HAProxy vs Radware Alteon comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Service Mesh (4th)
Radware Alteon
Ranking in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Web Application Firewall (WAF) (11th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) category, the mindshare of HAProxy is 14.1%, up from 13.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Radware Alteon is 5.8%, up from 3.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Unique Categories:
Service Mesh
Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Featured Reviews

AANKITGUPTAA - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 14, 2022
Open-source, cuts costs, and is straightforward to set up
The product is an open-source load balancer. We deploy it for our application as a front-end server where all the users come on that particular HAProxy server, and it is redirected to our back-end servers It helps include the reverse proxy or more security modules for enhancing security. It helps…
Bikash Kumar Dash - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 13, 2023
Cost-effective, reduces downtime, and allows third-party SSL integration
There are a few areas of improvement. It can be improved by combining the web application firewall (WAF) facility. The sandbox feature should be there. We have previously used an RA Network product for load balancing. They have a feature called Sandbox, but that feature is not there in Radware Alteon. This feature helps us to improve performance and security for application delivery. Its GUI can be improved. Its GUI is a little old. We are based in India, but we get better support in other time zones. If Radware can establish a bigger support center in India so that we get support in Indian time, that would be helpful. In the international time zones, we get perfect support, but during the Indian time zone, we face a little bit of difficulty. There is a lot of waiting time. The turnaround time is also high during the Indian time zone, but during the international time zones, we get immediate support. The scalability and reliability of the product are very good. Not much improvement is required there, but some security features can be improved.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The anti-DDOS PacketShield filtering solution (embedded in the physical appliances) as well as the BGP route injection are great features and heavily used."
"I am also able to make configuration changes during the day, in production, with no worries of problems and/or downtime occurring."
"The features I find valuable in this solution are session control which automatically disconnects users that forget to log off, and the ability to write rules to either allow or block certain file requests."
"The technical support has been, in one word, perfect. Every time I call, I’m on the phone with a representative within five minutes who is highly skilled and willing to help, whether in the case of critical issues or simple advice."
"We use it as a load balancer for our application servers."
"I can't speak to all of the HAProxy features because we don't use them all, but load balancing is very good."
"It is scalable."
"The most important features would be the load-balancing of HTTP and TCP requests, according to multiple LB-algorithms (busyness, weighted-busyness, round robin, traffic, etc). Another important feature that we cannot live without is the username/passwd authentication for legacy systems that had none."
"The best part is that we are able to manage it easily. It is easy to manage and easy to integrate with third-party applications."
"The most valuable feature is the load-balancing reverse proxy."
"The most valuable aspect is the ability to customize the types of load-balancing scenarios needed for customized applications. Some of the load balancers on the market today are strictly out-of-hand load balancers for SSL or HTTP. Radware Alteon is most useful for customizing in-house applications based on ports and protocols."
"The link load balancing is a great feature."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is its stability. During the time that I have been using it, it has not undergone a service failure... And with the integrated application protection, we have not suffered from attacks anymore."
"It is easy to expand. Our clients are enterprise-size."
"The most valuable features of Radware Alteon are the reverse proxy functionality and the SSL offload and hardware."
"I found the link load balancer and server load balancer are the most valuable."


"The basic clustering is not usable in our very specific setup. The clustering is mainly a configuration replication and is great in a case of active-passive usage. In the case of an active-active (or with more than two nodes) where the configuration is not fully identical, it cannot be used as-is."
"HAProxy could improve by making the dashboards easier to use, and better reports and administration tickets."
"There is no standardized document available. So, any individual has to work from scratch to work it out. If some standard deployment details are available, it would be helpful for people while deploying it. There should be more documentation on the standard deployment."
"The configuration should be more friendly, perhaps with a Web interface. For example, I work with the ClusterControl product for Severalnines, and we have a Web interface to deploy the HAProxy load-balancer."
"The logging functionality could use improvement, as it is a little cryptic."
"The GUI should be more responsive and show the detailed output of logs."
"The visibility could be improved."
"They should introduce one feature that I know many people, including me, are waiting for: HAProxy should have provide hot-swipe for back-end servers. Also, they need a more detailed GUI for monitoring and configuration."
"Performance could be improved."
"The user interface can be improved."
"I would like the solution to display and help visualize the reference map more easily. I would also like to better understand where queries come from and know which users are consulting the application, along with which app."
"Their support can be better. The Radware management is very proactive. We can connect to anybody in Radware Management in India. We can even connect with the MD of Radware India. However, their lower level staff should be more proactive towards the customers."
"The GUI needs to be improved. Right now, the solution isn't so user-friendly."
"We recently had a problem with the tables Obsolete ARP which was observed by the support team. It would be good to diagnose and solve this problem with a patch since it is not documented that it will be solved in later updates."
"We are having a difficult time with the security module, and how to implement the Radware security."
"The solution could be more robust."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Very good value for the money. One of the simplest licensing schemes in this category of products."
"The only cost is for the image manager, who is responsible for uploading the image, and that is trivial."
"We are using HAProxy as an open-source."
"Test/lab virtual machines can be installed without a licence. They can't be used for performance testing but otherwise behave like production nodes."
"We use NGINX as well. However, because the health checks are a paid feature, I like to avoid it whenever possible​."
"It is free of cost."
"The price is well worth it. HAProxy Enterprise Edition paid for itself within months, simply due to the resiliency it brings. It was a bit more expensive than we were originally interested in paying, but we are thankful we chose to go with HAProxy."
"HAProxy is free in the initial offer. However, pricing can be improved."
"We have three-year contract with Radware. It is beneficial to have a longer-term contract because you can obtain more discounts. It seems to be a much cheaper alternative."
"The solution is cost-efficient."
"The cost of Radware Alteon is mid-ranged."
"The pricing is better than the competition. It is getting more pricey as the years go on, as more people are migrating to it, and as the technology gets better."
"Its pricing is very good. It is very competitive. Radware Alteon is the leader in the market. At a lesser price, we get a good product and also good support. Other vendors who are providing load balancers charge separately for two items. You have the hardware cost, and you have the support cost, whereas, in the case of Radware, you get both in a single package."
"I'm content with Alteon's pricing."
"The price conforms to what the tool provides. It is not an inexpensive tool and not all companies can afford an ADC solution such as Alteon. However, it justifies its price with the options it offers."
"Alteon's price is excellent compared to other solutions. F5 costs around twice as much. We still have about three years left before this hardware reaches the end of its life. We're migrating to the cloud, and phasing some of this out, but it's nice that they've given us a long window to keep their hardware in place."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Do you recommend HAProxy?
I do recommend HAProxy for more simple applications or for companies with a low budget, since HAProxy is a free, open-source product. HAProxy is also a good choice for someone looking for a stable ...
What do you like most about HAProxy?
The solution is effective in managing our traffic.
What do you like most about Radware Alteon?
It saves us a lot of work in terms of management since it has tasks already defined automatically. That enables us to better administer our services. It is very dynamic and easy to administer.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Radware Alteon?
We have a three-year contract with Radware. It is beneficial to have a longer-term contract because you can obtain more discounts. It seems to be a much cheaper alternative. We use their Gel Elasti...
What needs improvement with Radware Alteon?
It is a fairly complete service and it is difficult for me to think of what can be improved. A feature that I would like to see included in the next version might be better analysis when working wi...

Also Known As

HAProxy Community Edition, HAProxy Enterprise Edition, HAPEE
Alteon, Radware AppWall

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Sample Customers

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Find out what your peers are saying about HAProxy vs. Radware Alteon and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.