Checkmarx One vs SonarQube comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jun 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Checkmarx One
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Ranking in Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (12th), Static Code Analysis (2nd), API Security (4th), DevSecOps (2nd), Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (5th)
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Ranking in Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Software Development Analytics (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Security Tools category, the mindshare of Checkmarx One is 13.0%, down from 15.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SonarQube is 28.0%, up from 27.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Security Tools
Unique Categories:
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Vulnerability Management
Software Development Analytics

Q&A Highlights

Jul 08, 2020

Featured Reviews

Jun 18, 2020
Easy interface that is user friendly, quick scanning, and good technical support
Checkmarx has tried to build a deeper analysis using IAST and SAST. They have a code version for developers. It would be good if they improve the combination of the two solutions. Both are good, but ISAT (Interactive Application Security Testing) is in progress and doesn't support the full spectrum of languages. A combination of the two solutions would achieve good results. We have received some feedback from our customers who are receiving a large number of false positives. I believe that they can improve their engine to reduce false positives. It's better for reducing false positives when you use a compilation. There are several levels and they are mapped to the different languages and some customers want to check when the developers will pass the training. There should be a questionnaire for the team lead to check the employees and how well they understand the material and the training. Also, they will want to add their own content to this solution. I would like to see some improvements in technology to reduce false positives. This is only relevant to some use cases, not all. For example, there are several false positives for some languages, but it works in C#.
Dec 21, 2023
This solution is simple to use and can be quickly deployed
We use SonarQube to check for vulnerabilities and quality.  The solution has helped us to find flaws in the Syntax and comply with requirements.  I have found the most valuable features to be scanning for bugs or fixing the hotspot. These features have helped to improve the code quality.  I…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The tool's valuable features include integrating GPT and Copilot. Additionally, the UI web representation is very user-friendly, making navigation easy. GPT has made several improvements to my security code."
"The only thing I like is that Checkmarx does not need to compile."
"The best thing about Checkmarx is the amount of vulnerabilities that it can find compared to other free tools."
"Checkmarx pinpoints the vulnerability in the code and also presents the flow of malicious input across the application."
"The main advantage of this solution is its centralized reporting functionality, which lets us track issues, then see and report on the priorities via a web portal."
"The solution has good performance, it is able to compute in 10 to 15 minutes."
"It gives the proper code flow of vulnerabilities and the number of occurrences."
"It's not an obstacle for developers. They can easily write their code and make it more secure with Checkmarx."
"The depth features I have found most valuable. You receive a quick comprehensive comparison overview regarding the current release and the last release and what type of depths dependency or duplication should be used. This is going to help you to make a more readable code and have more flexibility for the engineers to understand how things should work when they do not know."
"With SonarQube's web interface, it is easy to drill down to see the individual problems, but also to look at the project from above and get the big picture, with possible larger problem areas."
"The most valuable features are that it is user-friendly, easy to access, and they provide good training files."
"It provides the security that is required from a solution for financial businesses."
"The most valuable feature is the security hotspot feature that identifies where your code is prone to have security issues."
"There's plenty of documentation available to users."
"It is an easy tool that you can deploy and configure. After that you can measure the history of your obligation and integrate it with other tools like GitLab or GitHub or Azure DevOps to do quality code analysis."
"I like that it's easy to navigate not just in terms of code findings but you can actually see them in the context of your source code because it gives you a copy of your code with the items that it found and highlights them. You can see it directly in your code, so you can easily go back and make the corrections in the code. It basically finds the problems for you and tells you where they are."


"With Checkmarx, normally you need to use one tool for quality and you need to use another tool for security. I understand that Checkmarx is not in the parity space because it's totally different, but they could include some free features or recommendations too."
"The solution sometimes reports a false auditable code or false positive."
"In terms of dashboarding, the solution could provide a little more flexibility in terms of creating more dashboards. It has some of its own dashboards that come out of the box. However, if I have to implement my own dashboards that are aligned to my organization's requirements, that dashboarding feature has limited capability right now."
"Micro-services need to be included in the next release."
"Updating and debugging of queries is not very convenient."
"This product requires you to create your own rulesets. You have to do a lot of customization."
"The statistics module has a function that allows you to show some statistics, but I think it's limited. Maybe it needs more information."
"The solution's user interface could be improved because it seems outdated."
"There isn't a very good enterprise report."
"The interface could be a little better and should be enhanced."
"If you don't have any experience with the configuration or how to configure the files, it can be complicated."
"After scanning our code and generating a report, it would be helpful if SonarQube could also generate a solution to fix vulnerabilities in the report."
"This is a well-rounded solution, however, some features could be made available on the free version. The price of the solution could be reduced."
"I am not very pleased with the technical debt computation."
"I would also like SonarQube to be able to write custom scanning rules. More documentation would be helpful as well because some of our guys were struggling with the customization script."
"Technical support and the price could be better."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing was not very good. This is just a framework which shouldn’t cost so much."
"This solution is expensive. The customized package allows you to buy additional users at any time."
"The solution's price is high and you pay based on the number of users."
"The solution is costly."
"The average deal size was usually anywhere between $120K to $175K on an annual basis, which could be divided across 12 months."
"Most of my customers opted for a perpetual license. They prefer to pay the highest amount up front for the perpetual license and then pay for additional support annually."
"We got a special offer for a 30% reduction for three years, after our first year. I think for a real source-code scanning tool, you have to add a lot of money for Open Source Analysis, and AppSec Coach (160 Euro per user per year)."
"It is the right price for quality delivery."
"People can try the free licenses and later can seek buying plugins/support, etc. once they started liking it."
"SonarQube price is a little bit higher than Kiuwan's. Kiuwan also gives a little bit of flexibility in terms of pricing."
"I requested this license for one million lines of code and they accepted this."
"The solution is cheaper than other products."
"The solution has a free version and a license version. The license is priced reasonably, the cost of hiring one programmer is more expensive than the solution."
"We're using their free Community Edition version."
"The developer edition is based on cost per lines of code."
"Get the paid version which allows the customized dashboard and provides technical support."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Application Security Tools solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Answers from the Community

Jul 8, 2020
Jul 8, 2020
My opinions are my own and do not represent any other entities that I may be or have been affiliated with. On this topic I think it is important to acknowledge that no matter which solution you go for you will have false positives. I don't think there will be any solution that properly solves this anytime soon. As for Checkmarx vs SonarQube... Checkmarx may cover more rules over a wider land...
2 out of 3 answers
Jul 6, 2020
My opinions are my own and do not represent any other entities that I may be or have been affiliated with.  On this topic I think it is important to acknowledge that no matter which solution you go for you will have false positives. I don't think there will be any solution that properly solves this anytime soon.  As for Checkmarx vs SonarQube...  Checkmarx may cover more rules over a wider landscape, however I personally found this extra breadth covered outlyer rules and mostly lower priority issues. Both Checkmarx and SonarQube cover the OWASP top 10 and Sans25. Both tools can be tuned to help reduce false positives, for both you will need to analyse your tuning to ensure you are not introducing false negatives. Any tools that provide you customisation come with the risk that you could make things worse.  SonarQube has very good integration into most development IDEs empowering the engineers to run scans against the company rules on their local machine before submitting your source control and further tooling. In some it will even check the code automatically while you type it.  I see you also included Veracode in here. In my opinion that is a far superior tool to Checkmarx, this is down to their more modern approach to this problem. They also allow local developer integration to self lint code before submission.  In a perfect world, I would use Sonar for development bugs, test coverage and technical debt measurements. Then veracode to handle the SAST side for me. In short I would not duplicate the security scans in Sonar and Veracode.  Hope that helps
Jul 7, 2020
SonarQube can be used for SAST. However, based on our internal analysis, our team feel CheckMarx is better suited for Security compared to SonarQube. SoanrQube is used in day to day developer code scan and Checkmarx is used during code movement to staging or during release.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What alternatives are there for Fortify WebInspect and Fortify SCA?
I would like to recommend Checkmarx. With Checkmarx, you are able to have an all in one solution for SAST and SCA as well. Veracode is only a cloud solution. Hope this helps.
What do you like most about Checkmarx?
Compared to the solutions we used previously, Checkmarx has reduced our workload by almost 75%.
Is SonarQube the best tool for static analysis?
I am not very familiar with SonarQube and their solutions, so I can not answer. But if you are asking me about which tools that are the best for for Static Code Analysis, I suggest you have a look...
Which gives you more for your money - SonarQube or Veracode?
SonarQube is easy to deploy and configure, and also integrates well with other tools to do quality code analysis. SonarQube has a great community edition, which is open-source and free. Easy to use...
How would you decide between Coverity and Sonarqube?
We researched Coverity, but in the end, we chose SonarQube. SonarQube is a tool for reviewing code quality and security. It helps to guide our development teams during code reviews by providing rem...



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Sample Customers

YIT, Salesforce, Coca-Cola, SAP, U.S. Army, Liveperson, Playtech Case Study: Liveperson Implements Innovative Secure SDLC
Find out what your peers are saying about Checkmarx One vs. SonarQube and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.