
Centralized Master Data Management (MDM) architecture: questions about out-of-the-box functionality and user-friendly environment

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RaviChopra - PeerSpot reviewer
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@reviewer1301331 Well, that is not fully true. I implemented Informatica MDM in multiple data domains both on prem and hosted in the cloud. Informatica has a lot of capabilities enabled out of the box. Moreover, in terms of prebuilt solutions they do have Customer 360, Product 360 and a few others that have predefined data model, lifecycle, UI, roles, workflows, etc.
It is though true that there's always a need to tweak various aspects of the application to the exact requirements. I have been implementing MDM tools for nearly 15 years and I don't recall any single installation, regardless of the software vendor, that wouldn't be configured as a part of the project.

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Cezar Santos - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 13, 2022
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What is master data management in the cloud? Cloud master data management (MDM) is the management of data in the cloud. It is used to transmit files securely and to ensure that an organization is always working with the most up-to-date and most accurate versions of data to make efficient and informed business decisions.
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