
Why is Contact Center Platforms important for companies?

Ariel Lindenfeld - PeerSpot reviewer
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Find out what your peers are saying about Genesys, Five9, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and others in Contact Center Platforms. Updated: April 2024.
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Contact Center Platforms
PeerSpot users compared the pricing plans of various Contact Center Platforms, but only after considering other key features: the highest ranked considerations included open standards to allow for simple integration, user-friendly interface usability, and number/quality of features. Reliability such as call drop rates and security also ranked high as features that should be included in a quality Contact Center Platform. Intuitive call routing, customization, and reporting were also mentioned...
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Contact Center Platforms experts

Daniel Calatrava - PeerSpot reviewer
Nizamuddeen TZ - PeerSpot reviewer
Rajni Kumar Jha - PeerSpot reviewer
Subhransu Nayak - PeerSpot reviewer
Gaurav Ranjan - PeerSpot reviewer
Amanda Osier - PeerSpot reviewer
Matt McGrail - PeerSpot reviewer
Thomas Johnson. - PeerSpot reviewer