Automic Continuous Delivery Automation vs Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Automic Continuous Delivery...
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Red Hat Ansible Automation ...
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (1st), Network Automation (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Release Automation category, the mindshare of Automic Continuous Delivery Automation is 0.8%, up from 0.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is 4.2%, down from 5.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Release Automation
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Configuration Management
Network Automation

Featured Reviews

Jun 5, 2021
Automatic installation for complex deployments and environments, with good workflow support
Indirectly, we are providing solutions for our clients. We are consultants for our customers and act as system integrators I like that really complex deployments are possible with it. It's very good. You have everything you need. You can design your workflows for your needs. You can do so much…
May 7, 2024
Saves thousands of hours and helps to resolve security issues within minutes
We save thousands of hours a year doing security updates and configuration updates. We save our administrator's time by pushing updates. It is a one-click solution, and all they have to do now is pull down whatever they need for their configs. It saves about 4,000 man hours a year. If you imagine Tier 1, 2, and 3 administrators, I am sitting more at the Tier 3 level. We are able to push out more complicated configurations. We can do just an SSH push to thousands of devices. It saves the time of our administrators from having to go into the console of every device. They do not have to SSH into every device and manually type in those configs. We can resolve security issues within a matter of minutes rather than days. You have the initial big push to get Ansible set up and running in the environment, but once it is there, any tweaks or changes involve just edits to the code base, and you are good to go. It is not at all intensive. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform has not reduced the training required to learn how to automate things. We are starting from scratch, so there is always going to be a learning curve associated with it. The more you peel that onion, the more involved it gets, and the more you have to learn about it. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps connect teams, such as developers, operations, or security so that they can automate together. It is hard to get anything done if all of those players are not talking. Knowledge bases are not siloed anymore. Previously, we did not have a cross-talk or sharing of information. Now that we have the platform, we have to share knowledge back and forth where we are pushing an update and they are telling us what is broken. There is constant feedback. There is a good feedback loop. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform has helped to reduce the time we spend on low-value or repetitive tasks. It is hard to quantify the time savings because of the mass scale at which we use it, but it would be within thousands of man hours a year. My guess is that Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform has saved us costs, but I am not in a position to see those numbers.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The metrics gathered after deployment, for example, the rate of success versus the rate of failure."
"I think on a day-to-day basis, it has increased the capacity to deploy. We don't have to wait for someone to do something."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to see which problems have been resolved from deployment."
"It can support very complex environments and dependencies."
"The product provides efficiency, in terms time, cost, and resources."
"It provides a wonderful user interface which is easy to use."
"I would say our headwind, or our time to market, is reduced considerably. We get more consistent results out of it, because you write one time and once it's automated you expect it to behave the same way every time. And it cut down a lot of re-work for us."
"Self-service for developers, because they are able to deploy to development departments on their own, without needing people from operations."
"Automation tracking is the most valuable feature."
"It's nice to have the Dashboard where people can see it, have it report to our ELK stack. It's far more convenient, and we can trigger it with API and schedules, which is better than doing it with a whole bunch of scripts."
"It has an easy-to-use interface. It is REST API driven, and it integrates with Active Directory. It provides the ability to grant permissions to other users who would not necessarily have those permissions via the GUI so that they could run other people's jobs. For example, you could have the Oracle team grant permissions to the Linux team so that they can use each of those playbooks or each other's code. It is called shift-left."
"The ease of being able to use the modules and collections to define what our business processes are is valuable. We are able to give non-technical people the ability to look at a process and say, "We need a step here. Someone do something and put it right here.""
"One of the most valuable features is automation. We are doing automation infrastructure, which allows us to automate regular tasks. This solution provides us with a service catalog, like building new services and automating daily tasks."
"It enabled me to take the old build manifest and automated everything. So when it came time to spin everything up, it was quick and simple. I could spin it up and test it out. And then, when it came time to roll production, it was a done deal. When we expanded to multiple data centers, it was same thing: Change a few IP addresses, change some names, and off we went."
"The automation is the most valuable feature."
"When you have an enterprise-level number of network devices, the ability to quickly push out security updates to thousands of devices is the biggest thing"


"There is an issue with the stability in the tool. The process of agent will stop, then the monitoring agent can't be recognized because the process is running, but you can talk with the system."
"The stability of the solution can be improved."
"I would like to see more support for WebSphere."
"We hope that we can integrate the new CD Directive into our portfolio, so we can bring the deployment and release management closer together."
"There needs to be better error handling and error descriptions. It should be more clear what the errors are and what we can do to fix them."
"One of the biggest features I've been asked by my team to put in there is opening more scripting languages to be part of the platform. There is a little bit of a learning curve in learning how to code some of the workflows in Automic at this time. If widely used languages like Perl and Python were integrated, on top of what's already there, the proprietary language, it would make it easier to on-board new resources."
"key thing is support for cloud-based deployment. That is lacking."
"GUI for mobile phones: Availability to approve and start deployment through mobile phones."
"On the Dashboard, when you view a template run, it shows all the output. There is a search filter, but it would be nice to able to select one server in that run and then see all that output from just that one server, instead of having to do the search on that one server and find the results."
"It would be good to make the solution more user-friendly,"
"There should be better Windows support. We have had to develop a lot of our own roles because of the Windows platform. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux ones existed but not the Windows versions, so I have had to develop a bunch of Windows ones."
"The tool should allow us to create infrastructure. It has everything when it comes to management, but it lacks the provisioning aspect."
"We are not using the Dashboard a lot because we have higher expectations from it. The default Dashboard from Tower doesn't give that much information. We really want to get down into more than if the job succeeded or what was the percentage of success. We want to get down to task-level success. If, in a job, there are ten tasks, we want to see this task was a success, and this was not, and how many were not. That's the kind of granularity we are looking for, that Tower does not give right now."
"The solution should add a nice self-service portal."
"Ansible is great, but there are not many modules. You can do about 80% to 90% of things by using commands, but more modules should be added. We cannot do some of the things in Ansible. In Red Hat, we have the YUM package manager, and there are certain options that we can pass through YUM. To install the Docker Community Edition, I'll write the yum install docker-ce command, but because the Docker Community Edition is not compatible with RHEL 8, I will have to use the nobest option, such as yum install docker-ce --nobest. The nobest option installs the most stable version that can be installed on a particular system. In Ansible, the nobest option is not there. So, it needs some improvements in terms of options. There should be more options, keywords, and modules."
"It would be helpful to have templates for common configurations. It would make it much easier and faster rather than creating a whole script. The templates would decrease the learning curve as well."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I can save time and money more quickly."
"We increased our quality and reduced our time costs."
"Customers often complain about the price."
"If you have a fixed contract, it has limits to spreading out. If you have a flexible enterprise license contract, then you have a lot of scalability for this tool."
"The cost is high, but it still works well."
"Everything is generally fair. No one ever likes to pay a lot of money, but we are getting the value. We also get support with it. It has been fair and worthwhile."
"The solution is inexpensive compared to other products."
"The pricing is pretty standard."
"If you only need to use Ansible, it's free for any end-user, but when you require Ansible Tower, you need to pay per Ansible Tower server."
"We went with product because we have a subscription for Red Hat."
"Red Hat's open source approach was a factor when choosing Ansible, since the solution is free as of right now."
"I am using the community edition of the solution which is free."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Insurance Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

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What is the difference between Red Hat Satellite and Ansible?
Red Hat Satellite has proven to be a worthwhile investment for me. Both its patch management and license management have been outstanding. If you have a large environment, patching systems is much ...
How does Ansible compare to Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (SCCM)?
Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager takes knowledge and research to properly configure. The length of time that the set up will take depends on the kind of technical architecture that your org...
What do you like most about Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform?
The most valuable features of the solution are automation and patching.

Also Known As

CA Continuous Delivery Automation, Automic Release Automation, Automic ONE Automation, UC4 Automation Platform

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Sample Customers

BET365, Charter Communications, TASC
HootSuite Media, Inc., Cloud Physics, Narrative, BinckBank
Find out what your peers are saying about Automic Continuous Delivery Automation vs. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.