Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 20, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (1st), Software Development Analytics (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Static Application Security Testing (SAST) category, the mindshare of Coverity is 8.2%, up from 6.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SonarQube is 31.4%, up from 28.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Application Security Tools
Software Development Analytics

Featured Reviews

Nov 9, 2023
A tool to fix bug issues and detect errors with code analysis
I rate the initial setup of Coverity an eight on a scale of one to ten, where one is difficult, and ten is easy. The setup phase of Coverity can sometimes be straightforward, and if there are some issues, it can be a little bit complex. When involved in some tracking activity, sometimes, Coverity uses looping logic, making it quite difficult to handle bugs. Sometimes, the tracking activity in Coverity will be straightforward with a very good interface. Marking the positive rates and giving some green and red bars can be helpful in Coverity. The solution is deployed on an on-premises model. The solution can be deployed in a day. My company uses the git repository for the implementation of Coverity. Five people are required to deploy the solution. Around thirty people might be required to take care of the maintenance process of the product since there will be an increase in the team members in our company.
Jaile Sebes - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 1, 2024
Excels in dashboard usability and cost-effectiveness
I integrate SonarQube into my CI/CD pipeline by running it during the build process for static code analysis. Once the analysis is complete, the results are sent to the dashboard for easy monitoring and tracking of code quality. Using SonarQube for security vulnerability detection offers several benefits such as comprehensive security rule coverage and integration with the dashboard for easy monitoring. Additionally, SonarQube provides features like password handling, eliminating the need for separate tools and enhancing overall code security. SonarQube handles false positives during code analysis by allowing teams to review and exclude them, especially in long-term projects where patterns are familiar. While false positives may occur, experienced teams can easily identify and manage them, ensuring accurate analysis results. For software development, especially in Java-based environments, I highly recommend using SonarQube due to its effectiveness in ensuring code quality and minimizing potential issues. While there are free tools available, SonarQube's comprehensive support for various languages and its benefits make it a valuable choice for developers. Overall, I would rate SonarQube as an eight out of ten.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of Coverity is the wrapper. We use the wrapper to build the C++ component, then we use the other code analysis to analyze the code to the build object, and then send back the result to the SonarQube server. Additionally, it is a powerful capabilities solution."
"This solution is easy to use."
"The app analysis is the most valuable feature as I know other solutions don't have that."
"It's pretty stable. I rate the stability of Coverity nine out of ten."
"The product is easy to use."
"The reporting feature is up to the mark."
"I like Coverity's capability to scan codes once we push it. We don't need more time to review our colleagues' codes. Its UI is pretty straightforward."
"The most valuable feature is the integration with Jenkins."
"The solution has a plug-in that supports both C and C++ languages."
"One of the most valuable features of SonarQube is its ability to detect code quality during development. There are rules that define various technologies—Java, C#, Python, everything—and these rules declare the coding standards and code quality. With SonarQube, everything is detectable during the time of development and continuous integration, which is an advantage. SonarQube also has a Quality Gate, where the code should reach 85%. Below that, the code cannot be promoted to a further environment, it should be in a development environment only. So the checks are there, and SonarQube will provide that increase. It also provides suggestions on how the code can be fixed and methods of going about this, without allowing hackers to exploit the code. Another valuable feature is that it is tightly integrated with third-party tools. For example, we can see the SonarQube metrics in Bitbucket, the code repository. Once I raise the full request, the developer, team lead, or even the delivery lead can see the code quality metrics of the deliverable so that they can make a decision. SonarQube will also cover all of the top OWASP vulnerabilities, however it doesn't have penetration testing or hacker testing. We use other tools, like Checkmarx, to do penetration testing from the outside."
"I like that it has a better dashboard compared to Clockwork. It's also stable."
"The solution offers a very good community edition."
"The most valuable features are the segregation containment and the suspension of product services."
"Using SonarQube benefits us because we are able to avoid the inclusion of malware in our applications."
"Improve the code coverage and evaluates the technical steps and percentage of code being resolved."
"My focus is mainly on the DevOps pipeline side of things, and from my perspective, the ease of use and configuration is valuable. It is pretty straightforward to take a deployment pipeline or CI/CD pipeline and integrate SonarQube into it."


"We actually specified several checkers, but we found some checkers had a higher false positive rate. I think this is a problem. Because we have to waste some time is really the issue because the issue is not an issue. I mean, the tool pauses or an issue, but the same issue is the filter now.Some check checkers cannot find some issues, but sometimes they find issues that are not relevant, right, that are not really issues. Some customisation mechanism can be added in the next release so that we can define our Checker. The Modelling feature provided by Coverity helps in finding more information for potential issues but it is not mature enough, it should be mature. The fast testing feature for security testing campaign can be added as well. So if you correctly integrate it with the training team, maybe you can help us to find more potential issues."
"The product should include more customization options. The analytics is not as deep as compared to SonarQube."
"I would like to see integration with popular IDEs, such as Eclipse."
"When I put my code into Coverity for scanning, the code information of the product is in the system. The solution could be improved by providing a SBOM, a software bill of material."
"The setup takes very long."
"Coverity takes a lot of time to dereference null pointers."
"The solution's user interface and quality gate could be improved."
"They could improve the usability. For example, how you set things up, even though it's straightforward, it could be still be easier."
"The product's pricing could be lower."
"Dynamic scanning is missing and there are some issues with security scanning."
"We could use some team support, but since we are using the community version, it's not available."
"When we have a thousand products published over it, we expect it to be more efficient in terms of serving requests from the browser."
"I have found this solution creates more noise than competitors."
"The software testing tool capability could improve. It does not always integrate well. You have to use a specific plugin and the plugin does not always go in Apple's applications."
"It does not provide deeper scanning of vulnerabilities in an application, on a live session. This is something we are not happy about. Maybe the reason for that is we are running the community edition currently, but other editions may improve on that aspect."
"I would like to see dynamic code analysis in the next version of the software."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Coverity’s price is on the higher side. It should be lower."
"Offers varying prices for different companies"
"The solution is affordable."
"The price is competitive with other solutions."
"This is a pretty expensive solution. The overall value of the solution could be improved if the price was reduced. Licensing is done on an annual basis."
"Coverity is quite expensive."
"The tool was fairly priced."
"Coverity is very expensive."
"We are using the open-source version, which is available free of cost."
"The beauty of this solution is the free open-source version is capable enough in doing pretty much what an enterprise-level version can do."
"The solution has a free version and a license version. The license is priced reasonably, the cost of hiring one programmer is more expensive than the solution."
"For the Community edition, there is no extra cost. It's totally free. The Enterprise edition, Data Center edition, and Developer edition are the paid versions."
"We are using the open-source community version, but there are enterprise licenses available."
"The price of the solution could be reduced."
"The development license cost is reasonable, and we've had no concerns about SonarQube when it comes to cost."
"It's a bit expensive for us. The currency rate of the dollar is a problem but it may be fine for other countries."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How would you decide between Coverity and Sonarqube?
We researched Coverity, but in the end, we chose SonarQube. SonarQube is a tool for reviewing code quality and security. It helps to guide our development teams during code reviews by providing rem...
What do you like most about Coverity?
The solution has improved our code quality and security very well.
Is SonarQube the best tool for static analysis?
I am not very familiar with SonarQube and their solutions, so I can not answer. But if you are asking me about which tools that are the best for for Static Code Analysis, I suggest you have a look...
Which gives you more for your money - SonarQube or Veracode?
SonarQube is easy to deploy and configure, and also integrates well with other tools to do quality code analysis. SonarQube has a great community edition, which is open-source and free. Easy to use...
How does Snyk compare with SonarQube?
Snyk does a great job identifying and reducing vulnerabilities. This solution is fully automated and monitors 24/7 to find any issues reported on the internet. It will store dependencies that you a...



Also Known As

Synopsys Static Analysis

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Sample Customers

SAP, Mega International, Thales Alenia Space
Find out what your peers are saying about Coverity vs. SonarQube and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.