AWS WAF vs F5 Silverline Managed Services comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
F5 Silverline Managed Services
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection (12th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Web Application Firewall (WAF) category, the mindshare of AWS WAF is 16.2%, down from 17.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of F5 Silverline Managed Services is 1.4%, up from 1.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection

Featured Reviews

Aug 9, 2023
Easy to configure and stable solution
There is room for improvement in pricing. The pricing for each rule group is a bit too high. It's a monthly subscription, and it can get quite expensive for rules that I won't use for my application. For example, I might create a rule group that costs $10, and I only use one of the rules in the group. That's $10 for a rule that I'm not even using! So, the pricing could be more flexible, or there could be a way to get discounts for unused rules. So, AWS WAF should have a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where I can only pay for the rules that I use.
Sep 17, 2020
It is flexible and lets you easily apply policies, but it needs to support more PoPs
F5 Silverline Web Application Firewall, being a new product in the market or comparatively related to a new product, currently supports less number of PoPs. They should introduce more PoPs. The current number of PoPs that they have is around 10 or 12, which is still relatively less as compared to 2,400 plus PoPs that Akamai offers. The user latency or the number of hops a user needs before reaching the actual web application is less in Akamai because it has its internal fabric to route the traffic. They need to spin up more data to increase its traffic handling capability. They can also include the bot detection capability, though it is a pretty advanced functionality. If they could include DataDome like functionality, that is, bot prediction, then F5 Silverline Web Application Firewall will be top-notch in the market.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The tool’s stability is very good."
"The most valuable features are the geo-restriction denials and the web ACL."
"We do not have to maintain the solution."
"AWS WAF has a lot of integrated features and services. For example, there are security services that can be integrated very well for our customers."
"As a basic WAF, it's better than nothing. So if you need something simple out of the box with default features, AWS WAF is good."
"If hackers try to insert bugs, the tool blocks it."
"The simple configuration and the scalability have been most valuable. We are able to scale across all of our different AWS instances."
"The most valuable feature is the addition of managed tools that help us create customizable rules. In case we want to block a particular request, we can make use of those rules."
"Most vendors fulfill the requirements for standard DDoS protection, but F5 Silverline Managed Services has a better understanding of defending web applications like HTTP and can mitigate more bot activity than any other vendor."
"The most valuable features are the configuration and configuring the process."
"The most valuable feature of F5 Silverline Managed Services is it becomes similar to a distributed architecture."
"The most valuable feature of F5 Silverline Managed Services is its cloud-native functionality and the high level of protection it provides."
"The product’s UI is easy to understand."
"We have a lot of businesses that we put behind this solution, and it has really helped us in terms of monitoring the logs and incidents."
"The most valuable feature is flexibility."
"F5 technical support is really good."


"AWS WAF could improve by making the overall management easier. Many people that have started working with AWS WAF do not have an easy time. They should make it easy to use."
"I would like to be able to view a graphical deployment map in the user interface that will give me an overview of the configuration and help to determine whether I have missed any steps."
"While the complexity of the installation can vary from one service to another, overall, I would say that it and the configuration and navigation are somewhat complex."
"For now, there is no feature to protect against attack of the bad bots"
"The user experience, the interface, is lacking. Sometimes it's hard to find certain areas that it has alerted on."
"In a future release of this solution, I would like to see additional management features to make things simpler."
"The product should improve the DDoS-related features."
"Technical support for AWS WAF needs improvement."
"I just hope the price can be cheaper."
"F5 Silverline Managed Services can improve by adding features that Palo Alto has."
"We need to have support for cloud protection, which is not offered by this solution."
"F5 Silverline Managed Services can improve by reducing the price."
"There is a lot of room for improvement with their tech support. I am not sure F5 Silverline Managed Services can be classified as having tech support."
"F5 Silverline Web Application Firewall, being a new product in the market or comparatively related to a new product, currently supports less number of PoPs. They should introduce more PoPs. The current number of PoPs that they have is around 10 or 12, which is still relatively less as compared to 2,400 plus PoPs that Akamai offers. The user latency or the number of hops a user needs before reaching the actual web application is less in Akamai because it has its internal fabric to route the traffic. They need to spin up more data to increase its traffic handling capability. They can also include the bot detection capability, though it is a pretty advanced functionality. If they could include DataDome like functionality, that is, bot prediction, then F5 Silverline Web Application Firewall will be top-notch in the market."
"The price is high in comparison to other products."
"In terms of the scalability, this part is always so confusing because they are checking for packet count. Also, after an attack, they said that the throughput must be from gigabits but then I check my bandwidth and it is already done in gigabits. So it is a little bit confusing."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I rate the product price a five on a scale of one to ten, where one is high price, and ten is low price"
"There are different scale options available for WAF."
"It's cheap."
"AWS WAF has reasonable pricing."
"The price is average."
"The price of AWS WAF is reasonable, it is not expensive and it is not cheap."
"AWS is not that costly by comparison. They are maybe close to $40 per month. I think it was between $29 or $39."
"It has a variable pricing scheme."
"The price of F5 Silverline Managed Services could be better, they are not very flexible. The price of the solution is based on the requirements of the enterprise."
"F5 Silverline Web Application Firewall works based on your bandwidth. They look at the clean bandwidth and do the pricing. 20% of a total pipe would be a clean bandwidth. The list price or a non-negotiated price for F5 Silverline Web Application Firewall would be around $2,200 per application per year for everything that you need. When you get into an enterprise kind of a setup, they negotiate this to the last bit. I would easily take 20% on that, which would be the cost, but it should cover all your Advance WAF features, bot protection, tech campaign, etc. It is built as a package and gives you most of the capability. You don't get the mobile SDK, which is an additional license. Mobile SDK is required only if you're buying or if you have a mobile application, and you are going to instrument F5 or Imperva into your mobile appliance. This anyways would be an additional module. It doesn't come within the WAF, but it is a WAF feature."
"The product’s pricing is reasonable."
"The price of F5 Silverline Managed Services could be reduced."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What are the limitations of AWS WAF vs alternative WAFs?
Hi Varun, I have had experienced with several WAF deployments and deep technical assessments of the following: 1. Imperva WAF 2. F5 WAF 3. Polarisec Cloud WAF Typical limitations on cloud WAF is t...
How does AWS WAF compare to Microsoft Azure Application Gateway?
Our organization ran comparison tests to determine whether Amazon’s Web Service Web Application Firewall or Microsoft Azure Application Gateway web application firewall software was the better fit ...
What do you like most about AWS WAF?
The most valuable feature of AWS WAF is its highly configurable rules system.
Is Citrix ADC (formerly Netscaler) the best ADC to use and if not why?
For ADC, any ADC can do a good job. But in case if you want to add WAF functionality to the same ADC hardware you have to look for other ADC's like F5, Imperva, Radware, Fortinet, etc.

Also Known As

AWS Web Application Firewall
F5 Silverline Web Application Firewall, F5 Silverline DDoS Protection



Sample Customers

eVitamins, 9Splay, Senao International
City Bank, Ricacorp Properties, Miele, American Systems, Bangladesh Post Office
Find out what your peers are saying about AWS WAF vs. F5 Silverline Managed Services and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.