMC VxBlock System?
The solution could use a clearer description of working methods to tell people more about its use cases.

Also Known As

No data available
VxBlock, VCE VxBlock System, Dell EMC VxBlock, VxBlock 1000



Sample Customers

University of Dundee, GE Healthcare Japan
Atos, Canadian Pacific, IDS, City of Denton, CenturyLink, BNP Paribas, Asyaport, EDF, CSC, Fox Sports, Insight, Hunter, KPIT, Paetec, Rosetta Stone, Sonda, Switch, Xerox
Find out what your peers are saying about Dell PowerEdge VRTX vs. Dell VxBlock System and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.