Black Duck vs ReversingLabs comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Black Duck
Ranking in Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (29th), Anti-Malware Tools (21st), Container Security (25th), Threat Intelligence Platforms (10th), Software Supply Chain Security (10th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Software Composition Analysis (SCA) category, the mindshare of Black Duck is 26.0%, down from 27.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ReversingLabs is 1.1%, up from 0.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Application Security Tools
Anti-Malware Tools

Featured Reviews

Sagar Mody - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 12, 2024
Effectively flags operational vulnerabilities and recommendations for fixes are very helpful
It's still a bit inconsistent. For example, sometimes a scan might reveal components or vulnerabilities, and the next day they might not show up. There's a lack of consistency at times. Of course, this could sometimes be due to new vulnerabilities being identified in the public domain after a scan. So, consistent inputs and more streamlined dependency management are needed. It doesn’t clearly show whether vulnerabilities are from direct or transitive dependencies. A clear classification between direct and indirect vulnerabilities is crucial. If I'm looking to improve my product, I need to know out of 'x' vulnerabilities, how many are direct dependencies. With direct dependencies, I can take action, like replacing a component. But with transitive dependencies, we are helpless at times. Often, we have to raise exceptions and work around them. A clear classification between direct and indirect dependencies is something I'd like to see improved.
Jesse Harris - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 19, 2023
Comes with a large sample size and helps t stay on top of emerging threats
The solution helps to stay on top of emerging threats with easy integration with other products.  ReversingLabs has a large sample size.  The solution needs to improve integrations.  I have been using the solution for four to five years.  ReversingLabs' stability is excellent.  I rate the…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature for me in Black Duck is its ability to scan binary files effectively."
"The UI is the solution's most valuable feature since it allows for easy pipeline integration."
"We didn't have a central inventory to quickly identify issues or determine how many products were affected. Now under Black Duck, it's all consolidated. You search for a component and immediately see which products use it."
"The knowledge base and the management system are the most valuable features of Black Duck Hub. It has a very helpful management environment. They offer an editor where we can check the discovered license, which is retrieved from their knowledge base. They have a huge knowledge base build over the years. It gives you some possibilities, such as this license with possibility A could cause a vulnerability issue or a potential breach."
"We accidentally use third-party library APIs, which may not be secure. Our technical team may not have the end time or expertise to figure it out. Black Duck helps us with that and saves us time."
"The most valuable feature of Black Duck is the seamless integration to scan our Docker binary files, it provides us all open vulnerabilities, and it ensures a reference point from where it finds the vulnerability is up to date. For example, if there is any new vulnerability found, they are immediately available in the Black Duck. There is no delay in finding the vulnerabilities, they are called out in our code immediately."
"The most valuable feature is the vulnerability scanning, and that it's easy to use."
"It is able to drill down to the source level."
"As far as the malware repository is concerned, it's extensive. It's a good source for finding samples, where we are unable to find them on other channels or by leveraging other sources."
"ReversingLabs has a large sample size."
"As far as static analysis information is concerned, we use most of the information that is available in order to determine whether or not we might be dealing with a malware variant. This includes information that is related to Java rules. This is also related to malware families indicated or specific malicious software variants that are labeled by name."
"It offers reports on a great many more file types than the other analysis solutions we have. It can give us a more in-depth analysis and better reporting on a larger number of file types. It also gives us a more comprehensive score on a number of things as well, and that's why we're using it as a front-end filter. It gives us more information... It's valuable because of its depth of information, as well as the breadth it gives us. There aren't a lot of tools that cover all of the different file types."
"The automated static analysis of malware is the most valuable feature. Its detection abilities are very good. It hits all of the different platforms out there, platforms that see the items in the wild."


"Due to the fact that, with our software developer life cycle, we don't need to scan our source code every day or every week. For that reason, we find the cost is too high. We might only actually use it five to ten times a year, which makes it expensive."
"The documentation is quite scattered."
"The tool's documentation and support are areas of concern where improvements are required."
"We have been having some issues with the latest releases where we are not able to scan our applications with the help of Black Duck."
"They are giving a lot of APIs and Python scripts for certain functionalities, but instead of using APIs and Python scripts, they should provide these functionalities through the UI. Users should be able to customize and add more fields through the UI. Users should be able to add more fields and generate reports. Currently, they are not giving flexibility in the UI. They're providing a script that simply generates an Excel file or CSV file. There is no flexibility."
"It needs to be more user-friendly for developers and in general, to ensure compliance."
"The tool needs to improve its pricing. Its configuration is complex and can be improved."
"Black Duck can improve the time it takes for a scan. Most of the time it's not ideal when integrated with the live DevSecOps pipeline. We have to create a separate job to scan the library because it takes a couple of hours to scan all those libraries. The scanning could be faster."
"The solution needs to improve integrations."
"While the company is very helpful, it would be very much appreciated to have extensive proof of concept scripts for the different APIs available, though not for all the APIs that we have purchased. Respective scripts are available, but those scripts which are available are typically not of very high quality."
"We would really like further integration with our threat intelligence platform, which is called ThreatConnect. We would also really like further integrations with an endpoint protection product we use called Tanium. The reason I mentioned both of these is that ReversingLabs claims to have extensive integrations with both of them, but they did not work for us."
"I would like to see if we could do a little bit more of bulk uploading of hash sets. Right now, I can only do them individually."
"The product support could be better at times. Sometimes, the resources that they provide could be of higher quality."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Depending on the use case, the cost could range from $10,000 USD to $70,000 USD."
"The price is low. It's not an expensive solution."
"The price is quite high because the behavior of the software during the scan is similar to competing products."
"It is expensive."
"The price charged by Black Duck is exorbitant."
"The pricing is a little high."
"I rate the product's price one on a scale of one to ten, where one is a high price, and ten is a low price."
"Black Duck is more suitable if you require a lot of licensing compliance. For smaller organizations, WhiteSource is better because its pricing policies are not really suitable for huge organizations."
"Currently, the license number of lookups that we purchased has not been reached yet, because the integration has only recently been completed. However, our usage is expected and planned to increase over the next couple of months."
"We have a yearly contract based on the number of queries and malicious programs which can be processed."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Insurance Company
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

How does WhiteSource compare with Black Duck?
We researched Black Duck but ultimately chose WhiteSource when looking for an application security tool. WhiteSource is a software solution that enables agile open source security and license compl...
What do you like most about Black Duck?
The cloud option of the product is always available and a positive aspect of the solution.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Black Duck?
The price charged by Black Duck is exorbitant. For the features provided by the product, I would not want to pay a high price. There are many other products in the market that offer better features...



Also Known As

Blackduck Hub, Black Duck Protex, Black Duck Security Checker
ReversingLabs Titanium, ReversingLabs



Sample Customers

Samsung, Siemens, ScienceLogic, BryterCX, Dynatrace
Financial services, healthcare, government, manufacturing, oil & gas, telecommunications, information technology
Find out what your peers are saying about Black Duck vs. ReversingLabs and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.