Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Aug 25, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Checkmarx One
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Ranking in DevSecOps
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (3rd), Vulnerability Management (12th), Static Code Analysis (2nd), API Security (4th), Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (5th)
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Ranking in DevSecOps
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Container Security (6th), Software Composition Analysis (SCA) (2nd), Software Development Analytics (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Security Tools category, the mindshare of Checkmarx One is 13.0%, down from 15.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Snyk is 7.8%, down from 8.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Security Tools
Unique Categories:
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Vulnerability Management
Container Security
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Featured Reviews

Feb 9, 2024
A highly scalable solution that reduces workloads, saves time, and fixes loopholes and vulnerabilities swiftly
It is very easy for the analyst to have everything in a consolidated single pane of glass. Previously, they ran multiple tools. They used one tool for source code analysis and another for static code review. Then, I manually verified each result. Since we moved to Checkmarx, it has been very easy for the analyst. The tool gives us a shareable report that can be easily shared with management once the product is done. The solution’s performance and the consolidated information it provides are valuable. The platform is completely on the cloud. There are no scalability or connectivity issues. The platform is stable. It can be accessed from anywhere. We used open-source tools before. We had to deploy the tools in the customers' environment to establish the connection between the tools and their product application. Since Checkmarx is a SaaS-based platform, we need only the forward connection from Checkmarx to the tool. The tool handles everything else. We just need a single firewall rule to be enabled on the platform to establish the connection. The deployment is very simple. We need just one rule to forward the web application to Checkmarx. The scanning engine is very good. Compared to the solutions we used previously, Checkmarx has reduced our workload by almost 75%. The tool has greatly reduced the time and effort our analysts need to do their tasks. It's very useful if we need to perform a short-term project. It is greatly helpful in fixing loopholes and vulnerabilities swiftly.
May 28, 2024
Supports multiple programming languages for security practices
Snyk protects vulnerabilities in the code as usual, detects abnormal data flow inside the field, and similar tasks The specific feature of Snyk that has significantly improved my vulnerability management is its ability to identify vulnerabilities and suggest solutions to fix them. Snyk's…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution communicates where to fix the issue for the purpose of less iterations."
"The solution is always updating to continuously add items that create a level of safety from vulnerabilities. It's one of the key features they provide that's an excellent selling point. They're always ahead of the game when it comes to finding any vulnerabilities within the database."
"The main benefit to using this solution is that we find vulnerabilities in our software before the development cycle is complete."
"The tool's valuable features include integrating GPT and Copilot. Additionally, the UI web representation is very user-friendly, making navigation easy. GPT has made several improvements to my security code."
"Our static operation security has been able to identify more security issues since implementing this solution."
"The features and technologies are very good. The flexibility and the roadmap have also been very good. They're at the forefront of delivering the additional capabilities that are required with cloud delivery, etc. Their ability to deliver what customers require and when they require is very important."
"The solution allows us to create custom rules for code checks."
"Vulnerability details is valuable."
"The solution's vulnerability database, in terms of comprehensiveness and accuracy, is very high-level. As far as I know, it's the best among their competitors."
"The solution has great features and is quite stable."
"The most valuable feature of Snyk is the software composition analysis."
"The most effective feature in securing project dependencies stems from its ability to highlight security vulnerabilities."
"Snyk is a good and scalable tool."
"Our overall security has improved. We are running fewer severities and vulnerabilities in our packages. We fixed a lot of the vulnerabilities that we didn't know were there."
"I find SCA to be valuable. It can read your libraries, your license and bring the best way to resolve your problem in the best scenario."
"It's very easy for developers to use. Onboarding was an easy process for all of the developers within the company. After a quick, half-an-hour to an hour session, they were fully using it on their own. It's very straightforward. Usability is definitely a 10 out of 10."


"It provides us with quite a handful of false positive issues. If Checkmarx could reduce this number, it would be a great tool to use."
"The interactive application security testing, or IAST, the interactive part where you're looking at an application that lives in a runtime environment on a server or virtual machine, needs improvement."
"Checkmarx could improve by reducing the price."
"The validation process needs to be sped up."
"Checkmarx is not good because it has too many false positive issues."
"Checkmarx needs to be more scalable for large enterprise companies."
"The reports are good, but they still need to be improved considering what the UI offers."
"You can't use it in the continuous delivery pipeline because the scanning takes too much time."
"All such tools should definitely improve the signatures in their database. Snyk is pretty new to the industry. They have a pretty good knowledge base, but Veracode is on top because Veracode has been in this business for a pretty long time. They do have a pretty large database of all the findings, and the way that the correlation engine works is superb. Snyk is also pretty good, but it is not as good as Veracode in terms of maintaining a large space of all the historical data of vulnerabilities."
"The tool should provide more flexibility and guidance to help us fix the top vulnerabilities before we go into production."
"The solution's reporting and storage could be improved."
"The way Snyk notifies if we have an issue, there are a few options: High vulnerability or medium vulnerability. The problem with that is high vulnerabilities are too broad, because there are too many. If you enable notifications, you get a lot of notifications, When you get many notifications, they become irrelevant because they're not specific. I would prefer to have control over the notifications and somehow decide if I want to get only exploitable vulnerabilities or get a specific score for a vulnerability. Right now, we receive too many high vulnerabilities. If we enable notifications, then we just get a lot of spam message. Therefore, we would like some type of filtering system to be built-in for the system to be more precise."
"They were a couple of issues which happened because Snyk lacked some documentation on the integration side. Snyk is lacking a lot of documentation, and I would like to see them improve this. This is where we struggle a bit. For example, if something breaks, we can't figure out how to fix that issue. It may be a very simple thing, but because we don't have the proper documentation around an issue, it takes us a bit longer."
"We have seen cases where tools didn't find or recognize certain dependencies. These are known issues, to some extent, due to the complexity in the language or stack that you using. There are some certain circumstances where the tool isn't actually finding what it's supposed to be finding, then it could be misleading."
"The documentation sometimes is not relevant. It does not cover the latest updates, scanning, and configurations. The documentation for some things is wrong and does not cover some configuration scannings for the multiple project settings."
"Scalability has some issues because we have a lot of code and its use is mandatory. Therefore, it can be slow at times, especially because there are a lot of projects and reporting. Some UI improvements could help with this."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price of Checkmarx could be reduced to match their competitors, it is expensive."
"It is not expensive, but sometimes, their pricing model or licensing model is not very clear. There are similar variables, such as projects or developers, and sometimes, it is a little bit confusing."
"We got a special offer for a 30% reduction for three years, after our first year. I think for a real source-code scanning tool, you have to add a lot of money for Open Source Analysis, and AppSec Coach (160 Euro per user per year)."
"Checkmarx is comparatively costlier than other products, which is why some of the customers feel reluctant to go for it, though performance-wise, Checkmarx can compete with other products."
"We're using a commercial version of Checkmarx, and we paid for the solution for one year. The price is high and could be reduced."
"This solution is expensive. The customized package allows you to buy additional users at any time."
"Most of my customers opted for a perpetual license. They prefer to pay the highest amount up front for the perpetual license and then pay for additional support annually."
"Before implementing the product I would evaluate if it is really necessary to scan so many different languages and frameworks. If not, I think there must be a cheaper solution for scanning Java-only applications (which are 90% of our applications)."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive, I rate the pricing a three. It is a cheap solution."
"Cost-wise, it's similar to Veracode, but I don't know the exact cost."
"Pricing-wise, it is not expensive as compared to other tools. If you have a couple of licenses, you can scan a certain number of projects. It just needs to be attached to them."
"The pricing is reasonable."
"The product has good pricing."
"I didn't think the price was that great, but it wasn't that bad, either. I'd rate their pricing as average in the market."
"We are using the open-source version for the scans."
"Snyk is an expensive solution."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What alternatives are there for Fortify WebInspect and Fortify SCA?
I would like to recommend Checkmarx. With Checkmarx, you are able to have an all in one solution for SAST and SCA as well. Veracode is only a cloud solution. Hope this helps.
What do you like most about Checkmarx?
Compared to the solutions we used previously, Checkmarx has reduced our workload by almost 75%.
How does Snyk compare with SonarQube?
Snyk does a great job identifying and reducing vulnerabilities. This solution is fully automated and monitors 24/7 to find any issues reported on the internet. It will store dependencies that you a...
What do you like most about Snyk?
The most effective feature in securing project dependencies stems from its ability to highlight security vulnerabilities.
What needs improvement with Snyk?
I use Snyk alongside Sonar, and Snyk tends to generate a lot of false positives. Improving the overall report quality and reducing false positives would be beneficial. I don't need additional featu...



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Sample Customers

YIT, Salesforce, Coca-Cola, SAP, U.S. Army, Liveperson, Playtech Case Study: Liveperson Implements Innovative Secure SDLC
StartApp, Segment, Skyscanner, DigitalOcean, Comic Relief
Find out what your peers are saying about Checkmarx One vs. Snyk and other solutions. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.