AuditBoard vs OneTrust GRC comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in GRC
Ranking in IT Vendor Risk Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
OneTrust GRC
Ranking in GRC
Ranking in IT Vendor Risk Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the GRC category, the mindshare of AuditBoard is 8.3%, up from 5.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of OneTrust GRC is 13.0%, up from 9.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
IT Vendor Risk Management

Featured Reviews

Feb 15, 2023
The solution’s reporting feature is user-friendly, which makes the gathering of information easy for its users
A handful of things in the solution need to be improved. One of them is better communication of updates to the system or tool itself. Currently, we don't receive any emails about updates, and it's up to the users to find them on the community page of AuditBoard. It would be helpful if we received more direct communication about upcoming changes so we could stay informed. One thing that we, as a team, have noticed is that as we review documentation, there's a comments piece within the actual control itself. We can leave comments as we are reviewing, but the comments don't allow us to pinpoint exactly where we are referencing when we are making a comment. So, for example, there are various sections within the documentation where there's data that's input. Still, if we want to call out a specific section, we have to spell it out ourselves in the comment rather than being able to pinpoint it directly. It's kind of like in Excel, where one can highlight the cell and leave a comment within the cell right there, but within AuditBoard, we have to specifically call out this section in our own words as we are typing the comment. It would be great if this could be improved. I would like to see more inclusive tools available within the AuditBoard system. Currently, it is more like an "à la carte" basis, meaning that users have to add and subtract various different modules to the tool. For instance, there's a risk module that we would love to have, but it's an additional cost. Even though we are already super users, or whatever it's called, paying for the best access to the tool, some modules are still left out. So, it would be nice if the tool was more inclusive of their different modules. Besides that, it has been a very helpful tool for us.
Feb 13, 2023
Effective privacy management, but the technical support could improve, and it is difficult to implement
We use OneTrust GRC to evaluate internal and external projects for risk It does help in the automation of our privacy impact assessments. The product itself, and perhaps most importantly, is not truly designed to fit the way people and users do their work. There are limitations to customized…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"AuditBoard has several solutions for governance, internal audit, and other categories."
"In AuditBoard, there are all the audit steps, including documentation, archiving, and tracking the progress of audits."
"There are lots of features."
"The most significant feature of AuditBoard is its community tools. It provides an internal communication platform that enables users to communicate within the system rather than relying on external tools such as Outlook or Microsoft products. By communicating within the system, all interactions are centralized and accessible, promoting a streamlined workflow."
"AuditBoard is very user-friendly compared to other audit management software I have used in the past."
"The most valuable feature is that everybody can use the same tool. You can give a person permission to use AuditBoard and define their access to the Audit Table. For example, we can allow external auditors or clients to review our completed tests. The clients are attached to specific tests that happen regularly, like inventory counts and asset counts. Debt compliance is only done once annually."
"Considering the solution's return on investment, it has been extremely helpful since we were doing a lot of documentation. Previously, in our company, we were using an Excel sheet which made things quite messy."
"The most valuable feature of AuditBoard is its ability to facilitate the editing of work papers in a seamless and efficient manner. This is achieved through a built-in tool that allows for real-time editing without the need for downloading the working paper. This feature has proven to be incredibly time-saving for me as it eliminates the step of having to download the file and make changes, instead providing an easy-to-access "edit work paper" option. Overall, this feature has greatly improved my experience with AuditBoard and has been a significant contributor to its success in my opinion."
"OneTrust GRC offers policy management, including documentation, distribution, attestation, and policy management."
"As a solution for IT risks, it is a very good product."
"OneTrust GRC is stable."
"We have data from Jira regarding addiction related to Europe as well as California. Additionally, we have data related to the Indian Data Protection Bill. Therefore, GDPR compliance is highly beneficial."
"One of the most beneficial features of the product has been its cloud-based IT and vendor risk management tools, along with built-in templates for GDPR and ISO compliance."
"It does help in the automation of our privacy impact assessments."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is that it already has visibility about all the data protection regulations or other cybersecurity regulations related to several countries"
"The product helps us streamline audit and incident management processes."


"Everything is there, and I have no disadvantage to note as of now."
"AuditBoard has the potential for improvement in a few key areas. Firstly, I have experienced instances where the platform has experienced technical issues and ceased to function effectively. Additionally, the editing tools provided within the platform can be slow and laggy, particularly when trying to access and edit important documents. This can be a hindrance to my workflow and efficiency. To address these issues, they should begin by improving the speed and reliability of the platform, as well as enhancing the search engine to make it easier to find specific controls and documents within the platform."
"It is not easy to analyze the results of a survey as a whole."
"After sending out a request to my network for documents, it would be great to have a receipt that shows who received the request and who did not."
"The initial setup is somewhat difficult because it has multiple pieces that need to be stitched together. You have to integrate it with the business unit you want to test if you want to go down from the corporate level to the operational level."
"AuditBoard could benefit from the addition of video capabilities, although it is not a necessity. Small companies that cannot afford licenses for Microsoft Teams or Zoom would benefit greatly from this feature, as it would enhance the communication process."
"They should improve the solution's test sheets feature for ease of use."
"A handful of things in the solution need to be improved. One of them is better communication of updates to the system or tool itself."
"The platform was not built in a way that allowed multinational entities to use it seamlessly."
"The Vendor Risk dashboard is quite basic today and not interactive, but improvements are in coming the next releases."
"I haven't seen any return on investment using the solution. If I had the opportunity, I would use a different solution."
"OneTrust GRC's workflows aren't automated and need to be manually driven."
"There are several areas for improvement. One is the integration capability. Connecting various DSAR systems can be time-consuming if a single integration takes months to complete."
"We encounter difficulties creating multiple platforms or interfaces and manual processes for changing certain settings."
"They could improve by offering free help. A solution, a lot of times, is not just the use of the solution. For example, it is the overall engagement, how well do they support the system, what is their SLA, and how long their response time is to an issue. It would be beneficial if they had some type of professional services where they offer the first five hours of professional services a year for free. That would be a substantial benefit rather than having to buy professional services or professional services packages."
"There are limitations to customized workflow automation, and they need to increase both the available automation and the customized workflow."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I highly recommend this tool as the price is reasonable. However, consistent pricing is important, and having a loyalty program that rewards long-term customers with lower prices would be a great addition."
"Pricing is variable, like with any technology, and is determined by how hard you wish to negotiate. You can get to a price you're willing to pay if you're willing to negotiate aggressively."
"I found the pricing and setup cost very reasonable."
"The solution is expensive."
"On a scale from one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is too expensive, I rate the solution a seven since it falls under the pricey side."
"OneTrust GRC's licensing costs about $15,000 per module."
"OneTrust GRC is an expensive solution."
"The platform is expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about AuditBoard?
It consolidates the E2E process in one single solution, and in a very user friendly environment.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for AuditBoard?
I believe the license is based on the number of key controls that will be tested regularly. You can also pay extra for additional modules, like risk testing and operational audits, etc.
What needs improvement with AuditBoard?
The layout for the end user could be improved for the control owners and people from whom I request information. If you have a good knowledge of internal auditing, you know there are internal contr...
What do you like most about OneTrust GRC?
We have data from Jira regarding addiction related to Europe as well as California. Additionally, we have data related to the Indian Data Protection Bill. Therefore, GDPR compliance is highly benef...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for OneTrust GRC?
OneTrust GRC is an expensive solution. OneTrust told us that the solution's pricing given on their website is for one entity coming to them. They told us that if the price of a module is 4,000 doll...
What needs improvement with OneTrust GRC?
The platform was not built in a way that allowed multinational entities to use it seamlessly. You could only create one organization. So you create the organization, and then you need to create cou...



Also Known As

No data available
OneTrust Vendor Risk Management



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
randstand, into, halfbrick
Find out what your peers are saying about AuditBoard vs. OneTrust GRC and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.