
How do you estimate ROI of a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solution?

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4 Answers

Zubair Ahmad - PeerSpot reviewer
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Aug 24, 2022
Zubair Ahmad - PeerSpot reviewer
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Aug 24, 2022

@Evgeny Belenky, 24/7 monitoring is not possible with one security expert or resource. 24/7 monitoring requires a minimum of 3 resources to address the security incident and take immediate remedial action. 

If you outsource it to respective security experts then the cost involved in hiring the 3 security experts is less than giving it to an MDR security provider.

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Remy Ma - PeerSpot reviewer
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Aug 24, 2022
Find out what your peers are saying about CrowdStrike, Arctic Wolf Networks, Huntress and others in Managed Detection and Response (MDR). Updated: July 2024.
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Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
What Is Managed Detection and Response (MDR)? Managed Detection and Response (MDR) is a type of outsourced cybersecurity service that offers threat detection and response features.
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Managed Detection and Response (MDR) experts

Alex Clerici - PeerSpot reviewer
SHUBHAM BHINGARDE - PeerSpot reviewer
Matt Hardy - PeerSpot reviewer
Kalyan  Chowdhury - PeerSpot reviewer
Ibidapo Ibrahim - PeerSpot reviewer
Shaik Fareed - PeerSpot reviewer
Matthew Weisler - PeerSpot reviewer