Imperva DDoS vs Radware DefensePro comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Imperva DDoS
Ranking in Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
CDN (6th), Web Application Firewall (WAF) (18th)
Radware DefensePro
Ranking in Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection category, the mindshare of Imperva DDoS is 8.4%, down from 10.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Radware DefensePro is 7.1%, up from 6.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection
Unique Categories:
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Jun 4, 2024
Helps to automate production but needs to improve its compliance and customer support
My use case involved handling specific web applications for our operations team Imperva DDoS helps us automate production. The client had specific requirements for a cloud project in the financial sector. We faced issues regarding compliance with client procedures. The client had strict…
M.A. Faisal - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 14, 2023
Helps detect attacks in real-time, and is stable, but the cloud scrubbing capabilities need improvement
Radware DefensePro can defend against Layer 3 and Layer 4 DDoS attacks but it is not capable of protecting against Layer 7 attacks. Radware DefensePro suffers from a high false positive rate of 25 percent and occasionally blocks legitimate traffic, requiring manual unblocking. Additionally, it has been known to miss some threats. We have not seen a reduction in downtime associated with attacks by using DefensePro. Radware DefensePro needs to improve its cloud scrubbing capabilities. We have discontinued their cloud services due to poor performance. The inability to access local technical support during our business hours poses a significant inconvenience. This necessitates extra devices for continuous operation until we can speak to their support. We would appreciate the availability of a team within our time zone for optimal service.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Integration with IBM AS/400 and Db2 is okay."
"Its unique interface for managing security performance and ease of use are the most valuable features of this solution."
"Simplifies putting everything in code."
"This product is a reliable defense from malicious attacks on a network environment."
"The setup of Imperva DDoS was easy."
"Real-time monitoring is also a great tool, as you may watch several parameters in real time."
"Scalability is pretty easy on the base platform. You just add another, and you're ready to go."
"The dashboard is good and user-friendly."
"This solution is extremely scalable and has the highest level throughput (100G) which complies with Telco deployment."
"SSL-based mitigation from DDoS attacks is good from their side. They are capable of preventing SSL-based attacks with certifications and everything loaded onto them."
"A valuable feature is the speed of signature updates."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to create signatures on-demand."
"The product integrates well with Cisco."
"It offers valuable insights into ongoing and past attacks, aiding in post-incident analysis and continuous improvement of our cybersecurity strategy."
"The reporting is very good and provides us with a comprehensive description of where attacks are emanating from."
"With the secure signature feature, the Radware DefensePro is a big assistance. It is a big help to our customers to improve their productivity and performance. The prompt response from the Radware team is definitely increasing in the new era."


"The weakest point of Imperva is their first level of support, which should be improved. They should also improve the access and security logs viewing directly on the portal. I would like to see better access and security logs through the portal and not only through a SIM solution. Currently, if you want to explore your access and security logs from Imperva, you need a SIM tool or a SIM infrastructure on your side to do it. You can't do it manually or directly through the portal, which is a big problem for us. I had a call yesterday with Imperva for the roadmap, and I just told them this. They agreed that this is an improvement point from their side."
"Incapsula services also provides load balancing services for their service IP address environment. So far, with monitoring their services, the IP address was only changed once."
"Imperva now offers add-ons to add functionality, but I would like to see these included in the product, even if it would cost more."
"It would be better if we were able to manage and apply changes to multiple websites/web applications, and search WAF logs for multiple websites, via the Incapsula dashboard."
"The product could use a broader scope in the area of policies."
"Imperva DDoS does not provide version control."
"Certificate management could be improved."
"The salespeople tend to exaggerate its capabilities, which can cost you money if you don't verify the information."
"Radware DefensePro requires a continuous learning process. Using this technology, we can improve our network. Based on the different attack mechanisms, we use Radware DefensePro to provide security for our clients' networks very effectively."
"The inability to access local technical support during our business hours poses a significant inconvenience."
"It would be ideal if they could expand protocol support to cover emerging communication standards and ensure comprehensive protection against diverse attack vectors."
"I would like to see more graphics within the dashboard. Right now, you are required to buy tools in order to have graphical representation for your monitoring."
"There's room for improvement in the clarity of the feedback provided by the command service in the CLI."
"I would like to see more focus on layer seven protection."
"We would like to have seven-layer functionality."
"The solution needs a bit more functionality. It would be good if DefensePro could have anti-bot functionalities in order to stop bots like web scrapers from getting onto our customers’ network."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"​Although the pricing can be a little high, it is worth the protection and security that it offers.​"
"The cost is somewhere around $10,000 a site. For every site, you pay individually. For every DNS entry, you have you pay."
"Imperva charges us based on bandwidth, which is better than other vendors that charge us according to data transfer."
"It is a very expensive solution. The price is very high. A lot of customers tell us that they would love to use Imperva more. I have some customers who have 50 websites, but they have only 10 websites on Imperva because of the price. They would love to have all their websites running through Imperva, but they can't. They have to choose the more critical websites to protect because the price is very high. It is a very good product, but it is too expensive. If you buy a plan for 20 megabytes and you don't consume all of your 20 megabytes, it is okay, but if you consume more, you are charged for the superior traffic."
"Pricing could be more competitive."
"There is a license or subscription renewal that our customers pay."
"The cost is on par with other solutions such as Cloudflare and Akamai."
"We are satisfied with the pricing."
"The price was well over six figures."
"The pricing is based on the amount of network traffic and the number of packets being inspected."
"It is expensive. I would rate it a seven out of ten for pricing."
"The product's pricing is a good value."
"The initial cost is over $100,000 for one appliance."
"The licensing cost is about $50,000."
"The Radware DefensePro was bundled together with our security platform."
"The NetFlow security could be improved too."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user68487 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 6, 2013
CloudFlare vs Incapsula: Web Application Firewall
CloudFlare vs Incapsula: Round 2 Web Application Firewall Comparative Penetration Testing Analysis Report v1.0 Summary This document contains the results of a second comparative penetration test conducted by a team of security specialists at Zero Science Lab against two cloud-based Web…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Imperva Incapsula?
We use Imperva DDoS to stop DDoS attacks and reduce the amount of unwanted queries against web services or web scraping.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Imperva Incapsula?
The solution is very affordable. It's based on the traffic utilization, the average traffic utilization, not the DDoS traffic. Therefore, if you're being DDoSed, you don't pay extra for the absorpt...
What needs improvement with Imperva Incapsula?
It’s hard to think of an improvement. The three-second service level agreement is already better than the competition. You would ordinarily say something like API protection. However, they've got t...
What do you like most about Radware DefensePro?
The dashboard is the best part, and there is also the ease of operations.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Radware DefensePro?
Radware DefensePro is a bit on the expensive side. While researching DDoS solutions and looking for the most affordable option, I'd recommend considering Radware DefensePro even though it might not...
What needs improvement with Radware DefensePro?
We've been encountering a lack of updates in DefensePro. Currently, we're facing numerous bugs within our data solution. These bugs are impacting the failover process, and we're observing repeated ...

Also Known As

Imperva Incapsula
"Radware Defense Pro"

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Sample Customers

Hitachi, BNZ, Bitstamp, Moz, InnoGames, BTCChina, Wix, LivePerson, Zillow and more.
Find out what your peers are saying about Imperva DDoS vs. Radware DefensePro and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.