LogRhythm SIEM vs Microsoft Sentinel comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 12, 2023

Categories and Ranking

LogRhythm SIEM
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Log Management (8th)
Microsoft Sentinel
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) category, the mindshare of LogRhythm SIEM is 3.3%, down from 5.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Sentinel is 10.9%, down from 13.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Unique Categories:
Log Management
Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)
Microsoft Security Suite

Featured Reviews

Feb 13, 2024
The product prioritizes alerts and provides good log analysis and rule management features
The initial setup is not easy. It requires technical skills. I rate the ease of setup a six or seven out of ten. The solution is cloud-based. Our environment is very complex. The deployment takes three to four months. We have to install agents. We have multiple locations with multiple data centers and a multi-cloud presence. The setup must be done with a lot of variations. We use Puppet for Windows deployment. The Linux deployment needs forwarders. We have multiple tiers, endpoints, and collectors. We must set up multiple things. Each aspect has its own set of rules and limitations. We cannot do everything in one go. We must scale it up gradually.
Sep 15, 2023
Easy to integrate, offers good documentation, and the setup is simple
All of the features are great. In fact, when they add new features they are always valuable and interesting. There are so many features on offer. I really appreciate that it is very well documented. I also use Defender 365, including Defender for Endpoint. It's easy to integrate with Sentinel. In two clicks we can integrate them together. I have experience with Defender for Cloud. I'm actually getting into the Center for Cloud right now, so I'm just Learning about it. Sentinel enables us to ingest data from our entire ecosystem. It's important to have data visibility for our security operations. Sentinel enables us to investigate the threats and respond from one place. That is very important for operations. We need to be able to easily look and have visibility over what's happening. Sentinel enabled us to automate routine tasks. It helps us automate the handling of trivial tasks related to alerts. With the solution, we no longer have to look at multiple dashboards. I wouldn't say it has completely eliminated looking at different dashboards. As it stands right now, there are two dashboards that we will have to look at. One is Sentinel, and the other one is a ticketing system. Compared to what's being used, it's saved us some time overall. The ease of use and the clear documentation are helpful in that regard. Someone who doesn't know how to use it can easily go in and find out.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I like LogRhythm's ease of use. The solution has improved compared to previous versions. It had many issues before, like integration, the console, creating reports, false positives, etc. The AI engine has made it stronger in the latest version."
"The initial setup is pretty easy."
"Its benefits are broad. The solution isn't necessarily made to do any one thing, but it can do anything you tell it to. It is able to tackle any different type or size of job."
"The user interface is pretty good compared to other SIEM tools."
"The ability to drill down and pivot from an event is one of the biggest advantage the product has compared to other things that I have seen in the market."
"We should be able to response to threats and gain visibility into our environment that we don't currently have."
"It's reliable and the performance is good."
"We take in around 750 million logs a day. We have a lot of products and that would be a lot of different panes of glass that we would have to look through otherwise. By centralizing, we can triage and take steps much more quickly than if we tried to man that many interfaces that come with the products."
"The machine learning and artificial intelligence on offer are great."
"The ability of all these solutions to work together natively is essential. We have an Azure subscription, including Log Analytics. This feature automatically acts as one of the security baselines and detects recommendations because it also integrates with Defender. We can pull the sysadmin logs from Azure. It's all seamless and native."
"The most valuable features in my experience are the UEBA, LDAP, the threat scheduler, and integration with third-party straight perform like the MISP."
"It is quite efficient. It helps our clients in identifying their security issues and respond quickly. Our clients want to automate incident response and all those things."
"The initial setup is very simple and straightforward."
"Log aggregation and data connectors are the most valuable features."
"The automation rules and playbooks are the most useful that I've seen. A number of other places segregate the automation and playbook as separate tools, whereas Microsoft is a SIEM and SOAR tool in one."
"What is most useful, is that it has a good connection to the Microsoft ecosystem, and I think that's the key part."


"I would like to see case management become more independent from LogRhythm itself."
"LogRhythm NextGen SIEM is currently based only on the Windows platform. This means that some of our customers have to purchase a Windows license elsewhere. If LogRhythm can move to a Linux platform or a proprietary platform, it would be very helpful."
"I would like to see more integration with more products that are out there within the same security field."
"Parsing is totally controlled by LogRhythm and they do not allow any partner or any third-party to handle this part and this is a key challenge on my end."
"We've had issues with scaling and local support."
"I have Windows administrators who will remove the agent when they think that that's what's fouling up their upgrade or their install or their reconfiguration, etc. The first thing they do is to turn off the antivirus, turn down the firewall, and take off anything else. They don't realize that the LogRhythm agent is just sitting there monitoring. Most antivirus products have application protection features built-in where, if I'm an admin on a box, I can't uninstall antivirus. I need to have to the antivirus admin password to do that."
"The log storage capacity should be increased."
"We had a little bit of difficulty implementing a disaster recovery situation because it was leveraging only Microsoft native DNS and it wouldn't work with our Infoblox DNS deployment that we use in our environment. They've been working on that behind the scenes."
"The performance could be improved. If I create 15 to 20 lines for a single-use case in KQL, sometimes it takes more time to execute. If I create use cases within a certain timeline, the result will show in .01 seconds. A complex query takes more time to get results."
"They should just add more and more out-of-the-box connectors. It is quite a new product, and it has a lot of connectors, and even more would be good."
"The solution could be more user-friendly; some query languages are required to operate it."
"Only one thing is missing: NDR is not available out-of-the-box. The competitive cloud-native SIEM providers have the NDR component. Currently, Sentinel needs NDR to be powered from either Corelight or some other NDR provider."
"They need to work with other security vendors. For example, we replaced our email gateway with Symantec, but we couldn't collect these logs with Azure Sentinel. Instead of collecting these logs with Azure Sentinel, we are collecting them on Qradar. We couldn't do it with Sentinel, which is a problem for us."
"At the network level, there is a limitation in integrating some of the switches or routers with Microsoft Sentinel. Currently, SPAN traffic monitoring is not available in Microsoft Sentinel. I have heard that it is available in Defender for Identity, which is a different product. It would be good if LAN traffic monitoring or SPAN traffic monitoring is available in Microsoft Sentinel. It would add a lot of value. It is available in some of the competitor products in the market."
"The playbook development environment is not as rich as it should be. There are multiple occasions when we face problems while creating the playbook."
"I would like Sentinel to have more out-of-the-box analytics rules. There are already more than 400 rules, but they could add more industry-specific ones. For example, you could have sets of out-of-the-box rules for banking, financial sector, insurance, automotive, etc., so it's easier for people to use it out of the box. Structuring the rules according to industry might help us."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I would rate the tool's pricing around eight out of ten."
"It is a very cost-effective solution."
"The support which allows more customized to the environment when we are deploying new systems is called Professional Service and is very expensive. The technical annual support and there is an annual fee."
"We have seen a measurable decrease in the mean time to detect and respond to threats. As it comes out new features and new releases, the window is becoming a lot narrower because you can pivot a lot more with the data. Therefore, the new features and enhancements are reducing that."
"I give the price a six out of ten."
"Look closely at the cost of licensing of other products. This should include setups and the need for support services. I did a RFQ to 2 other vendors before choosing this product."
"If you don't have your staff, absolutely look into the co-pilot and factor that into your cost evaluation."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is low, and ten is high, I rate the pricing between six and seven."
"I don't know yet because they gave us a 30-day test window for free."
"From a cost point of view, it is not a cheap product. It's, like, an enterprise-level application. So if you compare it with a low-level application, it's expensive, but if you compare it with the same-level application, it's pretty much cost-effective, I think."
"The cost of Sentinel is high. It typically costs more than $100 for five to ten users of the licenses or subscriptions. It costs around $123 per day on the cloud. Small- to mid-sized organizations would need a dedicated budget to adopt this solution; however, the cost may not be an issue for large, enterprise-level organizations."
"Some of the licensing models can be a little bit difficult to understand and confusing at times, but overall it's a reasonable licensing model compared to some other SIEMs that charge you a lot per data."
"It is priced fairly given the value that you get from the use of the product. The biggest mistake people make with Microsoft Sentinel is not understanding the pricing model and the amount of data that they are going to be running through the tool because you are paying based on the flow. You are paying based on the amount of data that is moving through the tool. People do not plan, and therefore, they get surprised by the cost associated with using the tool. They connect everything because they want to know everything, but connecting everything is very expensive."
"Sentinel's price is comparable to pretty much everything out there. None of it is cheap, but we didn't think we could save money by going a different route. Sentinel was part of our Azure expenditures, so it was easier to add the expense instead of having a completely separate vendor."
"It varies on a case-by-case basis. It is about $2,000 per month. The cost is very low in comparison to other SIEMs if you are already a Microsoft customer. If you are using the complete Microsoft stack, the cost reduces by almost 42% to 50%. Its cost depends on the number of logs and the type of subscription you have. You need to have an Azure subscription, and there are charges for log ingestion, and there are charges for the connectors."
"The pricing is reasonable, and we think Sentinel is worth what we pay for it."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is the difference between log management and SIEM?
Rony, Daniel's answer is right on the money. There are many solutions for each in the market, a lot depends upon your ability to manage such tools and your budget. A small operation may be best s...
What do you like most about LogRhythm NextGen SIEM?
LogRhythm does a very good job of helping SOCs manage their workflows.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for LogRhythm NextGen SIEM?
LogRhythm's pricing and licensing are extremely competitive and it's one of the top three reasons we continue to invest in the platform.
Is there a common threat intelligence tool that aggregates multiple threat intelligence sources?
Yes, Azure Sentinel is a SIEM on the Cloud. Multiple data sources can be uploaded and analyzed with Azure Sentinel and its Threat Hunting functionality with AI available as templates or customized ...
What is a better choice, Splunk or Azure Sentinel?
It would really depend on (1) which logs you need to ingest and (2) what are your use cases Splunk is easy for ingestion of anything, but the charge per GB/Day Indexed and it gets expensive as log ...
Which is better - Azure Sentinel or AWS Security Hub?
We like that Azure Sentinel does not require as much maintenance as legacy SIEMs that are on-premises. Azure Sentinel is auto-scaling - you will not have to worry about performance impact, you will...

Also Known As

LogRhythm NextGen SIEM, LogRhythm, LogRhythm Threat Lifecycle Management, LogRhythm TLM
Azure Sentinel



Sample Customers

Macy's, NASA, Fujitsu, US Air Force, EY, Abbott, HD Supply, SAB Miller, UCLA, Raytheon, Amtrak, Cargill
Microsoft Sentinel is trusted by companies of all sizes including ABM, ASOS, Uniper, First West Credit Union, Avanade, and more.
Find out what your peers are saying about LogRhythm SIEM vs. Microsoft Sentinel and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.