AppDynamics vs Splunk Enterprise Security comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability (5th), Mobile APM (3rd), Container Monitoring (3rd)
Splunk Enterprise Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Log Management (1st), Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) (1st), IT Operations Analytics (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of AppDynamics is 5.7%, down from 6.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Splunk Enterprise Security is 3.0%, down from 5.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
Mobile APM
Container Monitoring
Log Management
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Featured Reviews

May 2, 2023
Useful monitoring, scales well, and straightforward implementation
The process of implementing AppDynamics is straightforward, but it ultimately depends on your specific use case. You can easily implement an agent if you have a simple use case. There is an agent that needs to be copied into the project and actioned to start. Using it can be somewhat complex as it requires manual configuration, such as when creating a dashboard. If you have a more complex use case, the manual configuration can take a considerable amount of time. Additionally, there is a learning curve associated with this tool, and it takes time to gain expertise. It is not something that anyone can easily configure without investing the necessary time and effort. It takes three to four months to become an expert in the tool to be able to use it effectively.
Jul 12, 2024
Brings all of the components necessary to identify, analyze, and respond together
The most valuable feature is that it brings all of the components necessary to identify, analyze, and respond together. It's pretty important that Splunk provides end-to-end visibility into your environment. As in any product that one purchases to fulfill a function, we want to recognize where it came in, who it affected, and what the challenges are that need to be met in order to resolve something, both immediately and also to make sure that it doesn't replicate in the future. Splunk does a good job of being able to do the former half. Dealing with issues requires tier-three support and above and it takes time. You can work through it with the help of your vendor team. I would rate them an eight out of ten. It's not so much the problem of the application itself, although there are always improvements that can be done. There are a lot of moving parts that need to be added in and if you don't have the information that you need, especially within identity and inventory, then that can be an added challenge when you have to start making imprints based on what you do know. Splunk Enterprise Security provides us with the relevant context to help guide our investigations. There are a number of different standards that can be presented, which is beneficial. Some customers like to have the information that they receive in one format. The driving factor is that when you work with federal customers, some of them want it in one format. The response will be in one format as opposed to another. Splunk has helped to improve my company's business resilience. It's an active component in ensuring that we are vigilant against intrusion and detecting it.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"End-user monitoring (web and mobile)"
"This solution not only provides answers but also provides sensor data. This allows us to quickly resolve issues that developers may take a long time to solve."
"What I like best about AppDynamics is that it's functional, particularly in APM in Java and .NET."
"We previously had an operations team continuously monitoring applications. Now, they just have set things up and our developers can monitor, view, and act on them, accordingly."
"Autodiscovery of application topology, based on real user traffic."
"The transaction snapshots are the most valuable feature of AppDynamics"
"The solution helps us provide a better user experience to our customers."
"AppDynamics' best feature is automation - for example, when I add a note, it can understand the data automatically."
"You can integrate Splunk with third-party security automation solutions and set rules for automatic response."
"The log aggregation is great."
"The fact that Splunk is a platform and not just a SIEM solution is a key benefit."
"We can quickly search for almost anything across many log sources in seconds."
"The most valuable features for us include its robust log management capabilities, which allow us to efficiently handle and retain logs for extended periods as needed."
"The connections to the database are very good and updating the data files is simple to do. The dashboards are useful and user-friendly."
"Splunk has helped improve our company's resilience level."
"The dashboard is amazing. Out-of-the-box dashboard is very good. It is very user-friendly."


"The dashboard can be better. Also, the automated reports could be improved."
"More native support for other hardware is needed because having to install various extensions and perform extra setup for different devices is really challenging, and not as easy or straightforward as it is in other products."
"AppDynamics scaled well up to around 3,000 agents. The performance deteriorated after that, while Dynatrace could support more than 10,000 agents. We were surprised that AppDynamics' scalability is not so good."
"If AppDynamics could do a one-agent function with their actual monitoring effectiveness, it will be the greatest tool."
"The solution is available at an inflated cost"
"There needs to be an option to capture all the sessions for all the users, not just samplings."
"The solution could improve by covering more technologies. For example, it does support .NET Core applications. However, it could be a bit better."
"We have had downtime, which has been the result of config, application, or cord issues."
"It can be tough to determine if you are getting all of the value out of your investment at times."
"Being a SIEM solution with a centralized dashboard, we would like to have more options to customize it."
"The threat detection system has room for improvement."
"You can run a script from an event, but it needs many clicks to run that integration, which could be made easier."
"It would be good if the solution had some kind of copilot to automate or help write correlation searches."
"The support that is included with the standard licensing fee is very bad."
"This is not really a monitoring solution."
"The biggest problem is data compression. Splunk is an outstanding product, but it is a resource hog. There should be better data compression for being able to maintain our data repositories. We end up having to buy lots of additional storage just to house our Splunk data. This is my only complaint about it."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Our purchasing experience through the AWS Marketplace has been pretty painless."
"AppDynamics is an expensive solution."
"For those who appreciate the value and had issues with the visibility of the performance of their applications, then the pricing is good. For somebody who does not need it, it can be pricey, but overall, it is worth the money which it costs."
"As compared to other applications, its price is moderate. Its price is neither very high nor very low."
"Yearly payments have to be made toward the licensing costs of the solution. The solution has no additional costs apart from the licensing costs."
"It is a more expensive APM among the competitors, which is fine because it also does a lot more on the auto-detection and the AI side... It is not a cheap product. None of them are. The price is fair, but I could use it on more projects if they had a lower price."
"As a technical person, and as an application development team, they all understand that this is the right tool for us. But when it comes to budget and financial matters, it takes days and weeks to convince upper management to buy this tool. So they should do something more on licensing costs."
"There is a license needed to use the solution and it is expensive. The licensing model needs to improve."
"Splunk is costly but it’s worth it due to the high-end features."
"Pricing is pretty fair."
"Splunk licensing model might seem expensive but with all the gain in functionalities you will have compared to traditional SIEM solutions I think it’s worth the price."
"It is not cheap."
"Setup cost is cheap: It is free, it is user-friendly, and it is fast."
"Splunk Enterprise Security is expensive."
"It is expensive. I work for multiple clients. I am working for more than five clients, but most of the clients are switching from Splunk to Sentinel because of the cost. Even though Sentinel is very limited, clients are moving to Sentinel."
"Splunk Enterprise Security is not at all cost-friendly to be deployed in very small enterprises like start-ups."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

Feb 26, 2015
HP ArcSight vs. IBM QRadar vs. ​McAfee Nitro vs. Splunk vs. RSA Security vs. LogRhythm
We at have done several posts on SIEM. After the Dummies Guide on SIEM, we are following it up with a SIEM Product Comparison – 101 deck. So, here it is for your viewing pleasure. Let me know what you think by posting your comments below. The key products compared here are…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Any advice about APM solutions?
There are many factors and we know little about your requirements (size of org, technology stack, management systems, the scope of implementation). Our goal was to consolidate APM and infra monitor...
APM tools for a Managed Service Provider - Dynatrace vs. AppDynamics vs. Aternity vs. Ruxit
Hi Avi! It's great to see your thorough approach to selecting an APM package for your MSP company. Considering your focus on SMBs and enterprises in Israel, Dynatrace seems like a solid choice with...
What SOC product do you recommend?
For tools I’d recommend: -SIEM- LogRhythm -SOAR- Palo Alto XSOAR Doing commercial w/o both (or at least an XDR) is asking to miss details that are critical, and ending up a statistic. Also, rememb...
What is a better choice, Splunk or Azure Sentinel?
It would really depend on (1) which logs you need to ingest and (2) what are your use cases Splunk is easy for ingestion of anything, but the charge per GB/Day Indexed and it gets expensive as log ...
How does Splunk compare with Azure Monitor?
Splunk handles a high amount of data very well. We use Splunk to capture information and as an aggregator for monitoring information from different sources. Splunk is very good at alerting us if we...

Also Known As

AppD, AppDynamics APM
No data available



Sample Customers

Cisco, Sony, Nasdaq, Reserve Bank of New Zealand,, Puma, Fox News, DirecTV, Pizza Hut, T-Systems, Cornell University, OpenTable, BITMARCK, Green Mountain Power,, Overstock, Paddy Power, eHarmony, Kraft, The Motley Fool, The Container Store, and more See more customers
Splunk has more than 7,000 customers spread across over 90 countries. These customers include Telenor, UniCredit, ideeli, McKenney's, Tesco, and SurveyMonkey.
Find out what your peers are saying about AppDynamics vs. Splunk Enterprise Security and other solutions. Updated: May 2023.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.