
How does Microsoft MDS (vs Informatica MDM) fit with Azure architecture?

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InitZero - PeerSpot reviewer
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@GaryM - What data do you manage in MDS currently? That could be one of the leading factor which tool or type of tools to look for. Is it just the reference data which you mentioned in one place? If so, then indeed you can look for something rather simple and prebuilt, for example Reference 360 from Informatica or build your own bespoke solution. I have seen such bespoke systems working well for years in large organizations. Reference Data Management tools are in a nutshell very simple in terms of the data model: there are reference lists (let's take an example of ISO Country list Alpha-2) with reference codes, values and a few extra attributes (for example NL - The Netherlands), cross-references (cross-walks with source systems providing the reference lists, so for example they may use their own codes and have their own values), hierarchies (example: continent -> country -> state) and pretty much that's it. Then you need a simple UI, probably no workflows or a simple one, ability to specify basic business rules and finally pretty good support for various integration patterns. 

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