
Is Citrix ADC (formerly Netscaler) the best ADC to use and if not why?

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Real User
Mar 16, 2021
Search for a product comparison in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Real User
Dec 14, 2020
Real User
Dec 14, 2020
Learn what your peers think about NetScaler. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
One platform for a consistent application delivery and security experience because nobody has time to learn multiple systems to manage ADC deployments. NetScaler is built with a single code base using a software-based architecture, so no matter which ADC form factor you choose — hardware, virtual machine, bare metal, or container — the behavior will be the same.
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Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) experts

AANKITGUPTAA - PeerSpot reviewer
Prasanth MG - PeerSpot reviewer
Derrick Brockel - PeerSpot reviewer
Rohit Ghorpade - PeerSpot reviewer
Saurabh-Pal - PeerSpot reviewer
Vijay Muddu - PeerSpot reviewer
SyedAbid Hussain - PeerSpot reviewer
Mehdi El Filahi - PeerSpot reviewer