Akamai App and API Protector vs Sucuri comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Akamai App and API Protector
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Ranking in Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud and Data Center Security (10th)
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Ranking in Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Domain Name System (DNS) Security (12th)

Featured Reviews

Pranav Vashisht - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 2, 2023
Easy to learn and gives us a report of traffic
There are some challenges. I have been interacting with their support about an issue. In terms of precedence of Akamai rules, the last one is implemented. That is the one that is operational. If two rules contradict, the last one is implemented. We had a clash, but it was really tough to find that out. I would like to have a rulebook because, in their architecture documentation, it is not mentioned anywhere that if two rules clash, the last one works, and if it does not work, then what to do. This is something we were debating today with their tech support. With AWS, we get documents for the issues so that they do not occur in the future. Akamai's support and knowledge base needs to be improved.
Sep 29, 2023
Effectively prevents security risks and hacking attempts on websites, providing robust protection
I'm currently using it to prevent security risk attacks and hacking on my websites. We use the solution to protect our main website, which has two parts: a Web Application Firewall and a service to remove infection. We also use the part that sends us information about new risk updates to our site…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"All the solution's features are very good."
"It is scalable for DDoS."
"We are getting security for each and every API."
"I can attest to its benefits in terms of understanding and mitigating threats...The solution's technical support team seems to be pretty responsive."
"Akamai Web Application Protector is a good solution that provides basic web application protection."
"Everything will be handled by Akamai's system before it reaches our infrastructure."
"The solution can scale extremely well."
"The product has a good UI."
"Domain name scanning since it allows us to scan all our domain names and determine whether it has malware or if is reported as phishing."
"It significantly eases the workload and streamlines the initial setup required to protect a website."
"The most valuable part is the analytics and visualization."
"The initial setup was straightforward. Straight forward because the plugin can simply be installed and then it does its job. It's not complex, there is no learning curve. The online scan is simple, you put in the website address and the scan gives us a report on the browser itself. It's simple to use."
"I use it as a WAF, which is basically a web firewall to monitor and block traffic to our web server."
"The initial setup was very easy."


"The WAF features definitely have a lot of room for improvement. A lot of the WAF is really basic. For some products or some of our solutions, we need to run a second layer of more advanced WAF. If it had better layer seven protection then we would not need a second WAF."
"The product should provide a secure NTP."
"Could integrate more features for each security."
"Akamai needs to focus on quickly responding to risks, even those that may potentially be of zero threat..Maybe some of the documentation is a little confusing. They have a lot of different places where you can go to get information, and some of the information is quite out of date."
"I do not see any area for improvement. Akamai is already maintaining its own databases for the security concerns, vulnerabilities, and attacks that are there. If anything, they should have a solution in the infrastructure security area as well. They should not be only in cloud cybersecurity; they should also be in infrastructure security."
"It could have better analytics and reporting visibility in the OEM console."
"If we talk about application layer attacks, including WAF, CloudFlare is leading. Akamai can focus a bit more on the application layer attacks and how to protect them."
"One thing I asked them is to integrate the API discovery product that they have and push that data into Akamai App and API Protector so that we do not have two types of reviews to identify the type of traffic. We already know the APIs that are frequently getting used, so analysis becomes easier. We can integrate both products and use them."
"The main improvement I would like to see is support for .NET applications. If they could include this feature, I would include more sites in the protection."
"It would greatly benefit customers if they implemented an online chat or messaging system for quicker assistance."
"Sucuri could provide help for specific security alerts in-line instead of requiring users to search for it in the help section."
"Confident score: Currently it does not have one and there are cases that most websites flagged are false-positives."
"I would rate this solution an eight out of ten. The reason is that we have found sometimes customers or Google saying that there is something wrong with the website but Sucuri says that the site is clean so we do have to look at the site manually which means that the Sucuri scan does not pick up anything and everything."
"In terms of improvement, the cost factor is always there."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The product’s price is high."
"Based on the billing discussions in the DevOps team, Akamai's cost does not seem to be a major thing. However, LOE is an issue. When it comes to support, we know that even all the competitors do this. For a 30-minute issue, they give us a LOE of one or two hours. That is a basic practice, but that is something we worry about."
"If you want quality, you have to pay the price. Its price is fair. Their account managers are also very helpful. They help you a lot with pricing even though they are working with Akamai."
"Its price is slightly high. Every company has a justification for the high price. Overall, it feels worth the money based on how the service has been structured, but we do negotiate it."
"Akamai Web Application Protector is an expensive product."
"The price they are offering is quite reasonable for premium customers, but it's very expensive if you're a small and medium-sized enterprises."
"Price-wise, I would say Akamai's pricing is competitive."
"The solution is expensive."
"The ROI has been very good. Because of the solution, I have a tax break. The site developers were not always experienced people. We used to pay more for cleaning up the site when it was infected. Now, we have peace of mind knowing that the solution will clean up the site and that we won't have to go through the unnecessary process of restoring it from a backup. The protection on the WAF and the measures for backups have also prevented our site from going down."
"I’d simply say it’s really worth it."
"Sucuri offers different plans, both the standard plan and an advanced plan. So there are different plans to choose from."
"It stands out as a more cost-effective option compared to other cloud-based security services like Cloudflare or JetPass."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Web Application Firewall (WAF) solutions are best for your needs.
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Real Estate/Law Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What needs improvement with Akamai Web Application Protector?
The custom rules must be improved. If we have a domain to be monitored, we can use the solution to alert us if a certain specification is met. If we need only 20,000 transactions, but there are 40,...
What do you like most about Sucuri?
The initial setup was very easy.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Sucuri?
The pricing is very reasonable. Sucuri offer other features as an add-on, such as backup, but these have an additional cost. We host the sites ourselves, so I don't take it because it was redundant.
What needs improvement with Sucuri?
The main improvement I would like to see is support for .NET applications. If they could include this feature, I would include more sites in the protection. In future releases, perhaps Sucuri could...

Also Known As

Akamai Web Application Protector, Akamai Kona Site Defender, Akamai Kona DDoS Defender
No data available



Sample Customers

Douglas Omaha Technology Commission, ZALORA, PrintPlanet
The Loft Salon, Tom McFarlin, WPBeginner, Taylor Town, Everything Everywhere, Financial Ducks in a Row, Chubstr, Real Advice Gal, Sujan Patel, Wallao, List25, School the World
Find out what your peers are saying about Akamai App and API Protector vs. Sucuri and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.