Akamai App and API Protector vs StackPath WAF comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Akamai App and API Protector
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection (3rd), Cloud and Data Center Security (10th)
StackPath WAF
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Featured Reviews

Pranav Vashisht - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 2, 2023
Easy to learn and gives us a report of traffic
There are some challenges. I have been interacting with their support about an issue. In terms of precedence of Akamai rules, the last one is implemented. That is the one that is operational. If two rules contradict, the last one is implemented. We had a clash, but it was really tough to find that out. I would like to have a rulebook because, in their architecture documentation, it is not mentioned anywhere that if two rules clash, the last one works, and if it does not work, then what to do. This is something we were debating today with their tech support. With AWS, we get documents for the issues so that they do not occur in the future. Akamai's support and knowledge base needs to be improved.
Oct 4, 2023
Stable product with an easy setup process
We use StackPath WAF to protect small websites for our customers The product’s most valuable is WAF. The authentication feature helps us protect WordPress sites. The product’s performance for caching feature needs improvement. It could provide high security to handle large traffic volumes for…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I have contacted the support team of Akamai... I am happy with their responses and answers to my problems."
"The product has a good UI."
"The solution can scale extremely well."
"The support that we got from their technical team has been fantastic. I have never experienced this level of support from other CDN providers."
"The most valuable feature is the custom rules feature. This is because many of our customers require a lot of custom rules. Because it's a very customized project for our customers, I think they have the best of everything already."
"Features like scalability and uptime are most effective."
"Akamai Web Application Protector is a good solution that provides basic web application protection."
"The product is user-friendly."
"The product’s most valuable is WAF. The authentication feature helps us protect WordPress sites."


"The custom rules must be improved."
"We are experimenting with EdgeWorkers to write our own code at the Edge level. It could grow to be much better."
"The solution could offer even more integrations."
"Akamai App and API Protector is very new to me, so I do not have any insights on improvement areas for the product. However, when we ask for some help, it can take some time. We understand that the job is done by professionals, but if that time can be reduced, it would be great."
"I do not see any area for improvement. Akamai is already maintaining its own databases for the security concerns, vulnerabilities, and attacks that are there. If anything, they should have a solution in the infrastructure security area as well. They should not be only in cloud cybersecurity; they should also be in infrastructure security."
"Akamai needs to focus on quickly responding to risks, even those that may potentially be of zero threat..Maybe some of the documentation is a little confusing. They have a lot of different places where you can go to get information, and some of the information is quite out of date."
"One area where Akamai can improve is the captcha part. Cloudflare provides a captcha if there are a certain number of threats. For example, I can assign that if there are 10 requests within a second from a single IP, it should send a captcha to the user. The user should fill in the captcha, and only after that, the user should be able to access our website. This captcha feature should be built into Bot Manager. I love this captcha feature of Cloudflare."
"The WAF features definitely have a lot of room for improvement. A lot of the WAF is really basic. For some products or some of our solutions, we need to run a second layer of more advanced WAF. If it had better layer seven protection then we would not need a second WAF."
"The product’s performance for caching feature needs improvement."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is not expensive."
"Price-wise, I would say Akamai's pricing is competitive."
"There is no license at all for Akamai. They are going to charge us only for the usage."
"The price they are offering is quite reasonable for premium customers, but it's very expensive if you're a small and medium-sized enterprises."
"The product’s price is high."
"Based on the billing discussions in the DevOps team, Akamai's cost does not seem to be a major thing. However, LOE is an issue. When it comes to support, we know that even all the competitors do this. For a 30-minute issue, they give us a LOE of one or two hours. That is a basic practice, but that is something we worry about."
"The product is expensive, but it is worth the money."
"Cost depends on the volume of traffic."
"The product is affordable."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
No data available

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What needs improvement with Akamai Web Application Protector?
The custom rules must be improved. If we have a domain to be monitored, we can use the solution to alert us if a certain specification is met. If we need only 20,000 transactions, but there are 40,...
What do you like most about StackPath WAF?
The product’s most valuable is WAF. The authentication feature helps us protect WordPress sites.
What needs improvement with StackPath WAF?
The product’s performance for caching feature needs improvement. It could provide high security to handle large traffic volumes for multiple websites.

Also Known As

Akamai Web Application Protector, Akamai Kona Site Defender, Akamai Kona DDoS Defender
StackPath Web Application Firewall

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Sample Customers

Douglas Omaha Technology Commission, ZALORA, PrintPlanet
Robotics Cats, Jewlr
Find out what your peers are saying about Amazon Web Services (AWS), F5, Microsoft and others in Web Application Firewall (WAF). Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.