Check Point CloudGuard CNAPP vs SUSE NeuVector comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 2, 2023

Categories and Ranking

SentinelOne Singularity Clo...
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (5th), Cloud and Data Center Security (5th), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (4th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (4th), Compliance Management (5th)
Check Point CloudGuard CNAPP
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (7th), Cloud and Data Center Security (8th), Container Management (7th), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (5th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (5th), Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) (4th), Compliance Management (4th)
SUSE NeuVector
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Container Security category, the mindshare of SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security is 2.0%, up from 1.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Check Point CloudGuard CNAPP is 2.0%, down from 2.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SUSE NeuVector is 3.2%, down from 3.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Container Security
Unique Categories:
Vulnerability Management
Cloud and Data Center Security
Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)

Featured Reviews

Jun 21, 2024
It is user-friendly and helps reduce false positives, but the log search is limited to 14 days
SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security stands out for its user-friendliness compared to competitors like CrowdStrike, FireEye HX, and Microsoft Defender. Unlike these tools, which can be cumbersome for tasks like running queries or searching for logs, Singularity offers intuitive interfaces and delivers results in seconds, even for complex searches across various hash formats, like MD5, SHA256, etc., without needing conversion. Our existing SIEM console allows us to analyze alerts triggered by the SOC team. We can investigate potential false positives or conduct tests directly within the console. Additionally, the console facilitates quick searches for IOCs to identify malicious communications. Furthermore, Singularity Cloud Security offers a central management console for automated machine reboots, containment, and even self-maintenance in response to high-severity security alerts. This eliminates the need for manual intervention. We saw the benefits of SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security within the first two months of transitioning from FireEye HX. Singularity was easy to manage, and we were able to identify vulnerabilities. SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security has helped reduce the false positives we receive by 15 percent compared to FireEye HX. Singularity has helped reduce our mean time to detect. The automatic containment of the infected machine is done within the first ten seconds of detection. Singularity has helped reduce our mean time to remediate.
Apr 26, 2024
Robust security, competitive price, and easy to deploy and administer
We are using CloudGuard CNAPP for cloud-native application protection, real-time threat detection, and unified security across multi-cloud environments. Our organization is dependent on this solution for any kind of threat detection and security vulnerabilities in our cloud-based environment. CloudGuard CNAPP's Cloud Security Posture Management capabilities work fine. I have not found any issues with them. They help in identifying misconfiguration, but there can be advanced configuration and features, automation of security traces, and more user-friendly reports. Cloud Security Posture Management is effective for providing compliance rulesets and security best practices. It works fine. It is fully capable. It is a Check Point product. Cloud Security Posture Management identifies the risks that are most critical to our business. It also helps to mitigate those risks. It is very capable of identifying challenges, vulnerabilities, and security threats. Reports are very user-friendly, but in some cases, the reports cannot be fully analyzed by our technical team due to some complexities. Overall, the solution is good. I would rate it a nine out of ten. The time savings in identifying the most critical risks vary. If a security threat is of high severity, it can take 24 to 48 hours. In some cases, it can be resolved on a real-time basis. We use CloudGuard CNAPP's CloudGuard Workload Protection capabilities. We have VMs. We have containers. We have BLOBs. CloudGuard CNAPP is fully capable because it focuses on cloud-native applications. It is capable of identifying all the vulnerabilities. The scanning provided by CloudGuard Workload Protection helps us identify problems before they go live. This identification is very important. It helps us identify threats that are already there. It helps in getting more clarity about security threats and vulnerabilities before they go into production.
Aug 11, 2023
A Cloud-based Solution for the network inspection, visualization, and security needed for dynamic container environments
I used it to monitor the long-time events The solution enhances the organization as it safeguards against various types of malware through anti-malware, which we use once a few days. The features of image scanning and anti-malware are really valuable.      The image-scanning features need…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We noted immediate benefits from using the solution."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to gain deep visibility into the workloads inside containers."
"We've seen a reduction in resources devoted to vulnerability monitoring. Before PingSafe we spent a lot of time monitoring and fixing these issues. PingSafe enabled us to divert more resources to the production environment."
"The ease of use of the platform is very nice."
"The most valuable aspect of Singularity Cloud Security is its unified dashboard."
"Cloud Native Security's best feature is its ability to identify hard-coded secrets during pull request reviews."
"The UI is very good."
"The cloud misconfiguration is the most valuable feature."
"It provides the most useful tools for protecting our financial account records from hackers."
"Check Point CloudGuard CNAPP's initial configuration is very easy. It is plug-and-play. It also gives regular updates."
"Checkpoint posture management gives you visibility across your entire cloud infrastructure, so it helps you with management, maintenance, and compliance. With visibility across all these cloud platforms, you can protect against compromised credentials or identity theft."
"The most valuable features of CloudGuard CNAPP are its reporting capabilities for aggregating vulnerability information and scoring."
"The identification of misconfigurations, maintenance of compliance in a centralized way, and visibility across all the multi-cloud tenants are the key functionalities."
"It has great scalability."
"The two most valuable features for us are the central firewall administrator and the real-time cloud compliance monitoring."
"It has an analytics service that does research for us."
"The initial setup is quite good, it's straightforward."
"The tool's deployment is simple. Also, I am impressed with its risk capabilities."
"The most valuable feature of SUSE NeuVector is the performance, deployment, and cost."
"The features of image scanning and anti-malware are really valuable."
"The UI has a lot of features."
"The most valuable feature of SUSE NeuVector is its run-time security."
"When it comes to the price, we got a really good deal from the vendor instantly."


"here is a bit of a learning curve. However, you only need two to three days to identify options and get accustomed."
"I would like PingSafe to add real-time detection of vulnerabilities and cloud misconfigurations."
"PingSafe filtering has some areas that cause problems, and to achieve single sign-on functionality, a break-glass feature, which is currently unavailable, is necessary."
"There is a bit of a learning curve for new users."
"They can work on policies based on different compliance standards."
"A vulnerability alert would appear, and we'd fix it, but then the same alert would return the next day."
"It does not bring much threat intel from the outside world. All it does is scan. If it can also correlate things, it will be better."
"PingSafe can improve by eliminating 100 percent of the false positives."
"No improvements are needed."
"The software configurations theory is complicated, and without proper planning and a well-skilled technical team, it cannot perform its tasks properly."
"In general, for the product to be successful, they need to improve security, and configuration detection."
"The reporting has a lot of opportunities to continuously improve so that we can continue to show value."
"The main issue that we found with Dome9 is that we have a default rule set with better recommendations that we want to use. So, you do a clone of that rule set, then you do some tweaks and customizations, but there is a problem. When they activate the default rule set with the recommendations and new security measures, it doesn't apply the new security measures to your clones profile. Therefore, you need to clone the profile again. We are already writing a report to Check Point."
"The Check Point solution is somewhat expensive."
"The costs are really high if you want the entire capabilities of the platform."
"Timely updates and upgrades to meet modern technological changes could help improve performance and limit the chances of downtime."
"SUSE NeuVector could improve by increasing its visibility into other elements of the DevSecOps pipeline. Additionally, scanning around infrastructure would be helpful."
"We are also working with IaaS VMS, but NeuVector doesn't support virtual machines."
"The documentation needs to improve a bit."
"The tool should offer seamless integration of other security tools while in a hybrid environment."
"SUSE NeuVector should provide more security protection rules and better container image scanning."
"I would say that this solution should improve monitoring and reporting. I would also like to see more integrations so that we could essentially make it a part of a developing pipeline."
"The image-scanning features need improvement."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"PingSafe falls within the typical price range for cloud security platforms."
"For pricing, it currently seems to be in line with market rates."
"It is cheap."
"The pricing for PingSafe in India was more reasonable than other competitors."
"I wasn't sure what to expect from the pricing, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a little less than I thought."
"It was reasonable pricing for me."
"PingSafe's primary advantage is its ability to consolidate multiple tools into a single user interface, but, beyond this convenience, it may not offer significant additional benefits to justify its price."
"The tool is cost-effective."
"It is difficult to contextualize the pricing because we are used to Indian pricing and licensing."
"Check Point CloudGuard Posture Management is expensive."
"We have the enterprise-level license and we renew it annually because it is worth the cost."
"​They support either annual licensing or hourly. At the time of our last negotiation, it was either one or the other, you could not mix or match. I would have liked to mix/match. ​"
"From a pricing perspective, they are pretty expensive."
"The license fee is high."
"The licensing part still needs some work. The issue that I have is that we do not use all the services in the cloud, but sometimes, CloudGuard identifies them as an asset."
"Licensing and costs are straightforward, as they have a baseline of 100 workloads within one license and no additional charges."
"The solution's pricing could be better. The cost of a subscription is calculated on the basis of work."
"SUSE NeuVector is an open-source solution."
"Licensing fees are paid yearly."
"The price of SUSE NeuVector is low. There is an additional cost for support."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Security Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about PingSafe?
The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best featu...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for PingSafe?
The price depends on the extension of the solution that you want to buy. If you want to buy just EDR, the price is le...
What needs improvement with PingSafe?
All EDRs are made of different modules. There is a firewall module, an IPS module, and an application module. The app...
What do you like most about NeuVector?
The most valuable feature of SUSE NeuVector is its run-time security.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for NeuVector?
SUSE NeuVector is an open-source solution. You have to pay for the support.
What needs improvement with NeuVector?
SUSE NeuVector should provide more security protection rules and better container image scanning.

Also Known As

Check Point CloudGuard Posture Management, Dome9, Check Point CloudGuard Workload Protection, Check Point CloudGuard Intelligence



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Symantec, Citrix, Car and Driver, Virgin, Cloud Technology Partners
Figo, Clear Review, Arvato Bertelsmann, Experian, Chime
Find out what your peers are saying about Check Point CloudGuard CNAPP vs. SUSE NeuVector and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.