NNT Log Tracker Enterprise vs NetWitness Platform comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

NetWitness Platform
Ranking in Log Management
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
NNT Log Tracker Enterprise
Ranking in Log Management
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Log Management category, the mindshare of NetWitness Platform is 0.1%, down from 0.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of NNT Log Tracker Enterprise is 0.1%, down from 0.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Log Management
Unique Categories:
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Featured Reviews

Salah Sabouni - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 8, 2023
Provides comprehensive network visibility, and has available helpful support
The initial setup is complex. It requires some knowledge in order to set it up. If one is the most difficult and ten is the easiest, I would rate it a three out of ten. It's quite complex. Initially, we need to prepare the hardware boxes, whether they are physical or virtual or offered as a service. This involves imaging them with the appropriate functions for the module. Then, for network packet capture, the mirror ports must be connected to the packet capture box. Regarding logs, the configuration process involves making NetWitness boxes communicate with each other through the appropriate protocols and ports. Following this, the next step involves configuring the log sources to send logs to the log box. This process requires the appropriate rules to be configured to initiate log transmission and generate metadata by appropriate parsers on NetWitness. After the setup, the focus shifts to building correlation rules, alerts, and other monitoring activities. These rules and alerts are crucial components for effective monitoring. The deployment process can vary based on the specific environment and requirements, but typically it takes about one to two weeks to complete. Maintaining the solution doesn't require a large number of resources. Typically, one or two capable resources are sufficient to maintain the solution effectively. It's important to continuously monitor and ensure the health and proper functioning of the solution. This involves regularly checking the log sources to ensure that the logs are being ingested correctly and there are no issues such as overutilization or spikes in network traffic.
Jan 7, 2020
Good file integrity monitoring and change tracking tools but the knowledge base needs to be available online
We use this solution primarily for real-time log analytics. We also use the NNT Log Tracker and Change Tracker for the FIM functionality The FIM features in the Change Tracker and the Log Tracker are the most valuable. With that, we analyze the log and differentiate between the planned and…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Performance and reporting are very good."
"The most valuable feature is the hunting ability to work in a CERT."
"The most valuable feature of RSA NetWitness Logs and Packets are the alerts and correlations tools."
"NetWitness can be highly beneficial for incident detection and response."
"The most valuable features are the packet decoder, log decoder, and concentrator."
"I can have enterprise security, email security, next generation firewall security log, HIDS and NIDS logs, etc. all on the same dashboard. It makes it easy to pinpoint or correlate our server to this. I can find out if there is lateral movement. This is the biggest advantage of this solution."
"The most valuable feature is that we can create our own connectors for any application, and NetWitness provides the training and tools to do it."
"The development of use cases on the SSA console is quite user friendly. This means that the security analyst or the researcher does not have to learn another language."
"File integrity monitoring is a very important function."
"This is a very easy-to-use interface with a quick ramp-up time."
"The most valuable feature is the predefined reports for PCI compliance."
"The FIM features in the Change Tracker and the Log Tracker are the most valuable."


"The multi-tenant capabilities are lagging compared to IBM QRadar."
"The system looks like it is a mix of a bunch of different systems, and nothing looked like it was quite together."
"There are instances where you try to run the reports and then it does not give you the desired outcome."
"The product's licensing models are complex to understand. This particular area needs improvement."
"Health monitoring of the event sources and devices."
"The solution should have more integration capabilities with different platforms."
"I'd like to see improvement in its ease of use. It's basically unusable. It's overly complex."
"Lots of competing products have vulnerability protection built into their products, and this solution would be improved by including that support."
"I would like to see the integration of AI technology, so rather than manually monitoring the logs, the tool will understand it and take care of it."
"Only one minor deployment issue came up and it was resolved quickly. No other areas of improvement come to mind yet."
"The correlation suite needs to be improved."
"It is able to identify the vulnerability, however, they need an option to auto-mitigate."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It’s cheaper to run virtual machines in a VMware environment."
"RSA NetWitness Logs and Packets do not have a subscription model, it's a one-time purchase. There is only a perpetual license."
"Many clients are not able to purchase the packet capability because there is a huge amount of data, and the cost depends on the number of EPS (Events per second), as well as the number of gigabytes of data per day."
"We have a perpetual license, so the total cost of ownership is not very expensive. It's a good investment."
"Our license is for one year."
"The licenses are good but the cost is very expensive."
"There is a licensing fee and the customer can choose whether he wishes this to be subscription-based or perpetual."
"Compared to the competition, the is price is not that high."
"We have selected a perpetual license along with support."
"NNT's pricing is moderate - I would rate their pricing two-and-a-half out of ten."
"Consider both their on-premises solution and their hosted solution. Both are reasonably priced."
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Comparison Review

Feb 26, 2015
HP ArcSight vs. IBM QRadar vs. ​McAfee Nitro vs. Splunk vs. RSA Security vs. LogRhythm
We at Infosecnirvana.com have done several posts on SIEM. After the Dummies Guide on SIEM, we are following it up with a SIEM Product Comparison – 101 deck. So, here it is for your viewing pleasure. Let me know what you think by posting your comments below. The key products compared here are…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Insurance Company
No data available

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about NetWitness Platform?
The product's initial setup phase was not at all difficult.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for NetWitness Platform?
The product price was reasonable for my region and the market.
What needs improvement with NetWitness Platform?
From an improvement perspective, the NetWitness Platform needs to release new features and improve in areas like log correlation. The tool needs to have easier integrations with the cloud. Building...
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Also Known As

RSA Security Analytics
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Sample Customers

Los Angeles World Airports, Reply
Wonga, WHSmith
Find out what your peers are saying about NNT Log Tracker Enterprise vs. NetWitness Platform and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.