Elastic Search vs Palantir Foundry comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Elastic Search
Ranking in Cloud Data Integration
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Indexing and Search (1st), Search as a Service (1st), Vector Databases (1st)
Palantir Foundry
Ranking in Cloud Data Integration
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Integration (12th), IT Operations Analytics (5th), Supply Chain Analytics (1st), Data Migration Appliances (3rd), Data Management Platforms (DMP) (1st), Data and Analytics Service Providers (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud Data Integration category, the mindshare of Elastic Search is 1.9%, up from 0.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Palantir Foundry is 3.2%, up from 3.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Data Integration
Unique Categories:
Indexing and Search
Search as a Service
Data Integration
IT Operations Analytics

Featured Reviews

Aria Amini - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 16, 2022
Can search large amounts of data across multiple systems, and is easily scalable, but needs better automapping
The primary use case of this solution is to search large amounts of data across multiple systems The solution has improved our organization by allowing us to quickly search data from multiple systems saving valuable time. The most valuable features are full-text search, the ability to index…
Wallace Hugh - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 24, 2022
Works seamlessly with good en-to-end capabilities and the capability to scale
This solution is used more for the analytics available on the platform. The main use was for a COVID-19 White House initiative that was handled by the Vice President, Michael Pence It has been the platform for end to end data processing, manipulations, and reporting, greatly improved org's data…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The UI is very nice, and performance wise it's quite good too."
"We had many reasons to implement Elasticsearch for search term solutions. Elasticsearch products provide enterprise landscape support for different areas of the company."
"Dashboard is very customizable."
"Gives us a more user-friendly, centralized solution (for those who just needed a quick glance, without being masters of sed and awk) as well as the ability to implement various mechanisms for machine-learning from our logs, and sending alerts for anomalies."
"It's a stable solution and we have not had any issues."
"It is easy to scale with the cluster node model.​"
"The most valuable feature is the out of the box Kibana."
"The most valuable feature of Elastic Enterprise Search is the opportunity to search behind and between different logs."
"Great features available in one tool."
"Encapsulates all the components without the requirement to integrate or check compatibility."
"Live video sessions enhance the available documentation and allow you to ask questions directly."
"The ease of use is my favorite feature. We're able to build different models and projects or combine different projects to build one use case."
"Palantir Foundry is a robust platform that has really strong plugin connectors and provides features for real-time integration."
"The solution offers very good end-to-end capabilities."
"It is easy to map out a workflow and run trigger-based scripts without having to deploy to another server."
"The virtualization tool is useful."


"The solution must provide AI integrations."
"The solution has quite a steep learning curve. The usability and general user-friendliness could be improved. However, that is kind of typical with products that have a lot of flexibility, or a lot of capabilities. Sometimes having more choices makes things more complex. It makes it difficult to configure it, though. It's kind of a bitter pill that you have to swallow in the beginning and you really have to get through it."
"It is hard to learn and understand because it is a very big platform. This is the main reason why we still have nothing in production. We have to learn some things before we get there."
"Dashboards could be more flexible, and it would be nice to provide more drill-down capabilities."
"Could have more open source tools and testing."
"There is a lack of technical people to develop, implement and optimize equipment operation and web queries."
"I have not been using the solution for many years to know exactly the improvements needed. However, they could simplify how the YML files have to be structured properly."
"I would like to see more integration for the solution with different platforms."
"Cost of this solution is quite high."
"The frontend capabilities of Palantir Foundry could be improved."
"Some error messages can be very cryptic."
"There is not a wide user base for the solution's online documentation so it is sometimes difficult to find answers."
"The workflow could be improved."
"Difficult to receive data from external sources."
"It would be helpful to build applications based on Azure functions or web apps in Palantir Foundry."
"Compared to other hyperscalers, Palantir Foundry is complex and not so user-intuitive."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is not expensive because users have the option of choosing the managed or the subscription model."
"An X-Pack license is more affordable than Splunk."
"The price of Elasticsearch is fair. It is a more expensive solution, like QRadar. The price for Elasticsearch is not much more than other solutions we have."
"It can be expensive."
"Elastic Search is open-source, but you need to pay for support, which is expensive."
"We are using the Community Edition because Elasticsearch's licensing model is not flexible or suitable for us. They ask for an annual subscription. We also got the development consultancy from Elasticsearch for 60 days or something like that, but they were just trying to do the same trick. That's why we didn't purchase it. We are just using the Community Edition."
"The tool is not expensive. Its licensing costs are yearly."
"This product is open-source and can be used free of charge."
"The solution’s pricing is high."
"Palantir Foundry has different pricing models that can be negotiated."
"It's expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about ELK Elasticsearch?
Logsign provides us with the capability to execute multiple queries according to our requirements. The indexing is very high, making it effective for storing and retrieving logs. The real-time anal...
What needs improvement with ELK Elasticsearch?
I don't see improvements at the moment. The current setup is working well for me, and I'm satisfied with it. Integrating with different platforms is also fine, and I'm not recommending any changes ...
What do you like most about Palantir Foundry?
Palantir Foundry is a robust platform that has really strong plugin connectors and provides features for real-time integration.
What needs improvement with Palantir Foundry?
Palantir Foundry is very good for someone technical. The tool still needs to work on the non-technical part, where people can use its flexibility. The business user should not end up writing huge q...
What is your primary use case for Palantir Foundry?
The AI engine that comes with Palantir Foundry is quite interesting. We have a lot of data from various trials and analyses. We need a machine learning and analytical feature that can push huge amo...

Also Known As

Elastic Enterprise Search, Swiftype, Elastic Cloud
No data available

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Sample Customers

T-Mobile, Adobe, Booking.com, BMW, Telegraph Media Group, Cisco, Karbon, Deezer, NORBr, Labelbox, Fingerprint, Relativity, NHS Hospital, Met Office, Proximus, Go1, Mentat, Bluestone Analytics, Humanz, Hutch, Auchan, Sitecore, Linklaters, Socren, Infotrack, Pfizer, Engadget, Airbus, Grab, Vimeo, Ticketmaster, Asana, Twilio, Blizzard, Comcast, RWE and many others.
Merck KGaA, Airbus, Ferrari,United States Intelligence Community, United States Department of Defense
Find out what your peers are saying about Elastic Search vs. Palantir Foundry and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.