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Juniper vSRX pros and cons

Vendor: Juniper
3.9 out of 5

Pros & Cons summary

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Prominent pros & cons


Juniper vSRX deployment in the cloud is faster and easier compared to traditional office firewall setups.
The architecture of Juniper vSRX's OS offers flexibility, scalability, and is well-suited for handling large traffic volumes.
Juniper vSRX integrates effectively with safety applications, enhancing security without the need for third-party solutions.
Features like application filtering, content filtering, and the intrusion prevention system are highly valued.
Technical support services for Juniper vSRQ is rated excellent, enhancing user experience and reliability.


Stability could be improved.
Experienced technical issues during implementation.
Steep learning curve due to familiarity with other products.
Too many types of licenses are confusing.
Pricing may be too high for smaller organizations.

Juniper vSRX Pros review quotes

Aug 5, 2020
I'm told the solution is the fastest, and, so far, I do find that to be the case.
Jan 12, 2022
The most valuable features are application filtering, content filtering, the intrusion prevention system (IPS), and definitely the application firewall.
Jul 7, 2019
It's much faster to deploy a power source. If you need to deploy a firewall in the cloud of software, it's much easier and much faster than deploying the office firewall in a rush.
Learn what your peers think about Juniper vSRX. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
May 10, 2022
It's basic functionality is probably the most valuable feature.
Jul 2, 2019
The features we found most valuable are using the IDS and IPS during protection. The application filtering feature is great.
Sep 23, 2020
The initial setup is pretty simple.
Nov 27, 2019
The architecture of the OS in Juniper is very good. It's flexibility, scalability, and the technicality is also good.
Mohd.Rivai - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 26, 2024
I like the role-based functions, but the device can now perform most of the tasks. We have open access to CLI. You can access it directly. Many vendors have also opened their CLI to Linux, making troubleshooting easier.
Owais Malik - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 16, 2022
The pricing is reasonable.
Jul 14, 2019
The initial setup was very straightforward. There was no problem. The initial deployment took about one hour.

Juniper vSRX Cons review quotes

Aug 5, 2020
It could use more tutorials.
Jan 12, 2022
The reporting can be improved.
Jul 7, 2019
he stability could be improved.
Learn what your peers think about Juniper vSRX. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
May 10, 2022
The GUI really needs a lot of work, and it has got worse with successive version updates.
Jul 2, 2019
The pricing still needs some improvement.
Sep 23, 2020
Some people complain that the solution tends to have a steep learning curve. It could be because most people have basic familiarity with Cisco or other similar products and maybe have never worked closely with Juniper products.
Nov 27, 2019
In the next release, I would like to see improvements made to the GUI because it isn't very good.
Mohd.Rivai - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 26, 2024
The GUI needs to be faster.
Jul 14, 2019
They really need to improve the GUI.
Owais Malik - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 16, 2022
The solution can be improved by allowing automatic updates for the OS devices.