SAP HANA vs SAP IQ comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Relational Databases Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Virtualization (2nd), Embedded Database (1st)
Ranking in Relational Databases Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Warehouse (16th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Relational Databases Tools category, the mindshare of SAP HANA is 13.7%, up from 11.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SAP IQ is 0.4%, up from 0.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Relational Databases Tools
Unique Categories:
Data Virtualization
Embedded Database
Data Warehouse

Featured Reviews

Siddharth Matalia - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 3, 2023
Has a primary and secondary node, is stable, but uses a lot of memory
SAP's HANA database is said to be the fastest database, with simultaneous reading and writing of rows and columns. However, we have not seen the promised improvement in speed. Additionally, shutting down a large database of 6 TB can take up to 30 minutes, whereas databases of other types are much faster to shut down. The long recycling process of HANA can be quite frustrating and has room for improvement. When there is blocking occurring on the database level, the process responsible for it should be killed automatically. We have not seen any CPU or memory increases, but often the memory is almost completely utilized in Linux environments where HANA is installed. As HANA cannot be installed on any other OS, the memory usage should be checked to determine why it is almost entirely taken up. The cost of the solution is high and has room for improvement.
Mani Velayudhan - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 1, 2023
Easy to use, highly stable, but integration could improve
SAP IQ closely resembles OpenText, which I use in conjunction with the SAP ECC ERP system. However, for BW, I utilize SAP NLS instead of OpenText, which functions as a storage unit for my data. The process is straightforward as I move the data from SAP HANA to NLS. Generally, there isn't much activity with SAP NLS, and I only retrieve data from it occasionally upon request. It isn't a system that presents any daily challenges, and mostly, it remains inactive, managing my legacy data in the background. Overall, I'm satisfied with its performance, and I don't have any current plans to modify the system. We are using SAP IQ because it was available from SAP to support archiving. SAP BW, was SAP NLS. They never recommended an OpenText or there was no path to archiving in SAP BW. The standard setters use SAP NLS and SAP NLS runs on SAP IQ. My advice to others is if they have SAP BW, then they should use SAP IQ, but if they have SAP BW, but have other SAP systems that might not need SAP IQ, they can look for other options. I rate SAP IQ a seven out of ten. Overall the solution is easy to use and highly stable.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Its in-memory capabilities are good, which is why many companies still use it."
"One feature I find very valuable, is the response time of the application on the database memory."
"The data storage requirement is reduced from the original database to the HANA database."
"The functionality is of the solution is very good."
"The feature that I like the most is that we can transport the data to our web data application. SAP HANA's performance is really perfect. We're working on big data, and SAP HANA is really working on high performance. We are happy working with it."
"The most valuable feature of SAP HANA is the modeling of the databases."
"Integration is the most valuable feature we use SAP HANA for."
"We have found the solution to be customizable and it is beneficial it comes as a bundled package. Additionally, it is user-friendly."
"Unbeatable speed and compression with a colummn-structured relational database."
"Columnar storage allows high compression, high load rates and high query performance."
"It is very robust for ad hoc DW queries and its columnar compression is unique and valuable."
"The primary benefit of SAP IQ is its ability to limit the expansion of the costly SAP HANA database, which has limited storage capacity. This necessitates a form of data management that involves moving data from SAP HANA to SAP NLS, which is essentially archiving. This allows us to retain access to the data via a link whenever it is required."
"The product is easy to learn."
"The initial setup is easy."
"Valuable features for us include the compression, speed, fast response time, and easy object maintenance."
"The column-based technologies (basically all the database for ITP) are used for SAP IQ. It is used as a column-based solution."


"Technical support could be better."
"The pricing is expensive."
"It would be nice to know when SAP plans to stop its maintenance of a previous version of SAP ECC ERP because, at this point, anyone utilizing SAP will have no choice but to go on S/4HANA Database."
"Needs graphical programming without coding."
"The worst thing about SAP HANA is the price; it's very expensive. The licensing cost, implementation cost, hosting cost, and appliance cost are all high."
"It's a complex initial setup."
"The inclusion of a well-performing Time Machine is vital."
"Unlike other databases, it lacks management features that legacy databases like Oracle or SQL servers have. They need to make the solution easier to manage and offer tools that make management more effective. A lot of things you have on traditional databases you have to develop into HANA."
"I think the universe should be part of the Sybase IQ tool set."
"The organization who owns the product does not support it well and appears not to be doing significant development for the future."
"The solution works best when combined with other SAP solutions. If the environment has other systems other options might be better."
"There is very little documentation available."
"Concurrency and functional error messaging."
"The tool gets stuck sometimes."
"The room for improvement would be the marketing of the product, because this product is much better than advertised."
"Multiplex is very problematic. There are consistency problems in the metadata, meaning it is possible to lose metadata consistency. You should make sure you have healthy backups."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price of this product is good."
"The licensing could improve."
"It is expensive."
"The price of licensing is dependent on the size of the project, however, we have found that there is scope to negotiate the cost. If the solution is implemented on-premises there may be some extra costs for hosting etc."
"SAP HANA is very expensive for small to medium businesses."
"The pricing is relatively high for both customers and partners."
"The price is high and could be a bit cheaper."
"The solution's license is very expensive so I rate pricing a one out of ten."
"Negotiate based on the features required."
"Negotiation is very important."
"Evaluate all options; check to see if you need expensive add-ons."
"It's not that costly. So, the pricing is cheap."
"The only costs after standard licensing fees are for add-ons and upgrades."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Energy/Utilities Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What are the biggest benefits of using SAP HANA?
Based on my work with SAP HANA, the biggest benefit that it can bring to your business is total data management. This product is by SAP - a company that serves almost all needs a client may have co...
Is SAP HANA’s customer and technical support reliable?
We have been using SAP HANA for a fairly short period of time and have only taken advantage of their customer support. So far, we have not had issues that required specialized help from technical s...
Is SAP HANA difficult to set up and start using?
SAP HANA is fairly easy to set up, however, I do not think a complete beginner can do it. You certainly need some preparation - either you need to have experience with similar solutions, or with ot...
What do you like most about SAP IQ?
The primary benefit of SAP IQ is its ability to limit the expansion of the costly SAP HANA database, which has limited storage capacity. This necessitates a form of data management that involves mo...
What needs improvement with SAP IQ?
The tool gets stuck sometimes. The databases freeze suddenly during testing.



Also Known As

SAP High-Performance Analytic Appliance, HANA
Sybase IQ

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Sample Customers

Unilever, NHS 24, adidas Group, CHIO Aachen, Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), Bangkok Airways Public Company Limited
ASR Group, Citrix, State of Indiana, PocketCard Co. Ltd.
Find out what your peers are saying about SAP HANA vs. SAP IQ and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.