Nasuni vs Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Aug 13, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Cloud Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
File System Software (1st), NAS (3rd), Cloud Migration (4th), Cloud Storage (3rd), Disaster Recovery (DR) Software (8th), Cloud Storage Gateways (1st)
Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
SaaS Backup (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud Backup category, the mindshare of Nasuni is 0.5%, down from 0.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 is 6.3%, up from 6.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Backup
Unique Categories:
File System Software
SaaS Backup

Featured Reviews

Mar 24, 2023
It's a solid option if you are routinely doing massive file transfers between multiple locations
Nasuni could improve cloud integration and documentation of various ways we can leverage the product. It integrates with Azure, but the native Azure File Sync solution lets you divide data into tiers like hot, cool, and archived. Nasuni doesn't allow you to break the data apart into those tiered categories. That's helpful on the Azure side because you can control costs for data that isn't accessed frequently. Data classified as "cool" or "archived" costs less in Azure. The ability to separate that data within Nasuni would be an enhancement that allows customers to save money on Azure-based backend data storage.
James Mwaura - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 25, 2023
It's more affordable than most, and end-to-end configuration is straightforward
Veeam provides cloud backups. These days, most people want to back things up on the cloud. All the work saved on various office workstations and file servers is backed up on the cloud Clients get peace of mind knowing their data is backed up somewhere else outside their office. If something goes…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Another helpful feature, in addition to restoring a file that was deleted within 24 to 48 hours, is that we have the ability to restore a file or a folder that was deleted, going all the way back to the inception of that file or folder. That means we actually have unlimited backups to the inception point of data with Nasuni."
"The solution gives us a breakdown and summary of every resource and each volume within every resource. It tells us the code within a given volume, so I can go in there and look at the size of the files that are stored there. Nasuni gives me the big picture and allows me to connect things like Power BI to any endpoint. I can take that tabular information from Nasuni and look at it in a graph."
"We've used it to provide file source capacity for VDI environments. The security of it is important and the fact that it's object storage, it's immutable and that it can't be held for ransom. It's a lot smoother than our previous processes that weren't Nasuni-based. A lot of it is done automatically just by the system being in place."
"With Nasuni Management Console (NMC), we get a single, centralized view of our entire internal structure and data center structure. This is very important because this caters to remote locations. One of the main care center teams is dependent on this solution. As it is directly connected to customers for the calls that they receive and troubleshoot, they can then help customers out in case they are not able to place an order."
"Snapshot backup is most valuable. It's quick and easy to use. It's controlled only by an administrator, which is very good. It takes 10 seconds to back up a spreadsheet of three or four megabytes."
"Nasuni is tremendously easy to manage. It eliminates many of the administrative challenges associated with physical hardware storage, and you don't need to worry about any hardware failure or products reaching the end of their lives."
"Nasuni gives us a single platform with a 360-degree view of our file data, which is very important to us. We have everything that we need to look at in a single pane of glass."
"The most important feature is that things are backed up automatically in AWS. We have a lot of remote sites where there is a tiny server onsite and, in a lot of cases, we really don't have to back them up because the data is automatically copied to AWS. The cloud replication is the most useful functionality for us."
"The solution provides good backup services for Microsoft 365."
"It is easy to set up. You can use some functions to make sure you get the maximum bandwidth to do the backup. It has an option to bypass Microsoft network limitations and things like that."
"The setup is very simple. It takes 15 minutes."
"The most valuable feature of Veeam Backup for Office 365 is the backups, we do not want to lose any files. Each one of the files is updated on a regular long-term basis and kept together in the Microsoft cloud-only."
"The product offers good stability."
"It was easy to set up."
"The solution is stable."
"The way it backs up personal files is great."


"We've had some organizational changes that Nasuni has not been able to keep up with, mainly from a data or file system perspective. Moving a filer from one management console has been a challenge. It lacks the flexibility to move files in and out of the management console. We have six management consoles now, and we're constantly telling Nasuni, "Hey, please allow us to move a filer from management console A to B." They can't do that."
"Some applications may not be suited for the Nasuni environment. You may need something with better performance. Otherwise, if you want to run daily operations or some file system, it's a good bet."
"I would like to see improvement in the training Nasuni provides. Compared to some of the other vendors out there, like Microsoft, where you can find how-to videos, Nasuni only has a lot of PDF documents that you have to go hunting for. It's workable, it certainly isn't a problem, but video walkthroughs would always be helpful."
"Its interface design or the graphic user interface design can be slightly tweaked in some areas. Some built-in setup wizards would be very beneficial. Rather than having to go in and configure it by hand, there should be more setup wizards for onboarding new data shares and getting it set up the way you want. I don't know if these are on their roadmap, but I sat down and talked to them about some of the work concerns, some of the things that we liked, and some of the things that we didn't like. They are probably working on that."
"The performance monitoring could be improved."
"Nasuni recently implemented a health system for filers. However, it needs better visibility because it lacks data and an explanation, or reasoning as to why a particular filer may be unhealthy."
"When we have to rebuild a filer or put a new one at a site, one of the things that I would like to be able to do is just repoint the data from Azure to it. As it is now, you need to copy it using a method like Robocopy."
"The performance of the filesystem could be improved."
"We use a yearly subscription. However, I believe the price could be lower."
"The license pricing can be reduced."
"They need more documentation, awareness, and assistance."
"In some instances, a customer is not necessarily backing up Microsoft 365. For instance, they might be backing up a large Oracle database. It would be nice if they could tweak it to compress the file, so it's easier to transfer a huge file."
"Technical support could be improved."
"If you use a device to back up with compression and duplication, the solution doesn't work."
"The capacity storage is a challenge everywhere in the backup industry. The general feedback people are coming back to about this is that there is no deduplication based on it."
"This solution does provide the option to choose a different target of storage."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing is on par with everybody else, and fair."
"I would not say it is economically priced, but it is affordable. If you can afford to pay for it, it is worth the money, but it is definitely not overpriced. It is priced about where it needs to be in the market. We were satisfied with the way they did their licensing and how they handled it. I believe they actually license by data size. It is based on how much data is being held on the machine and replicated, and that's completely understandable. So, for us, their pricing was as expected and affordable."
"It is around $850 per terabyte per year. Any additional costs that you would incur are for the local caching devices that you'll need to access Nasuni. You kind of provide your own virtual machines or compute to access the data. You also pay for the object storage. So, there are three parts to it. There is the Nasuni license per terabyte. You would also pay for the actual object storage in the cloud, and then you would pay for virtual machines to access the storage."
"They could lower the cost, but it saves so much money when you go into it (by losing all the backup)."
"Nasuni pricing is average; it's not too high or too low."
"With this solution, the license renewal is pretty swift. With the virtual appliance, you just need to take care of the OS versions and patches. In a way, we don't have to struggle much with renewals because the only thing that we need to take care of are the licenses. We renew it every three years. This aspect goes with infrastructural costs because it doesn't cost us too much to maintain the solution."
"Nasuni should provide small-scale licenses, like a 20 TB license. Currently, the smallest is a 30 TB license."
"The pricing is fair. It's an enterprise-level solution so it's not inexpensive... The cost is pretty stable year over year."
"Veaam Backup is licensed per mailbox, which customers like because it's per user and so they don't have to pay for shared mailboxes."
"The solution is very, very, very, cheap."
"The cost of Veeam Backup for Office 365 is $19 for one mailbox."
"The pricing is expensive."
"This is not a stand-alone product and requires a standard Veeam license for your organization in addition to the cost of the solution."
"Its price is a little bit high, but it is a fantastic solution. It is more expensive than NetApp."
"We decided on Altaro because, from the point of view of the total cost, Altaro looks cheaper than Veeam. Veeam has a lot of costs that are not clear when you start it, which makes it less flexible than Altaro, but only after half a year, you can be really sure that you made a good decision."
"I have a per-user license for the number of users and the mailboxes that I have."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Construction Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Does Nasuni have a good pricing model?
Based on the experience of my organization, Nasuni is definitely worth the money, since it gives you an all-in-one solution where you'd usually need several programs. About the cost, there isn't a ...
Is it easy to restore files with Nasuni?
As someone who has used this feature of Nasuni I can tell you - yes, it's good for file recovery and you'll definitely benefit from very quick times. I can't tell you if it's the best one because I...
What features and services does Nasuni offer?
Hi, if you pick Nasuni, you'll be benefiting from many services for a good price. Well, it's a personalized price you get after an agreement with the company but in my organization's case, it is a ...
How does AvePoint Cloud Backup compare with Veeam Backup for Office 365?
AvePoint Cloud Backup for MS Office 365 is a SaaS backup whose features include secure storage and unlimited and automated backups. The storage is saved in AvePoint’s Azure storage or it can also b...
What do you like most about Veeam Backup for Office 365?
The tool is easy to use and straightforward regarding restoration and creating backups. It's user-friendly, providing results and sending alerts when something goes wrong.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Veeam Backup for Office 365?
Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 is expensive, and I rate it an eight out of ten.

Also Known As

No data available
Veeam Backup for Office 365, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365



Sample Customers

American Standard, CBRE, Cushman & Wakefield, E*TRADE, Ithaca Energy, McLaren Construction, Morton Salt, Movado, Urban Outfitters, Western Digital
Columbia Power & Water Systems
Find out what your peers are saying about Nasuni vs. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.