Fortify WebInspect vs Fortify on Demand comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Fortify on Demand
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (8th), Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (9th)
Fortify WebInspect
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) (2nd), DevSecOps (8th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Security Tools category, the mindshare of Fortify on Demand is 4.8%, up from 4.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Fortify WebInspect is 1.6%, down from 2.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Security Tools
Unique Categories:
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Featured Reviews

Javad_Talebi - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 1, 2024
Identifies critical vulnerabilities and offers good scanning capabilities
We have added it to our operational toolkit to ensure it's part of our development spectrum. We added it directly into our Jenkins pipelines. We have some products that are publicly accessible via phone or website. These products need to be extra secure because they rely on firewalls, and hackers could potentially exploit them. Fortify on Demand provided us with valuable information on how to fix a critical API vulnerability. So, Fortify on Demand identifies critical vulnerabilities. We have two security scans. One is Fortify on Demand, and the other is for an outsourced company. For Fortify, you assign the specific branch of code you want to scan. You can scan the code you're currently deploying through Jenkins pipelines. Since it's external, you can also scan other brands if needed. Otherwise, you can specify which specific brands or smaller branches to scan within your entire codebase.
Oct 13, 2020
Great vulnerability detection and pretty stable, but an expensive option
We primarily use the solution to test web applications regularly The solution is able to detect a wide range of vulnerabilities. It's better at it than other products. The solution is on the expensive side. It's something that clients comment on. If they could make it more reasonable, it would…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It improves future security scans."
"What stands out to me is the user-friendliness of each feature."
"The most valuable feature is the capacity to be able to check vulnerabilities during the development process. The development team can check whether the code they are using is vulnerable to some type of attack or there is some type of vulnerability so that they can mitigate it. It helps us in achieving a more secure approach towards internal applications. It is an intuitive solution. It gives all the information that a developer needs to remediate a vulnerability in the coding process. It also gives you some examples of how to remediate a vulnerability in different programming languages. This solution is pretty much what we were searching for."
"The solution saves us a lot of money. We're trying to reduce exposure and costs related to remediation."
"The solution is user-friendly."
"The quality of application security testing reduces risk and gives very few false positives."
"Almost all the features are good. This solution has simplified designing and architecting for our solutions. We were early adopters of microservices. Their documentation is good. You don't need to put in much effort in setting it up and learning stuff from scratch and start using it. The learning curve is not too much."
"The user interface is good."
"It is scalable and very easy to use."
"The solution's technical support was very helpful."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is the ability to make our customers more secure."
"Reporting, centralized dashboard, and bird's eye view of all vulnerabilities are the most valuable features."
"There are lots of small settings and tools, like an HTTP editor, that are very useful."
"The solution is able to detect a wide range of vulnerabilities. It's better at it than other products."
"Technical support has been good."
"The solution is easy to use."


"Integration to CI/CD pipelines could be improved. The reporting format could be more user friendly so that it is easy to read."
"There were some regulated compliances, which were not there."
"The reporting capabilities need improvement, as there are some features that we would like to have but are not available at the moment."
"There's a bit of a learning curve. Our development team is struggling with following the rules and following the new processes."
"They have a release coming out, which is full of new features. Based on their roadmap, there's nothing that I would suggest for them to put in it that they haven't already suggested. However, I am a customer, so I always think the pricing is something that could be improved. I am working with them on that, and they're very flexible. They work with their customers and kind of tailor the product to the customer's needs. So far, I am very happy with what they're able to provide. Their subscriptions could use a little bit of a reworking, but that would be about it."
"There are many false positives identified by the solution."
"They could provide features for artificial intelligence similar to other vendors."
"With Rapid7 I utilized its reporting capabilities to deliver Client Reports within just a few minutes of checking the data. I believe that HP’s FoD Clients could sell more services to clients if HP put more effort into delivering visually pleasing reporting capabilities."
"It requires improvement in terms of scanning. The application scan heavily utilizes the resources of an on-premise server. 32 GB RAM is very high for an enterprise web application."
"Creating reports is very slow and it is something that should be improved."
"The solution needs better integration with Microsoft's Azure Cloud or an extension of Azure DevOps. In fact, it should better integrate with any cloud provider. Right now, it's quite difficult to integrate with that solution, from the cloud perspective."
"I want to enhance automation. Currently, Fortify WebInspect can scan and find vulnerabilities, but users with specific skills need to interpret the results and understand how to address them."
"Lately, we've seen more false negatives."
"The scanner could be better."
"The initial setup was complex."
"A localized version, for example, in Korean would be a big improvement to this solution."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Fortify on Demand is affordable, and its licensing comes with a year of support."
"I believe the rental license is not too expensive, but it provides a lot of information about the vulnerabilities."
"The licensing was good because the licenses have the heavy centralized server."
"The product's cost depends on the type of license."
"The solution is a little expensive."
"Their subscriptions could use a little bit of a reworking, but I am very happy with what they're able to provide."
"It is cost-effective."
"We used the one-time application, Security Scan Dynamic. I believe the original fee was $8,000."
"The price is okay."
"Its price is almost similar to the price of AppScan. Both of them are very costly. Its price could be reduced because it can be very costly for unlimited IT scans, etc. I'm not sure, but it can go up to $40,000 to $50,000 or more than that."
"Our licensing is such that you can only run one scan at a time, which is inconvenient."
"Fortify WebInspect is a very expensive product."
"This solution is very expensive."
"The pricing is not clear and while it is not high, it is difficult to understand."
"It’s a fair price for the solution."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
It helps deploy and track changes easily as per time-to-time market upgrades.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
Fortify on Demand is more expensive than Burpsuite. I rate its pricing a nine out of ten.
What needs improvement with Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
The product has a lot of false positives. If the outputs can have fewer false positives, then that will be the greatest benefit the tool can offer.
What do you like most about Fortify WebInspect?
The solution's technical support was very helpful.
What needs improvement with Fortify WebInspect?
I want to enhance automation. Currently, Fortify WebInspect can scan and find vulnerabilities, but users with specific skills need to interpret the results and understand how to address them. While...

Also Known As

Micro Focus Fortify on Demand
Micro Focus WebInspect, WebInspect

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Sample Customers

SAP, Aaron's, British Gas, FICO, Cox Automative, Callcredit Information Group, Vital and more.
Find out what your peers are saying about Fortify WebInspect vs. Fortify on Demand and other solutions. Updated: May 2022.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.