Cisco Ethernet Switches vs NETGEAR Switches comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Apr 4, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Cisco Ethernet Switches
Ranking in Ethernet Switches
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
NETGEAR Switches
Ranking in Ethernet Switches
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
LAN Switching (5th), AV Over IP Switching (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Ethernet Switches category, the mindshare of Cisco Ethernet Switches is 18.6%, down from 20.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of NETGEAR Switches is 9.7%, up from 8.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Ethernet Switches
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
LAN Switching
AV Over IP Switching

Featured Reviews

Nov 13, 2023
Has impressive reliability, I have not experienced a failure
The CLI is very valuable as it allows network professionals to work fast and customize the configuration however they need. Cisco Ethernet Switches have great enterprise features like Cisco DNA Assurance. Cisco DNA Assurance features advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning. Cisco AI Network Analytics, a capability within Cisco DNA Assurance, allows easy management of all devices and services, prioritizes and resolves network issues, and ensures a better user experience across the network. Also, appreciate the industrial line of switches for SCADA or other environments where switches are placed in unconditioned space and the temperatures fluctuate a lot during the seasons.
PawanKumar11 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 8, 2023
The solution is stable, and it can be deployed quickly, but the security features must be improved
The solution is used as a networking device The solution is good. The security features must be improved. I have used the solution for ten years. The tool is stable. More than 200 people were using the tool in our organization. We were using it regularly. We have upgraded to Cisco because it…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"When it comes to switching routing, we have no doubts about Cisco."
"Cisco Ethernet Switches are more stable than other products."
"The tool is stable."
"Good and stable operational experience with nearly no loss of hardware and very few software bugs."
"Tech support has always been good."
"It's for industry products, so it's easy to use."
"Technical support is excellent. They are very helpful."
"I know this solution for many years. I know the GUI and commands, and they are useful for me. I have all the functions that I want."
"It's nice, if there is an issue, to be able to go in through the remote. The fact that the remote doesn't require a static IP... is nice. They initiate the contact to the outside world, without requiring a static to get in."
"The remote troubleshooting is pretty easy. You can turn off a port that might have a network loop created, or where there might be a bad NIC card that is creating issues. Being able to turn off that port remotely is fantastic, instead of having to replace the whole switch. Remote management is really easy."
"The tool is crucial in our network setup, especially in our bank's customer service operations. It connects ATMs and links different branches and service centers. Each branch and service center has its network node connected through these switches."
"The initial setup is easy."
"The most valuable feature is definitely the fully functional IGMP snooping and querier, out-of-the-box, that the switch provides. With most if not all switches that we've worked with previously, at a minimum you have to enable a couple of different options... It's really a good feature to have that stuff enabled and fully functional out-of-the-box so that [AV techs] don't have to worry about configuring any of that stuff."
"The solution is very powerful and versatile."
"Out-of-the-box, it works for our main use case. When passing multicast video across the network, our technicians don't have make any changes. Then, if we do need to make configuration changes for a custom scenario, the web interface is user intuitive so it's easy to use and change."
"For what I used this switch for, it did well."


"The product could improve in the area of simulated switches."
"Because of the cyber attacks, they should focus more on VoIP."
"The price could be better."
"Better manageability and ease of use would be an improvement."
"The user interface could be improved."
"Cisco should strive to improve the software for its switches."
"The local support resources for Cisco in Bangledesh are very poor and should be increased."
"The installation is difficult and requires further training documentations."
"It's worked for the most part, but we've had to power cycle a few devices. We've had to ask customers to manually power cycle them with the power cord, after some of the firmware updates. Their updating needs a little improvement."
"The technical support could be more helpful."
"NETGEAR Switches could provide local technical support services."
"Centralized monitoring is there, but competitors like Cisco Prime are at a higher level of centralized monitoring."
"NETGEAR Switches could be more secure. Scalability could also be better. This infrastructure is a bit old, and we need something that will be more secure. Something that will introduce WLAN, and we will need the knowledge to go with that. Some of the switches were used for more than seven years. I think it was just their lifespan that was exhausted. But other than that, there haven't been any issues that required us to complain or get concerned."
"The M4250 switches needs more SFP models."
"The ‘how-to’ guides could do with some improvements. We got in trouble following the stacking and Dante set-up guides. If these would have been accurate, we would not have lost three days."
"The tool is good, but we probably need another model with PoE connections. Our office plans to switch from analog phone lines to VoIP next year, and we need a model that supports this transition and can handle the required technology. Additionally, improved support for newer technologies like Wi-Fi would be beneficial."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is expensive. There are additional costs besides the license cost."
"The price of Cisco Ethernet Switches is expensive."
"Cisco Ethernet Switches are more expensive than Huawei Ethernet Switches."
"I pay a fixed price on it. I'm not the person on the pursing, so I don't really compare."
"The product is very expensive"
"The cost of the solution is by unit."
"The cost of Cisco Ethernet Switches is expensive."
"There are different licensing based on the model of the solution."
"I believe that the pricing is reasonable."
"The solution is expensive. You need to pay the costs one-time."
"From a price perspective, the solution comes in higher than a small business product from their competitors. The solution is a bit higher, but it's a fraction of the cost compared to an enterprise switch. For example, a Cisco Catalyst can run approximately $13,000, where their Small Business Series may run $800 on the Cisco side. With NETGEAR, it falls in around the $1,000 to $2,000 range for most of what we use it for. Essentially, at this price point, you're getting a lot of enterprise grade features (e.g., that you would on a Catalyst) on an M4300."
"The product is priced economically."
"It was an initial, single purchase for us. For the three switches, because I had the 96X and the two 48 port single gigabyte ones, then all the cards, etc. The total price on it, which may be a little on the low side, for the client was around $16,000 or $17,000."
"This is a one-time purchase and there are no licensing fees."
"It's a great price-to-performance solution. I think it's singularly the best price-per-performance we can find, if not just straight performance to begin with... The cost of hardware and additional services is lower, absolutely. I wouldn't say "low," but we found it to be lower than other options, and that helps us resell this back to customers who are looking at other things like a Cisco Meraki..."
"I sold someone a SonicWall and they had to redo their subscription every year. It was a $300 or $400 subscription they had to pay every year... With NETGEAR... it's only a $10 or $20 subscription per device for the whole year... and you have your license and you have all your support."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user82779 - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 29, 2014
Benefits of Juniper vs Cisco
Both are decent products. I prefer Juniper for the following reasons: 1) Cleaner separation of data plane from control plane. Higher end Cisco devices are better at this but most of the lower end products still seem to be more integrated than I like. 2) The Hierarchical config design means I can…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Would you recommend replacing a Cisco Catalyst Switch by a D-link one?
Hello Mesfin It depends on the real scenario, the cisco 2960 is a very good device and they usually have routing functions but there are many different models within the same 2960 line, and on the ...
Which would you choose - Fortinet Fortiswitch secure access or Cisco Ethernet Switches?
We researched Cisco but ultimately chose Fortinet FortiSwitch Secure Access, mostly because of the price. Fortinet FortiSwitch is an ethernet switch solution that provides security and performance...
In terms of ethernet switches, would you go with Cisco or Juniper?
Our organization ran comparison tests to determine whether Cisco or Juniper Ethernet switches were the better fit for us. We decided to go with Juniper. Juniper ethernet switches are a lesser-known...
How do NETGEAR switches compare with Cisco ethernet switches?
NetGear switches have a lot to offer. They have high availability, zero-downtime stacking, L2 and L3 functionality, and are AV-over-IP ready. NetGear switches also have a command line interface and...
Which switches are better - Ubiquiti Unifi or Netgear?
Ubiquiti Unifi offers a great set of features. For starters, it is easy to configure and implement, and also doesn’t require a learning curve because it is easy to use. It is also simple to reconfi...
What do you like most about NETGEAR Switches?
Stability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten. I have not faced any issues with the product whatsoever.

Also Known As

Cisco Industrial Ethernet Switches
NETGEAR Insight Managed Switches, NETGEAR GC Series, NETGEAR M Series

Learn More




Sample Customers

Linz AG
Blaze Networks
Find out what your peers are saying about Cisco Ethernet Switches vs. NETGEAR Switches and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.